Daily Archives: February 24, 2013

Full Moon in Virgo (February 25, 2013)


Twelve times ’round The Wheel of Life, Luna
weaves those webs of des­tiny, she cir­cles in and out, up and down, as she will
ever stand between Earth and what for you is the Incom­pre­hen­si­ble Infin­i­ty, those spaces of Space that surround
you. She has but one call­ing, she is there to look after you, her child and
hope, as she weaves and mod­u­lates those Awe­some ener­gies that sweep over and
through you.

For Space is not an empti­ness, it is not
a mere ves­sel or container…Space is the Plero­ma, it is the Full­ness of Spirit
and Mat­ter, of Inner and Out­er Spaces and end­less Hier­ar­chies of Being beyond
your Knowing…and they all are but the many, mir­ror­ing aspects of the One Life
Divine…which is your life too.

These Uni­ver­sal Forms and Ener­gies for
you stream forth from the Shin­ing One, the Roy­al Regent you know as Sun, and
then take Form and Mean­ing, as they stream from and between his Court, those
oth­er Lords, those Plan­e­taries who togeth­er cre­ate the Sacred Songs of Space that
ring out, as in a Won­drous and Beau­ti­ful Majesty they hold to their appointed
places and rounds in your Solar System.

Between them all there stands dear, dear
Luna. She stands between those Uni­ver­sal Ener­gies that stream from the
Lumi­nous One and his Court, she stands between them all so as to mod­u­late and
medi­ate their gifts for you here on Earth…for she is Moth­er and will ever
pro­tect, nur­ture and care­ful­ly atten­u­ate those awe­some offer­ings for you her

She comes once more to her outermost
post, out beyond your orbital path and so she is bathed there in the Fullest
Light of the Sun. She stands out in that beyond, a Mag­ic Mir­ror of Solar Force
so that you might not lose your way. For in each and every Sign you can go “too
far”, you may burn so bright­ly with that Solar Force and for­get that there
is but one true way, The Way, that Inte­gral Path of Whole­ness where all these
Twelve are as One. You can­not be in Aries with­out Libra, you can­not hold in
Can­cer with­out Capri­corn, and now you must com­plete the Cir­cle of Life, you
must hon­or and live in Vir­go as you move through Pisces too.

So as the Solar Song sings through this
time of Pisces, Luna brings you the gift of Bal­ance and Com­pen­sa­tion from the chorus
that is Vir­go. The noblest gifts are to be found here in Pisces, for in this
Twelve of the Twelve you stand at the Sum­ma Codex of Life, and you can Intuit
and Feel, per­haps even under­stand and so bow your head before the Great Mystery
Revealed…That all are sparks of this Life Divine, that all are held
togeth­er in the Love which is the Abid­ing Force that springs from the very Root
of Cre­ation itself, and from you too…

But from these lofty Heights of Universal
Love, Bound­less Joy and Infi­nite Com­pas­sion you may still stum­ble and fall, yes
even here you may for­get to main­tain that most fun­da­men­tal Principle…that you
are a Sacred Cen­ter and there are lines and bound­aries you should not cross, (at
least not until you are tru­ly ready and under­stand how, when and why this may
be done)…For with­out this under­stand­ing you can give too much, lose too much
of your­self for anoth­er, and instead of mak­ing a sac­ri­fice you stum­ble and fall
into being the very sac­ri­fice itself…and this is not the way, this is not your
way to Beau­ty, Truth and Love.

So the Full Moon in Vir­go pro­vides the
way of under­stand­ing now. That you must Love with Wis­dom, expe­ri­ence Joy with
Understanding…and to do this you must live a Life that is marked by a
Dis­cern­ing Compassion. 

For you must not cast your Pearls (Your Love) before
swine…you must Live the Truth of being a Spark of the Divine and bring forth
this very same expe­ri­ence by relat­ing in this man­ner with that won­drous being
that stands before you.

Dear Luna is there, rid­ing high and
illu­mined, and she is there to show you the Way…

She offers the Gift of Beau­ty, because
you must make your­self Whole…

She offers the Gift of Truth, because
you must under­stand why you are here…

She offers the Gift of Love, because you
must be the Love that you are.