Mars Enters Aquarius (December 25, 2012)


Remem­ber that road not tak­en, well here it comes again! 

For almost six weeks, you have been climb­ing that wind­ing, moun­tain path, up
and up that Capri­corn­ian Moun­tain of life…seeking, striv­ing and achieving
what your world deems mean­ing­ful and wor­thy. You know, “That you need to
ful­fill your duties, shoul­der your respon­si­bil­i­ties…”, and that by a
per­se­ver­ing ded­i­ca­tion you can reach that high­er ground and claim your prize,
yes, you have “made it”, you have arrived at the pin­na­cle of social

But now that will not be enough…your desires are shift­ing, turn­ing and
tun­ing to a more dif­fer­en­ti­at­ed, indi­vid­u­at­ed song of life. It is not enough to
do your duty, not enough to fol­low the tried and true, to fol­low the everyday,
ordi­nary path of ways and means. You seek a more nuanced expe­ri­ence that aligns
with what your inner voice whis­pers now as your truer, unique self…You need
to find and fol­low your heart’s desire and see your great­est hopes and dreams
come true by being the excep­tion­al one that you are!

You need to break free of the ordi­nary, the con­ven­tion­al and expected…you
need to be extra-ordi­nary and “different”…but above all, and behind
it all, you need to be Free! 

You wish to be free to deter­mine what you should do, where you should go,
what you will be and how you will get there. But how, how do you do this? If
you mere­ly go off and do what you want, aban­don­ing your duties and end up
let­ting down those around you…well, you might be freer for a while but you
would deeply dam­age the lives of those around you. Your so-called greater space
of free­dom came from the loss that they suffered…and no true free­dom can
come from this…no that is not “the way”.

Turn instead and be a bea­con for a greater space of free­dom for your­self and
oth­ers too. Turn your pur­suit of free­dom into a broad­en­ing, deep­en­ing and
strength­en­ing of the space of self-real­iza­tion for the many and not for just
your­self. For this is what Mars in Aquar­ius is real­ly all about…

It is about under­stand­ing that Free­dom is a social expe­ri­ence where­in you
acknowl­edge, sup­port and help to real­ize the truth, dig­ni­ty and beau­ty in each
and every per­son in your world. That you can only be free when you understand
that to extend your own space of free­dom you must equal­ly defend and extend
that sacred free space for all. 

For you can only expe­ri­ence free­dom, you can
only live out your hopes and dreams, (becom­ing who you were meant to be), by
doing this with and for those com­pan­ions who share those dreams with you…because
these very souls are for you, in the end, the very heart of your dreams too. 

With­out Free­dom for All there will be no true Free­dom for any one, not ever…

And that is why you must con­tin­ue to do the sacred work of creating,
extend­ing, blend­ing and shar­ing in your spaces of Free­dom with one
another…for this is the essence of your soul, this is your Sacred Path…

For your dreams are their dreams too, their hopes are yours as well…

And as Desire dri­ves your cos­mic journey…in this spi­ral dance of Light…

You need turn now with Mars, turn and be a Free­dom maker.

Be a bright­ly shin­ing one, a dream-mak­ing Bea­con on that Road…

Be a blaz­ing believ­er, a car­ing Creator…

Who is for­ev­er and always sharing,

What is Good and what is Right.

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