Monthly Archives: January 2013

Venus Enters Aquarius (February 1, 2013)


As if Mars mov­ing into Pisces were not
enough, the Plan­e­tary Lords have anoth­er gift for you today…Venus, the
God­dess of Beau­ty and Love moves into Aquarius…and you will find you want
noth­ing more than to form and share your hopes and dreams, to make and live your
bet­ter tomor­rows with your com­pan­ions and friends…You find your true
hap­pi­ness in being your­self, of being free to be you with your mer­ry band of brothers
and sisters.

Venus in Capri­corn held to the principle
that val­ues are good and true which have stood the tests of time…Those
clas­si­cal tastes and val­ues are time­less, formed by hon­or and kept in tradition,
and they will nev­er fade away…and yet…

Venus takes up the Urn of Aquar­ius to
offer you the heal­ing Waters of Enlight­ened Awareness…Now Venus sings a
dif­fer­ent tune while danc­ing through this Airy sign…your bet­ter days are not
to be found behind, in some dis­tant gold­en age. Venus in Aquar­ius swirls and dances
to the delights and many won­ders that still lie with­in and around you too. They
are wait­ing to be unfold­ed and shared by you and yours…for this is the dawn­ing of a new day…

No, you have not seen the best, nor will
you find it by look­ing to the past…for your future beck­ons, New Worlds await,
and your New Gold­en Age is wait­ing for you and your companions…and togeth­er you will be
the foun­tain source of brighter tomorrows!

Love is now love that finds delight in
being you, pre­cise­ly because you are with those who only wish for you to be
exact­ly more of that! To be true to one­self and to accord to them this same
space of free­dom too…This is the uncon­di­tion­al Love of Aquarius.

Be your­self, be free and be amazed…

Then turn and hail the Light as a new Day Dawns.

Mars Enters Pisces (February 1, 2013)


Your Desires have come around, from that
ever-renew­ing Incep­tion point of Aries to this moment of Apoth­e­o­sis in Pisces,
yes from Alpha to Omega you have trav­elled with Mars on a two-year journey
through the Zodi­ac. As you made your way togeth­er, the shin­ing Red one pushed
and pulled you towards what you want­ed, guid­ed you through the veils of what
you seek, all the while lift­ing you up towards what you aspire to be.

And so it comes down to this, to this
final phase of your self-real­iza­tions formed by those innu­mer­able self-assertions,
and now you have before you what has always been your great­est longing…to be
ful­filled, to be com­plete, to real­ize the won­der that is you. Just one final
step, one last les­son and you will pass beyond and rise above this world of
shad­ows and illusions…at least for a lit­tle while.

But what is this les­son? What must you
now bring forth from with­in your­self in order to reach this Promised Land?

All your efforts to this point have
been, of neces­si­ty, focused upon your need to assert yourself…to strive, to
com­pete and win…all so that you might ful­fill your fun­da­men­tal need which is
to Grow. You have made your­self strong, fine-tuned your pur­pose­ful­ness and
determination…but now Spir­it has one more thing to ask of you, and it is
profound.…It has all been lead­ing to this: 

Now you must learn how to be
self-assertive in Self­less Ways.

This has been the whole pur­pose since
your begin­ning, all those steps and chal­lenges, all those tri­umphs and defeats,
all were there in order to make you both strong and sen­si­tive, to know when to
be force­ful and when to yield…all to acquire the wis­dom so that you might
dis­cern how and when to do the one or the other…all in order to find the Mid­dle Way, the roy­al way of the Spir­i­tu­al Warrior…to find and walk the one true path of balanced

Mars in Pisces calls for you to be
guid­ed by your under­stand­ing that all of cre­ation, that every sin­gle particle
and iota that forms the very vast­ness of this universe…every one of those is
your Broth­er and Sis­ter too…for the fun­da­men­tal Truth is that there is but
One Spir­it, one fun­da­men­tal ener­gy that binds each and every spark of the
Divine to one another.

So Mars in Pisces turns your striv­ing to
become more one with that, to devote your­self to fight­ing for and with Unconditional
Love, Empa­thy and Com­pas­sion for all the forms of life that thrill through the
Cos­mos, that form this Cosmos…for this is your Ori­gin and your Destiny.

