Full Moon in Cancer (December 28, 2012)


Look how far you have come…

Ten Moons ago, you began the
Astro­log­i­cal Year with a brac­ing release of renewed spir­i­tu­al inspi­ra­tion. And
through every sign, in every month lumi­nous Luna weaves her web around your
Earth, she swings in and out, she rides high and low, and all the while she is
your inter­locu­tor, your divine medi­a­tor, step­ping down and dis­pens­ing the
ener­gies that are wing­ing their way to you from the Star­ry realms above.

She’s out there today, between you and
the uni­verse, with Earth between her and the great Lord Sun. Twelve times a
year she reach­es this far­ther space and fills the night sky with her fully
illu­mined face, smil­ing upon you, bestow­ing her bless­ings and mes­sages for one
and all.

Today is spe­cial for her as the Sun has
begun his North­ward journey…he has turned the cor­ner hav­ing crossed one of the
four sacred points, the Win­ter Sol­stice in Capri­corn. Which means today Luna is
swing­ing through her very own realm, she is in the Sum­mer Sol­stice Sign of
Can­cer, and has much to share with you, to help you feel what informs the very
core of you.

For as much as Capri­corn will and must
bend your atten­tions at this time of year upon those pro­found con­sid­er­a­tions, your
des­tiny, dreams and goals, it is most cer­tain­ly true that none of these would
be pos­si­ble if your foun­da­tions were not secure. If you were not guid­ed from
with­in, by what makes you feel whole, com­plete and con­nect­ed to what is most true
to you, there would be no way to know what path and duty you should cleave to

At this Full Moon Luna reminds you that
it if you wish to know where you should go, to under­stand what you might become,
to tru­ly see your “Des­tiny”, you must not be dis­tract­ed or become
enam­ored by all those out­ward things, those baubles of your cul­ture as measured
in sta­tus and stand­ing, of wealth, fame or even renown. You need instead to
turn around, to look with­in through Luna’s light, look into your heart of
hearts, feel the abid­ing wel­com­ing warmth with­in, your self-illu­mined guiding
star, which will ever burn and bright­ly light your path, in this life, and life
after life.

For this core of you is what makes your
heart sing, it lifts your soul by help­ing you to feel the whole of you, and
your con­nec­tion to one and all, lead­ing you to the inti­ma­tions of what are for
you as yet unimag­ined heights. Yes, this is the only pas­sage, this the only way
to find your call­ing “out there”. You will only find the illumined
way through the fraught-filled pas­sage­ways of duty and des­tiny, of suc­cess (and
fail­ure too), you will only make it by nev­er let­ting go of what is always here,
who is ever walk­ing by your side. For always there is to be found your ever
faith­ful guide and friend, who is known by many names, but is quite simply
expe­ri­enced as the qui­et, steady reas­sur­ing voice and feel­ing of con­science and
love…it is your high­er self, who ever illu­mines the very essence and purpose
that forms the spir­i­tu­al heart of you.

This is Luna’s mes­sage now…she shows
you that you must look with­in before you con­tin­ue your climb. You must seek for
what feels right, to lis­ten to and fol­low you feel­ings, to dis­cern what is
right and true, because by doing so you will set your bear­ings by your own
North Star, and keep your feet upon the path that is the noble one for you. 

Where­as Capri­corn right­ly encour­ages you
to fol­low the out­ward paths of duty, that you must ful­fill your­self by abiding
in the forms, func­tions and exer­cis­es of pow­er that your world requires of you,
it is not enough. Luna offers this nec­es­sary coun­ter­point, she reminds you of the
“oth­er way”, that speaks to you beyond the shad­ows and forms…she
sim­ply says that you need to live with humil­i­ty and grace, to lis­ten to your
heart too. 

Yes, you must ful­fill your
responsibilities…and fol­low your feel­ings too…

You must walk the Inte­gral Path, the way
of the Spir­i­tu­al Warrior.

You must always and for­ev­er, live your
life with hon­or and duty… 

Embraced, informed and uplift­ed by your ever-enduring

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