Daily Archives: February 25, 2013

Venus Enters Pisces (February 25, 2013)


Venus skips into Pisces till March 21
and you feel that greater call­ing, the need to appre­ci­ate your Life as it was, is and will always be…as filled with Imag­i­na­tion, Deeply Intu­itive and Spir­i­tu­al­ly Sublime…your Greater Real­i­ty of Beau­ty and Love.

Your sen­si­bil­i­ties have turned again,
beyond that just depart­ed Aquar­i­an realm of Human­i­ty, beyond your yearn­ings for
Broth­er­hood and Sis­ter­hood with your Kith and Kin…Now you seek for the Super­nal, for that tran­scen­dent com­mu­nion with Life itself, you yearn to feel
your one­ness with all of Creation.

Beau­ty in Pisces moves you beyond your
world of words, beyond what you so far have imag­ined. Col­ors and Sounds, Shapes
and Tastes will make you trem­ble with antic­i­pa­tion as that cool, calm feeling
comes over you, as the Beau­ty of your Uni­verse unfolds before you as never
before…you will Hear Col­ors, you will See Sounds…

Love in Pisces moves you deep­er, into
the source of Love itself…it is Soul-Full, it is Com­pas­sion, it is
Self-For­get­ful, it is the Union with the Beloved and you feel the Wind of the
Spir­it, the Gift that is Grace…it is God-Like, as are you.

For the next three weeks you will walk
in realms that you remem­ber, where you have been and will be again…While on
Earth there are lim­its beyond which your phys­i­cal form does not bend…but now,
while in Pisces, Venus will take you to the oth­er side…and you will remember,
and you will smile…and you will understand.

That there is but One Truth, One Reality…and It is Love.