Venus Enters Sagittarius (December 15, 2012)


Venus emerges from the Waters of Scorpio
to take flight through the Fires of Sagit­tar­ius. For the next three and half
weeks, your expe­ri­ences of val­ue, beau­ty and love are mov­ing out­ward again…you seek to know, to expand beyond the familiar…to find some greater peace and
accep­tance as you seek those sub­lime pathways
of understanding.

While in Scor­pio, you grap­pled with your
pas­sions for Union, with that urgent need to tran­scend your sep­a­ra­tion from one
anoth­er, and to expe­ri­ence, even for a moment, the unimag­in­able joy of being
one with one another. 

But if that divide was not spanned, then you experienced
the loss, the unimag­in­able pain of what was or could have been, or per­haps that
was nev­er meant to be…and you col­lapsed and sobbed for there is no greater
hurt than this…

Now you need to bring your­self to a
greater aware­ness, you need to under­stand what can inspire, guide and propel
your search for per­son­al mean­ing and sig­nif­i­cance. What beliefs do you hold, (or
do they have their hold on you)? Why do you want this thing, or this person?
Where does val­ue come from, what makes for your expe­ri­ence you call beauty,
where can you find your most precious…Where is Love?

If you find your­self with­out the
com­pan­ion, or in a union that is in jeop­ardy now, then you need to seek for reasons
as to why or how the bonds of val­ue that need be between you have not been met
and matched to the val­ues you hold with­in. Per­haps you can dis­cov­er, perhaps
you can seek togeth­er and find that there is more of val­ue out there and within
you too, and that you can find in this jour­ney your greater com­mon values…by going with­in as you go out­ward you may forge a deeper
under­stand­ing together. 

If you have come through Scor­pio as one,
then you can take this time to extend your expe­ri­ence of shared val­ues by
explor­ing the world togeth­er, and so deep­en and re-affirm the mean­ings behind
your val­ues, beau­ty and love. You can move beyond the famil­iar bound­aries and
bor­ders, explore new tastes, sen­si­bil­i­ties and delights togeth­er and help one
anoth­er become more to one anoth­er in your larg­er space of meaningfulness.

It is time, time to lift up your eyes
and gaze upon that far horizon…

To dream of times and tastes from a
hun­dred lands.

To explore this wide, won­drous world
before you…

Yes, it is time to dis­cov­er the mean­ing of
it all…together.

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