Mars Trine Saturn (February 15, 2013)


Your aims and inten­tions get a
sub­stan­tial, steady­ing lift today as Mars makes a beau­ti­ful align­ment with

Mars is danc­ing through Pisces now, and
he is not alto­geth­er mov­ing with cer­tain­ty or clar­i­ty of inten­tion when he
trav­els through those Watery depths, because this is a realm that turns the
Plan­et of Self-Asser­tion right around…He has to learn how to be
self-assertive in non self-cen­tered ways, to learn how you can and must fulfill
your­self by sac­ri­fic­ing your very same self…and these lessons, these lessons
are not easy…

So it is quite won­der­ful, that the
Teacher, the expe­ri­enced wise one known as Sat­urn, has come along to lend a
hand…Saturn in Scor­pio is here to remind Mars that you must find, secure and
main­tain the deep­est com­mit­ment to your core prin­ci­ples and val­ues so that you
can dis­cern what you should sac­ri­fice for one another…but to equal­ly know what
you must nev­er sac­ri­fice if you are to be true to your Self.

Sat­urn shows Mars that it is in the very
mys­tery of com­bi­na­tion, of two becom­ing one, that you dis­cern what is more you
and what is less you, that you dis­cov­er what you may let go of and what you can
and should hold, share and grow together…and this is only found when you move
clos­er to one anoth­er in your Union.

The Mys­tery is that as you move closer
to the oth­er you actu­al­ly move clos­er to your own true Self. Your Union with
the beloved is exact­ly what helps you to dis­cern what you must sac­ri­fice so
that you become what you were always meant to be, to sur­ren­der the less­er you
and so rec­og­nize, release and real­ize the Greater…

The Truer you has patient­ly wait­ed for
you to move into the Light…

Today, through Com­pas­sion­ate Pas­sion you
can take the next step…

You are the becom­ing, you are the

Now step into the Light.

You are the Light.


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