Mercury Enters Sagittarius (December 10, 2012)


Time to stretch your mind and see what you might
encom­pass, to move beyond those com­fort­able, self-blind­ing cer­tain­ties that
form the bor­der­lands of your low­er mind, those mir­rored ways that seem so clear
but only reflect back what you expect­ed to see. Yes, yes it is time to lift
your eyes from the here and now, from par­tial truths and frac­tured facts, it is
time to pon­der the won­ders of the greater world that is the “real­ly
real” all around you…Yes it is time…

"To see a world in a grain of sand,
And a heaven in a wild flower,
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
And eternity in an hour."
Auguries of Innocence by William Blake

Her­mes, The Mes­sen­ger, skips back into
Sagit­tar­ius, where he had pre­vi­ous­ly vis­it­ed from Octo­ber 29 until Novem­ber 14,
(all because of his ret­ro­grade from Novem­ber 6 through Novem­ber 26). Now Mer­cury leaves the Waters and moves into this ever seek­ing, reach­ing beyond those self-cast shad­ows, tak­ing high­er aim in this realm of Spir­i­tu­al Fire until
Decem­ber 31.

Your intu­itive perceptivities,
pas­sion­ate dis­cov­er­ies and mys­ter­ies unveiled while in Scor­pio need to find a
greater con­text of mean­ing now. Your per­son­al expe­ri­ence of those dra­mas, of
union and sep­a­ra­tion, like some tidal storm that came through your life, washed over you as a
windswept sea and left you tossed and turned upon some dis­tant shore…and so you must catch your breath, you
need to take your bear­ing, you need to find your way… 

Where did I come from, how did I come to
be here and what does it all mean? And so you turn once again, you look to the
teach­ings that have been passed down from the begin­ning, you seek for solace
and hope in those guid­ing lights of Phi­los­o­phy, Sci­ence and Religion…you seek
to under­stand you and your world, again.

So it is time, time to read a great
nov­el, to refresh your sto­ries from your cul­ture and espe­cial­ly from those from
dis­tant shores. For it is found in these jour­neys whether in mind or body, in
expe­ri­enc­ing anoth­er point of view, anoth­er cul­ture or time or place, it is
from such things that you reach a new under­stand­ing and per­spec­tive for your
own expe­ri­ence of you. Yes, time again to exam­ine your beliefs, the Wis­dom contained
in your Philoso­phies, the Truths delin­eat­ed by your Sci­ences, the Faith
reward­ed by your Religions…yes, you need this now…you need to understand…

Yes, it is time to seek, to dis­cov­er, to
wan­der far and wide…to accept and under­stand that you do not know, not yet…but
you must keep try­ing to push back the dark­ness, to seek for the Light of the
Greater Understanding…you must set your sights, Higher.

As Blake con­cludes his won­der­ful poem:

"God appears, and God is light,
To those poor souls who dwell in night;
But does a human form display
To those who dwell in realms of day."

As always and for­ev­er, your jour­ney of
Light and Love and Truth will continue…

You must fol­low the one injunc­tion, your
ever-present seeking…

That is the eter­nal, resplen­dent Light at
the heart of you. 

Seek­ing the How’s and Why’s and What’s
of your journey…

You real­ize, sil­ly one, it is all about Who.

And, as before and evermore…you

You must “Walk On”.

2 thoughts on “Mercury Enters Sagittarius (December 10, 2012)

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