Daily Archives: December 17, 2012

Mercury Opposes Jupiter, The Galactic Center (December 17, 2012)


Your Jour­ney of Awareness…continues…Today
your low­er mind rep­re­sent­ed by Mer­cury stands oppo­site to your high­er mind
whose avatar is Jupiter, and you need to con­sid­er how you may grow clos­er and
clos­er, come that much clos­er to lift­ing the veil of mys­tery that hides the
Greater Reality…

Mer­cury in Sagit­tar­ius is pulling your
atten­tion towards find­ing the one and only way of see­ing things…that there is
one Truth and you must have it. But Jupiter in Gem­i­ni stands opposed now,
pro­vid­ing a much need­ed coun­ter­point, because Mer­cury’s way now can lead to
rigid­i­ty and dog­ma­tism, cre­at­ed by your self-cast­ed shad­ows of cer­tain­ty. Most
like­ly, anoth­er will come along now to shine anoth­er point of view upon some issue,
and you will have to shift your focus again, so that you may encom­pass a more
inclu­sive understanding…and you should be most grate­ful for this gift…

Mer­cury seeks the bright shin­ing light
of the One Way, the True Way to view your world, but this will most certainly
lead to casting/creating very deep shad­ows too. Jupiter’s cor­rec­tion reminds
you that you live in a mul­ti­tudi­nous, mul­ti­fac­eted and infi­nite­ly varied
uni­verse and that you must nev­er rest upon one song in the cho­rus of
under­stand­ing but you must instead learn to sing (and see) from many

For you trav­el in forms and worlds, and
worlds with­in worlds, where diver­si­ty and dif­fer­ence reign supreme in the
hier­ar­chies and worlds of this cos­mos. There are cer­tain abid­ing principles
that under­gird and guide this unceas­ing growth and self-real­iza­tion of Spirit,
and so you should seek for these com­mon themes and refrains in this grand Symphony
of Spirit…but you must be care­ful to not nar­row your view, or lim­it your
appre­ci­a­tion for the won­drous diver­si­ty that is Life-Consciousness-Spirit…


Mean­while, you approach a spe­cial time
of the year…For always around this date of Decem­ber 17, 18, 19 or so, the
Earth and Sun do some­what line up with the cen­ter of our Galaxy. It is nothing
to be alarmed about, or over­awed by either, it is just a moment to reflect that
now our Star, from our posi­tion as we orbit around this beam­ing won­der, have come
to this align­ment as we do every year. So as you gaze up at the Sun now know
that you are look­ing out towards the Cen­ter of your Galaxy, the hom­ing point, the
ori­gin point for the lives that fill this Galac­tic home of ours. It is time to
bow your head and give thanks for the Light, and Love and Life that streams
from this cen­ter to every and all who call the Milky Way home…

But there is some­thing more, a greater
mys­tery that you should acknowl­edge at this time of year too. If you should look
up tonight and for the next sev­er­al nights, say around 11 pm or 12 pm or 1 am.
If you face south and look up you will see a bright shin­ing star above you. That
is no star, it is the largest Lord after the Sun for your sys­tem, you behold
the Lord Jupiter, the Greater Benef­ic stand­ing there. Now, if you look to the
left and up from Jupiter, and cast your eyes upon that space above the
Con­stel­la­tion of Ori­on, above the “Belt of Ori­on”, you will find
your­self gaz­ing out upon a great expanse of Space. You are actu­al­ly look­ing out
upon the vast­ness of the beyond, you are gaz­ing out into eter­ni­ty, into the “spaces
of Space”.

You are look­ing out because you are
turned away from the Cen­ter of our Galaxy…you are look­ing out towards the
bound­less expans­es of space, towards the greater mys­ter­ies beyond your universe
and out into the count­less uni­vers­es that fill the end­less expanse of Space. 

For your Galaxy is one of countless
uni­vers­es of life-forms that fill the spaces of space. As the Ancients knew you
should too, that Space is not a void, and there is no “emp­ty”
space…Space is not a mere “con­tain­er” of mat­ter and ener­gy. Space
is quite sim­ply THAT. Space is filled with Life, it is the Plero­ma, and through
and through filled with, made by a shin­ing host of Life-Consciousness-Spirit…

Spir­it is Everywhere…

Mat­ter is Everywhere…

And hold­ing, embrac­ing them both

Love is Everywhere!

And you should know that there is but
one Self…

And you are part of THAT

The Ancient Truth, behind all of

I am That, I Am”!