Venus Square Saturn (February 11, 2013)


Time for anoth­er real­i­ty check…and you know it is going to
hurt…at least just a lit­tle (and maybe more than a lit­tle). But this is the
way, this has always been the way…This is how you grow, for the pain you
encounter is the nec­es­sary cat­a­lyst that will help you to let go of the lesser
sense of your­self, so that you might dis­cov­er the greater with­in and around you

Venus rules your val­ues, your
appre­ci­a­tion of beau­ty and your love for one anoth­er. In the end, it all comes
down to this one fun­da­men­tal truth, it all comes down to your rela­tion­ship to
your own wor­thi­ness, to your own val­ue of yourself…to your love of self.

Four times a year you need (and
you will get) a real­i­ty check about your love of self which will equal­ly and
pro­por­tion­al­ly be reflect­ed in the love you have with and for one anoth­er. You
will look with­in to take the mea­sure of your­self, then look around and see how
well you have giv­en and received of your­self, how well you have loved and are
loved in your life.

This time Venus is in Aquarius,
and she is seek­ing to extend your expe­ri­ence of the free­dom that is found in
and through your all your self-real­iz­ing authen­tic­i­ties. To be one­self, to be
true to one­self com­plete­ly, to have the free­dom to be tru­ly one­self without
limitation…well, that is every­thing to you with Venus in Aquarius.

But Sat­urn has a poignant
reminder for Venus now…you can only be as free as your con­nec­tion, communion
and devo­tion to your­self is deep and true…and this deep­er rela­tion­ship with
your­self will be and must be equal­ly met and mea­sured in the union you have
with one anoth­er too.

You can­not be “free”
and be alone…for you are only free to the extent that you real­ly understand
one anoth­er, and that you believe in, sup­port and encour­age one anoth­er to be
more tru­ly “That”. For in these deep­er com­mit­ments to one anoth­er you
free each oth­er to become more of your selves than you ever could have been
with­out expe­ri­enc­ing such deep and abid­ing love. 

Sat­urn may bring you to a
painful moment here…for you need to look and see whether you have enough love
for your­self and for one anoth­er too. You may feel a lack or loss of true
con­nec­tion or com­mit­ment, per­haps a rejec­tion and/or some form of
self-rejection…and this hurts…as it should.

But you need to expe­ri­ence this
hurt and see the promise that is there in this pain, to see the pain as the
echo or shad­owed reflec­tion of the under­stand­ing, com­mit­ment and love that is
yet to be for you…and know that it will, someday…for it is your true

You encounter this pain because
you are not yet out­ward­ly what you have with­in your­self. You would not be in
pain if you did not feel this divide, between what is to be and what you have
so far been able to become.

The way through, the way to
accept and move beyond your pain, is to remem­ber that with­in you, at the
Shin­ing-Burn­ing Bright core of you, there is a spark of the Divine…and this
same Lumi­nous Pres­ence is the very heart and soul and source of Love in you and
through­out all of Cre­ation too…

And some­day you will know, and
feel and live this Truth through and through…

And the illu­sion of loss and
sep­a­ra­tion will be no more.




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