Now is the time for sac­ri­fice, to give
up the less­er as you hon­or the greater with­in and around yourself…

Now is the your time to Make Sacred your
dai­ly life, to be strong and sen­si­tive, to be pas­sion­ate­ly compassionate…

Sac­ri­fice your ego…

Sur­ren­der your low­er self…

and behold the New World revealed.

Jupiter Turns Direct (January 30, 2013)


I wrote about this turn­ing in my 2013
Gen­er­al Forecast:

Jupiter Direct (Jan­u­ary 30,
2013 until Novem­ber 6–7)

Jupiter, who guides you upon your Path
of Under­stand­ing, turns direct and you must shift your search for mean­ing away
from your inner path­ways of growth to focus upon the realms of life around you.
You have revis­it­ed, revised and renewed your out­look on life for almost four
months now…time to put it out there and build a bet­ter world!

Jupiter rules your Prin­ci­ples, Truths
and Beliefs. As such, Jupiter is ever-seek­ing to guide you towards a more inclu­sive and deeper
Under­stand­ing about your­self and of your world. 

For four months you have been on an
inner jour­ney of re-dis­cov­ery as regards the foun­da­tions of what you believe to
be true, what shapes your views of your­self and your world and so determines
how you relate to the world around you.

Now comes your oppor­tu­ni­ty to go out
again with this deep­er under­stand­ing and build bet­ter path­ways of growth and
under­stand­ing into the world around you. 

You have sought the Truth, now it is time
to Be that Truth!

Open-mind­ed and curi­ous, you seek the
Greater Understanding…

Let Jupiter in Gem­i­ni lead you now into
a more inclu­sive expe­ri­ence of your­self and your world…

It is time…to expe­ri­ence your fun­da­men­tal Truth…

It is time to Grow.

Full Moon in Leo (January 26, 2013)


She is out beyond there again, in the
bound­less space between you and the Uni­verse. She is the Weaver of Energies,
cir­cling around your home here on Earth, sweep­ing high and low, in and out as
she brings you mes­sages from your Star­ry Com­pan­ions. Luna has reached her
Far-Point again, you see her there, burn­ing bright­ly in the Heav­ens, in this
Eleventh Full Moon of the Astro­log­i­cal Calendar. 

At each New Moon you receive a gift of
new Spir­i­tu­al Inspi­ra­tion, an infu­sion that uplifts and guides your journey
through the Stars. And, at each Full Moon you receive anoth­er gift, a Spiritual
Rev­e­la­tion about the rela­tion­ship between two Great Truths about your jour­ney, Two
Truths that may seem to be at odds with one anoth­er… but actu­al­ly each can only
exist, thrive and become ful­filled with and through one another. 

The Sun is sail­ing through Aquar­ius now,
and your atten­tions must be focused upon your Hopes and Dreams, your
Bright­ly beam­ing future visions of a world that is yet to be. You seek to live
in and bring about a world for you and yours, for it is in your Com­pan­ion­ships, Fel­low­ships and through your Friends that your bet­ter days will dawn. 

But it is in those friend­ships and
com­pa­nies, in join­ing with your bands of broth­ers and sis­ters, that you may sometimes
bend too far along this path of belong­ing, of being part of one like any other,
so that you lose your way of being the spe­cial one you are…

So Luna ris­es, burn­ing bright­ly in Leo,
she ris­es to Light the Way. As always, Spir­it moves to fill the Cup of Life, to
bring about “The Bal­ance”, and what you most need now is to be
remind­ed, to be reas­sured, that it is right and prop­er, and most nec­es­sary for
you to be…Spe­cial.

For you are like no oth­er, you are a daz­zling, wondrous
Spark of the Divine. And as much as you belong to and are part of these Greater
Wholes, these Fel­low­ships and Bands, count­less col­lec­tions of sparks in this Uni­verse of Light, you are
equal­ly a dis­tinct, spe­cial and impor­tant one of the ones of the One.

Luna ris­es now, to remind you of the
oth­er side of your sto­ry, you must always remem­ber and hon­or: “This above
all: to thine own self be true”**
. For if you give too much, sur­ren­der too
much of you in order to part of your com­pan­ion­ships, you will deny your own true self…and
you will deny to them too, the ben­e­fits that would have come from know­ing that
truer you.

