Mars Enters Pisces (February 1, 2013)


Your Desires have come around, from that
ever-renew­ing Incep­tion point of Aries to this moment of Apoth­e­o­sis in Pisces,
yes from Alpha to Omega you have trav­elled with Mars on a two-year journey
through the Zodi­ac. As you made your way togeth­er, the shin­ing Red one pushed
and pulled you towards what you want­ed, guid­ed you through the veils of what
you seek, all the while lift­ing you up towards what you aspire to be.

And so it comes down to this, to this
final phase of your self-real­iza­tions formed by those innu­mer­able self-assertions,
and now you have before you what has always been your great­est longing…to be
ful­filled, to be com­plete, to real­ize the won­der that is you. Just one final
step, one last les­son and you will pass beyond and rise above this world of
shad­ows and illusions…at least for a lit­tle while.

But what is this les­son? What must you
now bring forth from with­in your­self in order to reach this Promised Land?

All your efforts to this point have
been, of neces­si­ty, focused upon your need to assert yourself…to strive, to
com­pete and win…all so that you might ful­fill your fun­da­men­tal need which is
to Grow. You have made your­self strong, fine-tuned your pur­pose­ful­ness and
determination…but now Spir­it has one more thing to ask of you, and it is
profound.…It has all been lead­ing to this: 

Now you must learn how to be
self-assertive in Self­less Ways.

This has been the whole pur­pose since
your begin­ning, all those steps and chal­lenges, all those tri­umphs and defeats,
all were there in order to make you both strong and sen­si­tive, to know when to
be force­ful and when to yield…all to acquire the wis­dom so that you might
dis­cern how and when to do the one or the other…all in order to find the Mid­dle Way, the roy­al way of the Spir­i­tu­al Warrior…to find and walk the one true path of balanced

Mars in Pisces calls for you to be
guid­ed by your under­stand­ing that all of cre­ation, that every sin­gle particle
and iota that forms the very vast­ness of this universe…every one of those is
your Broth­er and Sis­ter too…for the fun­da­men­tal Truth is that there is but
One Spir­it, one fun­da­men­tal ener­gy that binds each and every spark of the
Divine to one another.

So Mars in Pisces turns your striv­ing to
become more one with that, to devote your­self to fight­ing for and with Unconditional
Love, Empa­thy and Com­pas­sion for all the forms of life that thrill through the
Cos­mos, that form this Cosmos…for this is your Ori­gin and your Destiny.

Now is the time for sac­ri­fice, to give
up the less­er as you hon­or the greater with­in and around yourself…

Now is the your time to Make Sacred your
dai­ly life, to be strong and sen­si­tive, to be pas­sion­ate­ly compassionate…

Sac­ri­fice your ego…

Sur­ren­der your low­er self…

and behold the New World revealed.

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