Sun Enters Capricorn, Winter Solstice (December 21, 2012)


Four Por­tals stand before you, Four Thresh­olds of Begin­nings you must cross
every year, and these Four Sea­sons, these Four Cor­ners mark your way around the
Cir­cle of Life.

These Four Turn­ings, these Four Direc­tions form and guide your jour­ney of
self-unfold­ment, they inspire and chal­lenge your ever-expanding
self-real­iza­tion and self-awareness…and it is today that you enter the Fourth
and final Por­tal, today you begin your jour­ney through the final three Signs of
the Astro­log­i­cal year. 

Today the pow­ers of Night and Shad­ow have reached their cli­max, the
Sun has dimmed, set­ting low­er and low­er, ever fur­ther south as your
Earth bends away
from her Star­ry Lord…And for the next sev­er­al days the world will wait
won­der, will the light return, will the Sun rise again? 

It is called the
“Win­ter Sol­stice” because sol­stice means the “Sun stands
still”. The Sun will appear to rise or set in the same posi­tion upon the
hori­zon for the next sev­er­al days. But around Decem­ber 24 or 25, the Sun will
rise a lit­tle High­er, Light will begin to return, the Sun will begin to climb
back again and your days will grow longer and longer…and Light, and Love and
Hope will rise up to warm the hearts of One and all…

Each Por­tal, each turn­ing will point you towards a new direc­tion for that
sea­son of your life, help­ing you to find your way through four ways of
Relat­ing. The First Por­tal of Aries, The East­ern Gate­way, begins the jour­ney as
you come to renew your Pres­ence, of how you relate your­self to your world. The
Sec­ond Por­tal of Can­cer, The North­ern Gate­way, takes you with­in, to the roots
of your being so that you may refresh your soul in the Waters of Life, so that
you can feel your way as you relate your­self to your foun­da­tions. The Third
Por­tal of Libra
, The West­ern Gate­way, helps you to see your­self through one
anoth­er as you expe­ri­ence the won­der of the We, you relate to your world ever
more con­scious­ly as you find the real “you” in and through one another. 

The Fourth and final Por­tal of Capri­corn, The South­ern Gate­way, lifts you up
to scale the heights of Duty and Respon­si­bil­i­ty, so you may ful­fill yourself
through par­tic­i­pa­tion in the larg­er world or soci­ety, as you substantially
relate your­self to your Des­tiny and Purpose. 

From Aries you seek to know who am I, from Libra you seek to know who are
you, in Can­cer you seek to know from where did I come, and now in Capricorn
you seek to know, “What am I des­tined to be? What is my pur­pose, why have
I come to this place…and where am I to go?”

The prin­ci­ple essence of Capri­corn is con­tained in the words “Ful­fill­ment”
and “Respon­si­bil­i­ty”.

For this is what you must ask of your­self at this Fourth and Final Por­tal of
Life. As you climb the ever-wind­ing path of des­tiny, as you the self-unfolding,
self-becom­ing won­der grow to be more than you were before, you release and bring
into being your won­drous poten­tials from with­in yourself…and the ques­tion you
must ask is what is this for, what is my true pur­pose, what will be my fulfillment? 

But of course you will find that there can be no final answer to this
ques­tion, because you walk upon a path of self-unfold­ment that takes you from
form to form, through realms and upon worlds, and there will be no final
end­point to your jour­ney what­so­ev­er. Yet, at every step along this path, you
are to learn to mas­ter these forms and realms and worlds as you come to know
your­self as you tru­ly are…that you are a spark of the Divine Spir­it, singing
and danc­ing through time and space and your ful­fill­ment is your becoming…your
pur­pose is to grow.

And as to that sec­ond word “Respon­si­bil­i­ty”, well it car­ries a
most sacred truth. You are a spark of the Divine, you are part of the One
Great Self, and you need know that each and every being who trav­els with you is
just like you, a self-unfold­ing spark of this Divine too. To under­stand this
con­cept you need to turn it around, the word respon­si­bil­i­ty becomes your duty
as mea­sured by your “abil­i­ty to respond”, by your capac­i­ty to respond
to the needs around you.

What are you are respond­ing to, to who or what are you responsible? 

You are here as part of a lumi­nous host of evolv­ing forms of
Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it, and you are quite sim­ply here to be respon­si­ble for
one anoth­er, to respond to one anoth­er, to care for one anoth­er. Because you
are here to rec­og­nize that when you look upon any par­ti­cle, being or world in this
won­drous Cre­ation, you are to rec­og­nize that quite pro­found­ly and simply…there
you are too!

You reach one hand upwards, as you see that those who have gone ahead
are now bend­ing down to help you on your way…and you extend your
oth­er hand behind you, because you need to help those who look to you
for guid­ance, as they in turn help those behind them, and so on…It is
the Way, this unbro­ken path, this chain of Life-Consciousness-Spirit
that thrills and cours­es through all of Creation…and this is it, this
is the rea­son why…you do this because…because you and they and all
of Creation…because you Love.

You are here at the Fourth Turning…

You are here to assume your prop­er place, to take up your Right­ful and True

For you and your fel­low com­pan­ions have trav­elled far and made this realm…

You are the cre­ators of this won­drous and most trou­bled, this world of
Lights and Shadows.

You are here at the Turn­ing, and it is your time to Decide…

Will you take your place of responsibility…Will you ful­fill your Destiny?

For you are the won­der, the Light-Bear­er blaz­ing across the heavens.

Becom­ing, ever-becom­ing an ever more con­scious co-cre­ator of this Cosmos…

Who sim­ply needs to extend their heart and their hand with Love.

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