Luna in Leo urges you to reveal that
greater you, to stretch, to reach, to become what you were meant to be…and pre­cise­ly because you
are with your friends, who share what you dream of too, they will thrill to see you as you are, a
tru­ly Shin­ing Star in a daz­zling com­pa­ny of Stars.

**William Shake­speare, “Ham­let”

Sun Enters Aquarius (January 19, 2013)


Here in the Fourth Turn­ing of the
Astro­log­i­cal Year, you have reached the mid­dle pas­sage and you enter the
full­ness of this final sea­son of the Cir­cle of Life. 

The heart­beat of your
Star­ry jour­ney, day after day (and life after life) comes in threes: There is a
time for new begin­nings, a time to hold and be stead­fast, and a time to prepare
for what lies ahead. These nat­ur­al rhythms are what divides the Signs into
Car­di­nal, Fixed and Muta­ble qualities…it is all part of this won­drous sweeping
of Zodi­a­cal ener­gies that form and fash­ion these sea­son­al Cycles of Life. They
lift you, guide you and inspire you to do what you must do as you seek “The
Way”…as you jour­ney as a spark of the Divine, wing­ing your way in

You have just spent the last month
climb­ing, up and up, seek­ing the sum­mit of your Moun­tain of Mean­ing. You sought
to reach ever high­er and go ever onwards, for your eye was on the prize, the
promised land of the next high­er realm in your expe­ri­ence of Self-Ful­fill­ment and
Des­tiny. This is what you expe­ri­enced in your time of Capricorn. 

(Of course,
you must remem­ber, that any and all of these Twelve Ener­gies are work­ing in
your life each and every day, as they must. For these are the Twelve-Fold energies
that thrill through­out and form the Spir­i­tu­al-Essences and Sub­stance-Forms that
sus­tain this real­i­ty, that are this Real­i­ty, that are you). 

You must con­sid­er now what is the value,
to what end were you reach­ing ever high­er. What is it that beck­ons now beyond
this achieve­ment, what is left after you have reached your Plateau of
Plen­i­tude? Beyond your­self and your achieve­ments, beyond those rewards and
recog­ni­tions, you may ask what is this, what yet remains? 

To answer this you need to know, what is your jour­ney real­ly all about? It was right and prop­er to bring your­self to some
form of Ful­fill­ment in Capri­corn, for it is an Earth sign whose pur­pose is to
make man­i­fest your gifts in those oh so real, sub­stan­tial and tan­gi­ble ways…which
is, after all, quite the point of your entire Earth­ly journey. 

The Wheel of Life has turned again, and now you enter Aquar­ius. Energies
are shift­ing now, mov­ing beyond the ordi­nary and towards the unex­pect­ed and
excep­tion­al. You have entered upon a dif­fer­ent realm, an Airy Realm of Mind and
Thought. For here in the land beyond what forms the famil­iar and the status
quo, you are asked to move away from con­ven­tion and rev­el in what makes you different
and spe­cial (and that makes every­one else spe­cial too). 

For what you have always wished for,
dreamed of and now yearn for is before you…you under­stand the mean­ing behind
your life…it is all about your Indi­vid­u­al­i­ty.
It is quite sim­ple, yet pro­found, you just want to be “You”, to be true
to your unique self and to abide in Free­dom

Yes, your pas­sage through Aquar­ius is
about this most fun­da­men­tal point of your whole jour­ney, which is that you need
to become, to keep striv­ing to real­ize even more tru­ly, what you already are
with­in yourself…a shin­ing spark of the Divine. For every­thing comes from
this, your self-becom­ing is what dri­ves this sto­ry of Creation.

Yet, it is not enough nor pos­si­ble for
you to do this by your­self, for how could your self-real­iza­tion or free­dom be
com­plete if it were not also true for those with whom you trav­el? For your
dreams are their dreams, their ful­fill­ment is yours too…

This is what calls to you now, this realm
of broth­er­hood and sisterhood…it is your life of “All for one and One
for all”, it is your fel­low­ships and com­mu­ni­ties, your com­pan­ions and stalwart
band of believ­ers, your friends who are forever. 

Your dreams and hopes for a bet­ter tomorrow
are made of this.

For only togeth­er, as dream­ers, believers
and doers, will you make the New World. 

This is your time to dream together…

This is your time to believe together…

This is your time to make a Better