Daily Archives: January 10, 2013

New Moon in Capricorn (January 11, 2013)


It is your first New Moon of the Civ­il Year, but it is the Tenth Moon in the
Astro­log­i­cal Cal­en­dar. For know this, the Stars take lit­tle notice of your
attempts to find order in your world. They dance and weave through eternity,
and their melodies and motions form the real foun­da­tion for marking
“Time” in this Universe. 

All human attempts to dis­cern and demar­cate the rhythms or life must
ulti­mate­ly bow before this, the Mas­ter-Mak­er, the danc­ing, whirling Luminous
and Eter­nal Clock of Life. It is these, your con­stant com­pan­ions, the Stars and
Plan­ets, who will ever light the path as you draw clos­er and clos­er to
under­stand­ing your jour­ney through these spaces of Space. 

The New Moon in Capri­corn is cer­tain­ly all about time, after all the planet
of Capri­corn is Sat­urn, the ruler or mark­er of time in your world. At this New
Moon, you need to con­sid­er this most pre­cious gift, which is your time here on
Earth. The ques­tions before you now are quite sim­ple but most profound…Have
you made the most of the time that is allot­ted to you, “Have you done your
Duty, are you liv­ing Respon­si­bly, and when will you ever expe­ri­ence true Fulfillment?” 

The Moon has slipped between you and your Sun, it is her time of darkness
now and you can­not see her. She has come around again, to ful­fill her mission
and pur­pose, which is to weave this web of ener­gies that come to you from your
Star­ry Com­pan­ions, she gath­ers them, brings them togeth­er and bestows them here for you upon the
Earth. Today, the Moon and the Sun have come togeth­er to offer you a new
dis­pen­sa­tion of Spir­i­tu­al Hope, a gen­tle reminder to help lift you up on your
jour­ney of dis­cov­ery and self-realization. 

For this is the mes­sage behind this release of potent spir­i­tu­al inspiration,
this is the gift of the Sun and Moon to you now, here at this Tenth Hour of
Life. These Lights of your Life align to remind you to focus upon the one
sacred point…

That you must con­sid­er to what end, what is the pur­pose of your
life. They remind you that you must take your­self seri­ous­ly, that you need to
tru­ly under­stand what you are made for and capa­ble of…and then to sim­ply go
forth and do it!

For this is why you jour­ney here, this is what time on Earth is for.

You are here to become a Master…and you path is Self-Mastery.

You are here to be Fulfilled…and your path is Self-Fulfillment.

You are here to be Responsible…and your path is to take Care of one

It is your time to be a Star…