Daily Archives: February 18, 2013

Saturn Turns Retrograde (February 18, 2013)


This turn­ing was com­ment­ed upon in my 2013 Gen­er­al Forecast:

Ret­ro­grade (Feb­ru­ary 18 until July 7)

turns your atten­tion inwards to con­sid­er the nature of Union in your
world…You have been delv­ing deeply with Sat­urn in Scor­pio, into how you can
over­come your pains of sep­a­ra­tion and join with one anoth­er more completely.
Now you need to look with­in to see what is there, what you hold to, or what
holds you back from the deep­er expe­ri­ences you pro­fess to desire. The shadows
of the past, your fears about rejec­tion or loss have to be faced and released
here with­in your­self, for only then will you find your joy out there.

Dur­ing any ret­ro­grade you are giv­en an
oppor­tu­ni­ty to draw clos­er to the tests and oppor­tu­ni­ties your planetary
com­pan­ions offer as their gifts to you. There is no greater teacher than
Sat­urn, and no greater test or oppor­tu­ni­ty than what he will show you in

Your great­est long­ing is to be found here,
to draw clos­er to and become one with one another…and there is no greater
fear or pain than this, noth­ing is more painful than to expe­ri­ence the loss of
your union…it is almost unbear­able. But this is part of your jour­ney as you
move from the less­er to the Greater Under­stand­ing, from the realms of shadows
and half-truths and draw that much clos­er to your true Self…You can only grow
by let­ting go of what brings you pain and so you will come clos­er and clos­er to the
Cross­ing Point…and you will leave behind the dark­ness and fears as you move into the Light.

Let Sat­urn help you to face your fears,
which are your self-made reflec­tions, formed by those aches and pains of what
was but is now lost, or what might have been and yet was not to be…

Under­stand that these painful laments that
echo into your present cir­cum­stance can be eas­i­ly mis­un­der­stood and foster
hope­less­ness, lone­li­ness and despair, and so you might turn from the prospect
of union, to give up on yourself…but this is not who you are and this is not
the mes­sage these echoes are meant to car­ry for you.

Instead you will even­tu­al­ly see and under­stand that
these laments con­tain the mir­rored reminders of the Love that Was, Is and Will
always be. That the One True Real­i­ty that binds all as one is Love, and it is
this fun­da­men­tal Force which holds all of Cre­ation togeth­er in Love.

You will come to understand
that the pain or loss you feel from time to time is equal­ly and more tru­ly to
be under­stood as the mea­sure of the Love that was, is and will always be there
for you, for this Love is with­in you as much as it sur­rounds you too…and so you will even­tu­al­ly live in accep­tance, peace and understanding.

Let Sat­urn teach you to let go of the
Illu­sion that comes from your Mor­tal Frame, let go of this Maya of Separation…

For all are ones of the One and you are
nev­er, ever alone…not ever.

For with you always, for­ev­er and ever, for­ev­er you walk with your beloved, your own high­er Self…

Who wish­es only for you to real­ize the
Great­ness that awaits you, that lies with­in you…

That is You, your Self.