Daily Archives: December 1, 2012

Sun Opposes Jupiter (December 2, 2012)


Today is the “Full Moon” of
the Sun/Jupiter cycle, which began this year on May 13, 2012. You have jour­neyed for six
months, and now it is time to see what you have made of, by and for yourself.

The Sun rep­re­sents your Pure Potential
wait­ing to unfold into the real­i­ty that sur­rounds you. Jupiter rules your
Prin­ci­ples, Beliefs and Truths that form or cre­ate the path­ways that you will
fol­low for your real­i­ty mak­ing, your self-man­i­fes­ta­tion. Every year you begin a
new cycle of growth and self-real­iza­tion when the Sun and Jupiter line up with
one anoth­er in their con­junc­tion, then at the halfway point of their cycle, you
are offered this oppor­tu­ni­ty to con­sid­er how you have done. 

Every year your Growth Cycle will
fea­ture a new theme, advanc­ing by one sign of the Zodi­ac year by year, as
Jupiter moves through all twelve signs. Six months lat­er, as in
today’s align­ment, you get to see how you have done, how well the promise of that
new begin­ning’s seed­ing has been real­ized, and what you now need to do to see it

Today is your moment to take stock, to
reflect on your growth over the last six months. You need to assess how well you
have ful­filled your poten­tial and what you may need to change in order to do
better…to refine, cor­rect and/or per­haps even begin again. Yes, some­times the promise was not met , but it always pos­si­ble to begin anew, and this is here too for you today.

You need to take
this oppor­tu­ni­ty to pause, to recon­sid­er and com­pare your poten­tial to your
actu­al results. You need to make sure that not only is your growth good, but that
you also take this oppor­tu­ni­ty to make this sec­ond half of your year­ly growth
cycle even better. 

So, take a deep breath, step back and
see how far you have come, what you have done well or not so well, where growth
was good or less good. Then take some time to con­sid­er why this is so and what
you might do in order to make your self-real­iza­tion even better…And, of
course that word “con­sid­er” is exact­ly to the point, for the word consider
is actu­al­ly made of two parts: con= “To be among”, and sider= “Stars”.

So when­ev­er you pause to con­sid­er
some­thing think about that, you are sup­posed to stop, look up and seek for your
answer in that won­drous­ly great, majes­tic pageantry that are your star­ry companions,
those Lords of Des­tiny, who sweep and whirl above you. They mark, inform and
pro­pel the sea­sons of your life, and they can lead you clos­er to the reasons
for your life down here. They beau­ti­ful­ly reflect and are here to guide your jour­ney on Earth by their
Ellip­ti­cal Dance through the spaces of space, in those mar­velous heav­ens above!

Yes, these Lords of Time mark your jour­ney down here, and if you walk your path
in accord with their rhythms, you will find a greater peace mov­ing through your
mind and heart and soul, as you align your­self with this Uni­verse, as you make your long, long way home.

For one thing is most cer­tain­ly true,
and was been laid down long, long ago…

As it is above, so it is below”.

For those eyes to see and ears to hear, you
will find mean­ings all around…

Por­tents, signs and sym­bols of life are
ever-present and set before you…

All you need do is pause, take a deep
breath…and look up!

Behold, your life writ­ten in the Stars!