Monthly Archives: December 2012

Full Moon in Cancer (December 28, 2012)


Look how far you have come…

Ten Moons ago, you began the
Astro­log­i­cal Year with a brac­ing release of renewed spir­i­tu­al inspi­ra­tion. And
through every sign, in every month lumi­nous Luna weaves her web around your
Earth, she swings in and out, she rides high and low, and all the while she is
your inter­locu­tor, your divine medi­a­tor, step­ping down and dis­pens­ing the
ener­gies that are wing­ing their way to you from the Star­ry realms above.

She’s out there today, between you and
the uni­verse, with Earth between her and the great Lord Sun. Twelve times a
year she reach­es this far­ther space and fills the night sky with her fully
illu­mined face, smil­ing upon you, bestow­ing her bless­ings and mes­sages for one
and all.

Today is spe­cial for her as the Sun has
begun his North­ward journey…he has turned the cor­ner hav­ing crossed one of the
four sacred points, the Win­ter Sol­stice in Capri­corn. Which means today Luna is
swing­ing through her very own realm, she is in the Sum­mer Sol­stice Sign of
Can­cer, and has much to share with you, to help you feel what informs the very
core of you.

For as much as Capri­corn will and must
bend your atten­tions at this time of year upon those pro­found con­sid­er­a­tions, your
des­tiny, dreams and goals, it is most cer­tain­ly true that none of these would
be pos­si­ble if your foun­da­tions were not secure. If you were not guid­ed from
with­in, by what makes you feel whole, com­plete and con­nect­ed to what is most true
to you, there would be no way to know what path and duty you should cleave to

At this Full Moon Luna reminds you that
it if you wish to know where you should go, to under­stand what you might become,
to tru­ly see your “Des­tiny”, you must not be dis­tract­ed or become
enam­ored by all those out­ward things, those baubles of your cul­ture as measured
in sta­tus and stand­ing, of wealth, fame or even renown. You need instead to
turn around, to look with­in through Luna’s light, look into your heart of
hearts, feel the abid­ing wel­com­ing warmth with­in, your self-illu­mined guiding
star, which will ever burn and bright­ly light your path, in this life, and life
after life.

For this core of you is what makes your
heart sing, it lifts your soul by help­ing you to feel the whole of you, and
your con­nec­tion to one and all, lead­ing you to the inti­ma­tions of what are for
you as yet unimag­ined heights. Yes, this is the only pas­sage, this the only way
to find your call­ing “out there”. You will only find the illumined
way through the fraught-filled pas­sage­ways of duty and des­tiny, of suc­cess (and
fail­ure too), you will only make it by nev­er let­ting go of what is always here,
who is ever walk­ing by your side. For always there is to be found your ever
faith­ful guide and friend, who is known by many names, but is quite simply
expe­ri­enced as the qui­et, steady reas­sur­ing voice and feel­ing of con­science and
love…it is your high­er self, who ever illu­mines the very essence and purpose
that forms the spir­i­tu­al heart of you.

This is Luna’s mes­sage now…she shows
you that you must look with­in before you con­tin­ue your climb. You must seek for
what feels right, to lis­ten to and fol­low you feel­ings, to dis­cern what is
right and true, because by doing so you will set your bear­ings by your own
North Star, and keep your feet upon the path that is the noble one for you. 

Where­as Capri­corn right­ly encour­ages you
to fol­low the out­ward paths of duty, that you must ful­fill your­self by abiding
in the forms, func­tions and exer­cis­es of pow­er that your world requires of you,
it is not enough. Luna offers this nec­es­sary coun­ter­point, she reminds you of the
“oth­er way”, that speaks to you beyond the shad­ows and forms…she
sim­ply says that you need to live with humil­i­ty and grace, to lis­ten to your
heart too. 

Yes, you must ful­fill your
responsibilities…and fol­low your feel­ings too…

You must walk the Inte­gral Path, the way
of the Spir­i­tu­al Warrior.

