Daily Archives: February 9, 2013

New Moon in Aquarius (February 9–10, 2013)


She slips between,
between you and your Shin­ing One, for it is her time to release and receive
anew the Gifts of the Spirit…and it for this very rea­son that she is placed
there between you and your Star, it is for this sacred pur­pose that she serves
you. Yes, dear Luna brings to you what you will need next in your journey…she
brings you the gifts of Inspi­ra­tion, Hope and Meaning. 

At each and every New Moon, the Sun imparts a distinct
elixir of Spir­i­tu­al Meaning…potent, pow­er­ful and often­times, giv­en your
valiant attempts to under­stand, a lit­tle too over­whelm­ing for you. So it is
Luna’s task and joy to stand between you and these mes­sages, to serve as
medi­a­tor or inter­locu­tor between you and the mes­sages from this Solar link to
the Heart of the Cos­mos. For from the depths of the Sun, hid­den behind his
won­drous Veil of Glo­ry, there radi­ates out­ward an ever-resplen­dent Light that
car­ries Waves of Mean­ing from the Heart of Cre­ation. This Light, which is much
greater and more nuanced than you will ever per­ceive with just your eyes, is a
Beam­ing Bless­ing and it is there for your Illumination…but it can often blind
as well.

And so Luna, dear, dear Luna offers her veil of
pro­tec­tion and car­ries Earth­ward these mod­u­lat­ed mes­sages from the Heart of
Creation…she serves so that you might under­stand and con­tin­ue your journey
toward the greater Light with­in and around you too.

Here at the Eleventh
New Moon you receive the Felic­i­tous gift of Fel­low­ship, of find­ing, bind­ing and
cel­e­brat­ing your tried and true, your stead­fast fel­low dreamers…for they are
quite sim­ply your Faith­ful Friends, your con­stant Companions.

It is at this near­ing to the com­ple­tion of your yearly
jour­ney, it is now that you will turn to see what it has all been for. And you
will real­ize that it could not have been done, nor would it have been
mean­ing­ful, if your jour­ney was by or for you alone. You trav­el with your
fel­low Stal­wart Seek­ers, whose dreams are yours as you are in theirs…for you
are Soul Seek­ers who dream and cre­ate togeth­er, and your lives are bound to one
anoth­er as you seek to make and live in that bet­ter, brighter New World that is
to come.

So at this qui­et moment, in the dark­ness that holds
the Lumi­nos­i­ty that ever beams from the Cos­mic Cen­ter, you should bow and thank
your dear Luna, your New Moon Friend, as you seek to under­stand and fol­low the
Light that will not go out, not ever.

It is with­in you, as it is in her and through­out all
of Cre­ation too, the radi­ant splen­dor that puls­es through this Cos­mos, the Love
of One for one and all.

In this time, and at all times, be with one another…

Be for one another…

Be Friends.