Mercury Turns Direct (November 26, 2012)


Mer­cury com­pletes his thrice-yearly,
three week long loop de loop of reflec­tions, intro­spec­tions and mental
self-cor­rec­tions (with the usu­al, those more than dis­tract­ing sideshows of contrarian
caus­es and effects)…You can breathe eas­i­er now as you begin to put into motion
those dis­cov­er­ies, adjust­ments and improve­ments you came up with dur­ing the
past three weeks…

What­ev­er was stuck, what­ev­er was delayed
or mis­placed, (or mis­un­der­stood by you and by oth­ers) will now come back into a
more felic­i­tous align­ment. You can pro­ceed with your usu­al expe­ri­ences of
obser­va­tion, analy­sis and expression…but hope­ful­ly you can take with you a
greater under­stand­ing of your con­stant need, day in and day out, to be more
self-aware, solic­i­tous and circumspect.

For that is what Mer­cury ret­ro­grade reminds
you, that you need to be more aware of your propen­si­ty to assume too much and
to ques­tion too lit­tle about your per­cep­tions and knowl­edge about your­self and
your world. It is far too easy to become com­pla­cent, to assume and seek self-val­i­da­tion and avoid con­trary indications…

You should take some time, per­haps sev­er­al times dur­ing each and
every day, (and not just dur­ing Mer­cury ret­ro­grade), you should take some time
to pause and re-con­sid­er your assump­tions and “facts”. You need to lis­ten more
intent­ly to one anoth­er’s points of view…and then, with that enhanced and
tem­pered aware­ness, plunge back into your spheres of action and activity
with more grace, poise and humil­i­ty. Now would not that be some­thing to see!

So yes, breathe eas­i­er this evening as
Mer­cury turns and your life can move for­ward again with few­er embarrassing
and annoy­ing stumbles…

But you should also take with you this
healthy reminder that you must always be vigilant…you need to main­tain your
self-aware­ness and reflec­tiv­i­ty at all times so as not to fall into error so

For you are what you thought, you will become
what you think…

Think about that!

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