You must always and for­ev­er, live your
life with hon­or and duty… 

Embraced, informed and uplift­ed by your ever-enduring

Mars Enters Aquarius (December 25, 2012)


Remem­ber that road not tak­en, well here it comes again! 

For almost six weeks, you have been climb­ing that wind­ing, moun­tain path, up
and up that Capri­corn­ian Moun­tain of life…seeking, striv­ing and achieving
what your world deems mean­ing­ful and wor­thy. You know, “That you need to
ful­fill your duties, shoul­der your respon­si­bil­i­ties…”, and that by a
per­se­ver­ing ded­i­ca­tion you can reach that high­er ground and claim your prize,
yes, you have “made it”, you have arrived at the pin­na­cle of social

But now that will not be enough…your desires are shift­ing, turn­ing and
tun­ing to a more dif­fer­en­ti­at­ed, indi­vid­u­at­ed song of life. It is not enough to
do your duty, not enough to fol­low the tried and true, to fol­low the everyday,
ordi­nary path of ways and means. You seek a more nuanced expe­ri­ence that aligns
with what your inner voice whis­pers now as your truer, unique self…You need
to find and fol­low your heart’s desire and see your great­est hopes and dreams
come true by being the excep­tion­al one that you are!

You need to break free of the ordi­nary, the con­ven­tion­al and expected…you
need to be extra-ordi­nary and “different”…but above all, and behind
it all, you need to be Free! 

You wish to be free to deter­mine what you should do, where you should go,
what you will be and how you will get there. But how, how do you do this? If
you mere­ly go off and do what you want, aban­don­ing your duties and end up
let­ting down those around you…well, you might be freer for a while but you
would deeply dam­age the lives of those around you. Your so-called greater space
of free­dom came from the loss that they suffered…and no true free­dom can
come from this…no that is not “the way”.

Turn instead and be a bea­con for a greater space of free­dom for your­self and
oth­ers too. Turn your pur­suit of free­dom into a broad­en­ing, deep­en­ing and
strength­en­ing of the space of self-real­iza­tion for the many and not for just
your­self. For this is what Mars in Aquar­ius is real­ly all about…

It is about under­stand­ing that Free­dom is a social expe­ri­ence where­in you
acknowl­edge, sup­port and help to real­ize the truth, dig­ni­ty and beau­ty in each
and every per­son in your world. That you can only be free when you understand
that to extend your own space of free­dom you must equal­ly defend and extend
that sacred free space for all. 

For you can only expe­ri­ence free­dom, you can
only live out your hopes and dreams, (becom­ing who you were meant to be), by
doing this with and for those com­pan­ions who share those dreams with you…because
these very souls are for you, in the end, the very heart of your dreams too. 

With­out Free­dom for All there will be no true Free­dom for any one, not ever…

And that is why you must con­tin­ue to do the sacred work of creating,
extend­ing, blend­ing and shar­ing in your spaces of Free­dom with one
another…for this is the essence of your soul, this is your Sacred Path…

For your dreams are their dreams too, their hopes are yours as well…

And as Desire dri­ves your cos­mic journey…in this spi­ral dance of Light…

You need turn now with Mars, turn and be a Free­dom maker.

Be a bright­ly shin­ing one, a dream-mak­ing Bea­con on that Road…

Be a blaz­ing believ­er, a car­ing Creator…

Who is for­ev­er and always sharing,

What is Good and what is Right.

Sun Enters Capricorn, Winter Solstice (December 21, 2012)


Four Por­tals stand before you, Four Thresh­olds of Begin­nings you must cross
every year, and these Four Sea­sons, these Four Cor­ners mark your way around the
Cir­cle of Life.

These Four Turn­ings, these Four Direc­tions form and guide your jour­ney of
self-unfold­ment, they inspire and chal­lenge your ever-expanding
self-real­iza­tion and self-awareness…and it is today that you enter the Fourth
and final Por­tal, today you begin your jour­ney through the final three Signs of
the Astro­log­i­cal year. 

