Daily Archives: February 17, 2013

Sun Enters Pisces (February 18, 2013)


Three times Four, Four times Three, the
heart­beat of your world car­ries you and all your com­pan­ions from Alpha to Omega
year after year…You have come around once again to this final turn of your
annu­al, upward spi­ral­ing, ever unfold­ing jour­ney through the Stars. At every
stage, through every sign you have become more of what you were meant to be.

Through the three phas­es of each season,
in the releas­es, max­i­mums and tran­si­tions of Car­di­nal, Fixed and Muta­ble you
have sought to mas­ter the ways to Start, Hold and Trans­form your Inten­tion, Value
and Will. Through the four qual­i­ties of being, through Fire, Earth, Air and
Water you have expe­ri­enced your world through the realms of Vision and
Sub­stance, you have shared and con­nect­ed with one anoth­er in Thoughts and Feelings.

Now you stand before the final portal
that is Pisces, you return to the Begin­ning-End­ing for all of
Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it, you return to the Waters…You step across this
final thresh­old where­in you will reap the har­vest of the year just passed and
so pre­pare for the next advance in your jour­ney of becoming…it has always
been so, it is The Way.

Hav­ing come through all the preceding
signs, you are ready for this final gift of Spir­it, this Sum­ma Spir­i­tus, this
Sum­ming up of Spir­it. It is nec­es­sary for you now, so that you can bring
togeth­er all you have wished, willed, thought and felt through the year…Now
you are ready to pull togeth­er all these expe­ri­ences and see the Greater Web of
Des­tiny you have wrought. 

For it is you who are the Weaver at the Loom of your Life,
you the Cre­ator of what has been, of what is before you now…and what is to yet
to come. It is time for you to con­sid­er how to more tru­ly bring forth the
beau­ty that you were, are and have yet to become…For this is your final
real­iza­tion and gift of Spir­it, you are the Cause of all of this, you are the
Dreamer/Maker of your world.

And from where does this Weav­ing Way come?
It is in your very nature…for you are Spir­it and your most pure and defining
nature is quite sim­ply To Grow. At the very heart of you there beams a spark of
the Divine Flame, and it is in fact this one Self that that gives to each and
every par­ti­cle of cre­ation the expe­ri­ence of being one of the ones of the
One…it is, quite sim­ply, your expe­ri­ence of self, that pure Intuition-Feeling
that sings out “I Am”!

You are always becom­ing, always
unfold­ing into some­thing more, some­thing greater (and know there can be no end
to this)…and at this stage in your jour­ney, in this Human King­dom of
self-real­iza­tion, this process has become both Con­scious and Informed by your
Intention…You are becom­ing ever-more the Self-Con­scious Cre­ator of You!

Though called by many names this gift,
this pow­er for you is known as your Gift of Dreaming/Imagination/Faith. You
encounter the world as it is and you dream of a dif­fer­ent world, a better
world…and then with Faith and Will you bring you and your world clos­er, ever
clos­er to that bet­ter place…but it takes time, a great deal of time, because you
must learn how to do this well, how to do this right…

There is but one thing that holds you
back, that lim­its the dream-mak­ing real­i­ty you wish to become…and it is known
as Fear…and you must even­tu­al­ly come to face and free your­self from its grip.

And so at every end­ing, in every harvest
you must see what you have learned, how far you have come and turn with Faith
to what is yet to be and put your fear behind you. For this fear is mere­ly formed from the
echoes of those yes­ter­days stretch­ing their shad­ows into your today…And you
must choose to believe and so make the bet­ter you and a bet­ter world…and it will

This is the Final Gift of Spir­it. That
you are the Cre­ator-Dream­er-Mak­er of worlds and you must learn to take your
place in the great work of all the Light-Bear­ers who seek to bring us that much clos­er to the Light, clos­er to one another…

It is time to har­vest the Mean­ings of
your Life lived this past year…

It is time to plant those Seeds that
will become the Stars of a Brighter Future…

It is your time to become…