Daily Archives: November 21, 2012

Venus Enters Scorpio (November 21, 2012)


You have tak­en the mea­sure of one
anoth­er, you have sought the bal­anced way, mea­sure for mea­sure, as you offered
and received, as you tried to walk the mid­dle path with one anoth­er, the path
of con­scious coun­ter­point­ing, the path of peace…and you did it with grace,
and beau­ty and love…

But the wheels of life are spinning
’round and Venus must take her plunge, she is here to take you deep­er, into the
waters, into the depths of your feel­ings for one anoth­er. There she will help
you to find the “weav­ing way”, of blend­ing and bend­ing, as she weaves
her mag­ic webs of love, bring­ing you much, much clos­er to one another. 

For the next three weeks, Venus will
take you into the mys­ter­ies of Love and Union. She will ask you to exam­ine your
val­ues so that you might under­stand which of them are more true of you, which are the ones what
are tru­ly non-nego­tiable and make you, You! For any­one who wish­es to be with
you, would nev­er ask you to give those up, for if you did, well, then they would not be
able to expe­ri­ence a rela­tion­ship with you…because you would no longer be

And, she will equal­ly help to show you which
val­ues are more periph­er­al to the real you. Those val­ues are not essen­tial or
con­se­quen­tial, and can be sac­ri­ficed and sur­ren­dered to cre­ate or strengthen
your shared space of We with one anoth­er. For you must know, it is part of the
dance of life, you must be will­ing to sac­ri­fice to grow, you must be will­ing to
give if you are to receive the rewards of a greater life.

For that is the mys­tery and beau­ty of
True Union, that is the source of the growth you will expe­ri­ence through a True Rela­tion­ship. What is essen­tial, what it demands and offers, is that you make a deep­er com­mit­ment to what is true for you and you let go of what is not. You give up the less­er val­ues of your life as you
forge a deep­er tie with one another…and mag­i­cal­ly, won­drous­ly, you find that
in mov­ing clos­er to your beloved, in draw­ing close to one anoth­er, you have
actu­al­ly come that much clos­er to your own true self! For the only path you can follow…is Love.

Let Venus take you into the Waters of

Where you will hold and you must let go.

You will sac­ri­fice and discover…Love.

Co-cre­at­ing, you are the sacred mak­ers of

You will only find your way to one another…

When you Love and Hon­or your own true

Venus, god­dess of Love…

Only love will show you the way.