Today the pow­ers of Night and Shad­ow have reached their cli­max, the
Sun has dimmed, set­ting low­er and low­er, ever fur­ther south as your
Earth bends away
from her Star­ry Lord…And for the next sev­er­al days the world will wait
won­der, will the light return, will the Sun rise again? 

It is called the
“Win­ter Sol­stice” because sol­stice means the “Sun stands
still”. The Sun will appear to rise or set in the same posi­tion upon the
hori­zon for the next sev­er­al days. But around Decem­ber 24 or 25, the Sun will
rise a lit­tle High­er, Light will begin to return, the Sun will begin to climb
back again and your days will grow longer and longer…and Light, and Love and
Hope will rise up to warm the hearts of One and all…

Each Por­tal, each turn­ing will point you towards a new direc­tion for that
sea­son of your life, help­ing you to find your way through four ways of
Relat­ing. The First Por­tal of Aries, The East­ern Gate­way, begins the jour­ney as
you come to renew your Pres­ence, of how you relate your­self to your world. The
Sec­ond Por­tal of Can­cer, The North­ern Gate­way, takes you with­in, to the roots
of your being so that you may refresh your soul in the Waters of Life, so that
you can feel your way as you relate your­self to your foun­da­tions. The Third
Por­tal of Libra
, The West­ern Gate­way, helps you to see your­self through one
anoth­er as you expe­ri­ence the won­der of the We, you relate to your world ever
more con­scious­ly as you find the real “you” in and through one another. 

The Fourth and final Por­tal of Capri­corn, The South­ern Gate­way, lifts you up
to scale the heights of Duty and Respon­si­bil­i­ty, so you may ful­fill yourself
through par­tic­i­pa­tion in the larg­er world or soci­ety, as you substantially
relate your­self to your Des­tiny and Purpose. 

From Aries you seek to know who am I, from Libra you seek to know who are
you, in Can­cer you seek to know from where did I come, and now in Capricorn
you seek to know, “What am I des­tined to be? What is my pur­pose, why have
I come to this place…and where am I to go?”

The prin­ci­ple essence of Capri­corn is con­tained in the words “Ful­fill­ment”
and “Respon­si­bil­i­ty”.

For this is what you must ask of your­self at this Fourth and Final Por­tal of
Life. As you climb the ever-wind­ing path of des­tiny, as you the self-unfolding,
self-becom­ing won­der grow to be more than you were before, you release and bring
into being your won­drous poten­tials from with­in yourself…and the ques­tion you
must ask is what is this for, what is my true pur­pose, what will be my fulfillment? 

But of course you will find that there can be no final answer to this
ques­tion, because you walk upon a path of self-unfold­ment that takes you from
form to form, through realms and upon worlds, and there will be no final
end­point to your jour­ney what­so­ev­er. Yet, at every step along this path, you
are to learn to mas­ter these forms and realms and worlds as you come to know
your­self as you tru­ly are…that you are a spark of the Divine Spir­it, singing
and danc­ing through time and space and your ful­fill­ment is your becoming…your
pur­pose is to grow.

And as to that sec­ond word “Respon­si­bil­i­ty”, well it car­ries a
most sacred truth. You are a spark of the Divine, you are part of the One
Great Self, and you need know that each and every being who trav­els with you is
just like you, a self-unfold­ing spark of this Divine too. To under­stand this
con­cept you need to turn it around, the word respon­si­bil­i­ty becomes your duty
as mea­sured by your “abil­i­ty to respond”, by your capac­i­ty to respond
to the needs around you.

What are you are respond­ing to, to who or what are you responsible? 

You are here as part of a lumi­nous host of evolv­ing forms of
Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it, and you are quite sim­ply here to be respon­si­ble for
one anoth­er, to respond to one anoth­er, to care for one anoth­er. Because you
are here to rec­og­nize that when you look upon any par­ti­cle, being or world in this
won­drous Cre­ation, you are to rec­og­nize that quite pro­found­ly and simply…there
you are too!

