Daily Archives: November 26, 2012

Venus Conjunct Saturn (November 26, 2012)


Your love returns for her annu­al reality
check. And though it often­times hurts, (oh yes it does, for this can be a time
when love may seem want­i­ng), this too is part of your jour­ney as you ques­tion, re-discover,
re-affirm and learn to express your true bound­less, foun­tain-source of value,
that true and eter­nal source of love that is the bright burn­ing core of you.

Actu­al­ly, this real­i­ty check hap­pens four
times per year as Venus and Sat­urn line up in a “chal­leng­ing” aspect
to one another…but this align­ment is the most impor­tant of these four
turn­ings. Why? Because this is the begin­ning of the Venus-Sat­urn cycle, sort of
like a “New Moon” for your Love and Real­i­ty, (and though it is nice
to wish and dream and fan­ta­size about beau­ty and love in your world, when it
comes down to it, here on Earth that it is, you real­ly need it to be Real,
don’t you!).

Venus is the bear­er of the ener­gy that
links each and every part of your cre­ation with every oth­er part. She is the
veil behind which sings the Song of Cre­ation itself, a melody which rang out
from the moment of that first, won­drous breath at the Begin­ning of the One. That
was when this uni­verse went from non-being into this spi­ral jour­ney of Becom­ing and it
is Venus who embod­ies this force which holds togeth­er all the ones who come
from that One…and you know and feel this as Love. This is what lies at the
core of you, this spark of Divine essence, and it is that which keeps you and
con­nects you to all of Cre­ation through all the ages…

Sat­urn is the bear­er of forms, the
real­i­ties you and every­one else make for your self-real­iza­tion, and these are your
expe­ri­ences that you must work in and through to become any­thing on this
phys­i­cal plane of Earth. The most pre­cious part of this real­i­ty-mak­ing you form
for your­self is the vehi­cle or expe­ri­ence of rela­tion­ship with one another,
your shar­ing and car­ing for each other…by your Lov­ing one anoth­er. Saturn
demands that the Dream, the Idea, the Essence of Love become real and
sub­stan­tial as man­i­fest­ed forms of Love of and for one another. 

But, as ever with Sat­urn, the teacher
and tester, there will come the shad­ows too, because the forms you and the
oth­er made were imper­fect, because you are not yet what you will be. The fears
that fall upon you are from your past and your pri­or attempts of love cast a
bro­ken light upon your present dreams for a bet­ter love today. Your fears spill
for­ward into the present and the true, abid­ing and bound­less love you hold
with­in you is unable to escape those shadows…and the love you seek to express
is less than it was to be. 

Sat­urn forces you to re-exam­ine, to look
with­in your shad­owed past, to see what lessons you have learned and mastered,
to see how well you have come to know and love your­self. For it is only by
approach­ing more close­ly the truth that lies at the heart of you, only by
find­ing and feel­ing that source of uncon­di­tion­al love that resides with­in you,
it is only when you can hear that Song of Cre­ation with­in your own heart, only then will you come to find the love you seek “out there”. 

That is why Sat­urn brings this feeling
of loss or the lack of love, of a less­er love or being unloved. Not because it
is true (for you are loved for­ev­er and always), but in order for you to feel
that pain, to come to know that this can­not be true, that it is not
“real”. So you will seek even hard­er, you will go even deep­er to
secure the under­ly­ing, undy­ing real­i­ty of the love that is at the core of you.

Venus meets with Sat­urn tonight, Beauty
and the Beast begin a new jour­ney togeth­er, and it is all about your circuitous
jour­ney to the heart of you, to the source of Light and Love that is within
you, ever and always…The source of Love is with­in you, sur­rounds you and illu­mi­nates all of Cre­ation too!

Clos­er, you draw to that light within…

Those shadows…will fade, fade away.

A bet­ter world awaits your heart…the dawn­ing of brighter days.

As you draw nearer…to your love…

To the first, that sweet­est song of songs… 

Love’s sweet melody…

Your Cre­ation Song!