You reach one hand upwards, as you see that those who have gone ahead
are now bend­ing down to help you on your way…and you extend your
oth­er hand behind you, because you need to help those who look to you
for guid­ance, as they in turn help those behind them, and so on…It is
the Way, this unbro­ken path, this chain of Life-Consciousness-Spirit
that thrills and cours­es through all of Creation…and this is it, this
is the rea­son why…you do this because…because you and they and all
of Creation…because you Love.

You are here at the Fourth Turning…

You are here to assume your prop­er place, to take up your Right­ful and True

For you and your fel­low com­pan­ions have trav­elled far and made this realm…

You are the cre­ators of this won­drous and most trou­bled, this world of
Lights and Shadows.

You are here at the Turn­ing, and it is your time to Decide…

Will you take your place of responsibility…Will you ful­fill your Destiny?

For you are the won­der, the Light-Bear­er blaz­ing across the heavens.

Becom­ing, ever-becom­ing an ever more con­scious co-cre­ator of this Cosmos…

Who sim­ply needs to extend their heart and their hand with Love.

Mercury Opposes Jupiter, The Galactic Center (December 17, 2012)


Your Jour­ney of Awareness…continues…Today
your low­er mind rep­re­sent­ed by Mer­cury stands oppo­site to your high­er mind
whose avatar is Jupiter, and you need to con­sid­er how you may grow clos­er and
clos­er, come that much clos­er to lift­ing the veil of mys­tery that hides the
Greater Reality…

Mer­cury in Sagit­tar­ius is pulling your
atten­tion towards find­ing the one and only way of see­ing things…that there is
one Truth and you must have it. But Jupiter in Gem­i­ni stands opposed now,
pro­vid­ing a much need­ed coun­ter­point, because Mer­cury’s way now can lead to
rigid­i­ty and dog­ma­tism, cre­at­ed by your self-cast­ed shad­ows of cer­tain­ty. Most
like­ly, anoth­er will come along now to shine anoth­er point of view upon some issue,
and you will have to shift your focus again, so that you may encom­pass a more
inclu­sive understanding…and you should be most grate­ful for this gift…

Mer­cury seeks the bright shin­ing light
of the One Way, the True Way to view your world, but this will most certainly
lead to casting/creating very deep shad­ows too. Jupiter’s cor­rec­tion reminds
you that you live in a mul­ti­tudi­nous, mul­ti­fac­eted and infi­nite­ly varied
uni­verse and that you must nev­er rest upon one song in the cho­rus of
under­stand­ing but you must instead learn to sing (and see) from many

For you trav­el in forms and worlds, and
worlds with­in worlds, where diver­si­ty and dif­fer­ence reign supreme in the
hier­ar­chies and worlds of this cos­mos. There are cer­tain abid­ing principles
that under­gird and guide this unceas­ing growth and self-real­iza­tion of Spirit,
and so you should seek for these com­mon themes and refrains in this grand Symphony
of Spirit…but you must be care­ful to not nar­row your view, or lim­it your
appre­ci­a­tion for the won­drous diver­si­ty that is Life-Consciousness-Spirit…


Mean­while, you approach a spe­cial time
of the year…For always around this date of Decem­ber 17, 18, 19 or so, the
Earth and Sun do some­what line up with the cen­ter of our Galaxy. It is nothing
to be alarmed about, or over­awed by either, it is just a moment to reflect that
now our Star, from our posi­tion as we orbit around this beam­ing won­der, have come
to this align­ment as we do every year. So as you gaze up at the Sun now know
that you are look­ing out towards the Cen­ter of your Galaxy, the hom­ing point, the
ori­gin point for the lives that fill this Galac­tic home of ours. It is time to
bow your head and give thanks for the Light, and Love and Life that streams
from this cen­ter to every and all who call the Milky Way home…

But there is some­thing more, a greater
mys­tery that you should acknowl­edge at this time of year too. If you should look
up tonight and for the next sev­er­al nights, say around 11 pm or 12 pm or 1 am.
If you face south and look up you will see a bright shin­ing star above you. That
is no star, it is the largest Lord after the Sun for your sys­tem, you behold
the Lord Jupiter, the Greater Benef­ic stand­ing there. Now, if you look to the
left and up from Jupiter, and cast your eyes upon that space above the
Con­stel­la­tion of Ori­on, above the “Belt of Ori­on”, you will find
your­self gaz­ing out upon a great expanse of Space. You are actu­al­ly look­ing out
upon the vast­ness of the beyond, you are gaz­ing out into eter­ni­ty, into the “spaces
of Space”.

You are look­ing out because you are
turned away from the Cen­ter of our Galaxy…you are look­ing out towards the
bound­less expans­es of space, towards the greater mys­ter­ies beyond your universe
and out into the count­less uni­vers­es that fill the end­less expanse of Space. 

For your Galaxy is one of countless
uni­vers­es of life-forms that fill the spaces of space. As the Ancients knew you
should too, that Space is not a void, and there is no “emp­ty”
space…Space is not a mere “con­tain­er” of mat­ter and ener­gy. Space
is quite sim­ply THAT. Space is filled with Life, it is the Plero­ma, and through
and through filled with, made by a shin­ing host of Life-Consciousness-Spirit…

Spir­it is Everywhere…

Mat­ter is Everywhere…

And hold­ing, embrac­ing them both

Love is Everywhere!

And you should know that there is but
one Self…

And you are part of THAT

The Ancient Truth, behind all of

I am That, I Am”!

Venus Enters Sagittarius (December 15, 2012)


Venus emerges from the Waters of Scorpio
to take flight through the Fires of Sagit­tar­ius. For the next three and half
weeks, your expe­ri­ences of val­ue, beau­ty and love are mov­ing out­ward again…you seek to know, to expand beyond the familiar…to find some greater peace and
accep­tance as you seek those sub­lime pathways
of understanding.

While in Scor­pio, you grap­pled with your
pas­sions for Union, with that urgent need to tran­scend your sep­a­ra­tion from one
anoth­er, and to expe­ri­ence, even for a moment, the unimag­in­able joy of being
one with one another. 

But if that divide was not spanned, then you experienced
the loss, the unimag­in­able pain of what was or could have been, or per­haps that
was nev­er meant to be…and you col­lapsed and sobbed for there is no greater
hurt than this…

Now you need to bring your­self to a
greater aware­ness, you need to under­stand what can inspire, guide and propel
your search for per­son­al mean­ing and sig­nif­i­cance. What beliefs do you hold, (or
do they have their hold on you)? Why do you want this thing, or this person?
Where does val­ue come from, what makes for your expe­ri­ence you call beauty,
where can you find your most precious…Where is Love?

If you find your­self with­out the
com­pan­ion, or in a union that is in jeop­ardy now, then you need to seek for reasons
as to why or how the bonds of val­ue that need be between you have not been met
and matched to the val­ues you hold with­in. Per­haps you can dis­cov­er, perhaps
you can seek togeth­er and find that there is more of val­ue out there and within
you too, and that you can find in this jour­ney your greater com­mon values…by going with­in as you go out­ward you may forge a deeper
under­stand­ing together. 

If you have come through Scor­pio as one,
then you can take this time to extend your expe­ri­ence of shared val­ues by
explor­ing the world togeth­er, and so deep­en and re-affirm the mean­ings behind
your val­ues, beau­ty and love. You can move beyond the famil­iar bound­aries and
bor­ders, explore new tastes, sen­si­bil­i­ties and delights togeth­er and help one
anoth­er become more to one anoth­er in your larg­er space of meaningfulness.

It is time, time to lift up your eyes
and gaze upon that far horizon…

To dream of times and tastes from a
hun­dred lands.

To explore this wide, won­drous world
before you…

Yes, it is time to dis­cov­er the mean­ing of
it all…together.