Monthly Archives: February 2013

Mercury Enters Pisces (February 5, 2013)


Your mind is going on a long, long trip…and
you will be inspired and con­found­ed, you will encounter clair­voy­ance and
epipha­nies, and there will be times of doubt and con­fu­sion too…yes, you are
going on a very long trip in Pisces and your mind will nev­er be quite the

Mer­cury enters Pisces for a rather long
stay today. That is because the next Mer­cury ret­ro­grade will begin lat­er this
month, and so he will be loop­ing back and forth in Pisces until April 13. Wow, that
is 68 Days or 9 weeks and 5 days, and how­ev­er you parse it this is a long, long
time for Her­mes the Mes­sen­ger to be mov­ing through one sign! He can, when in
his fleetest moments, move through a sign in as lit­tle as just over 2 weeks, so
this is real­ly a rather long sojourn for him and you…But of course, you want
to know, what does it mean?

Well, it would seem that you, me and the
rest of the world could use an extend­ed expe­ri­ence of leav­ing behind these more
ordi­nary worlds of expectable per­cep­tions and bound­ed thoughts.…It is time to
slip behind the veil that holds you in its thrall, beyond the famil­iar and accept­ed assump­tions so that
you might approach more close­ly the mys­ter­ies who ever wait upon your Greater

For Log­ic and Rea­son have brought you
far, to this com­fort­able place of cer­tain­ty with­in the Thoughts and Forms of
your self-formed Reality…but there is more, much more to this world than what
you have so far dis­cerned. As it is true in every age, in every peri­od that marks off the aching­ly slow ascent, there
are found these plateaus of self-assured rea­son­able­ness where­in declaimers
state that here and now we have dis­cov­ered “The Truth”, that our twin
cathe­drals of Sci­ence and Reli­gion have final­ly reached the pin­na­cle of what is
known and knowable…

And so it is then, pre­cise­ly then, that Spir­it will move as if to answer a call, an inner voice stirs, with
swirling mists of hints and whis­pers that reveal that the Intu­ition­al Mind is
mov­ing to fill the unseen Void that rea­son dare not acknowledge…And you see
it out of the cor­ner of your eye, a move­ment, a shim­mer­ing light and you
real­ize that things are not quite under­stood to be what they appeared as after

Mer­cury in Pisces takes you into those
sub­tle realms of dreams and imag­i­na­tions, into the Foun­tain-Source from which all
Ideas and Thoughts have sprung from long ago. It is this ever-renew­ing flow
of inspi­ra­tion that offers and allows you to begin to see-through the
appear­ances of things as they are per­ceived by you present­ly, and so you become
aware of and are able to lift yet anoth­er veil and dis­cov­er a greater real­i­ty beyond…

You must be patient and open to this your
time of doubt and won­ders, for you must pass through con­fu­sions if you are to
release your­self from those self-cast shad­owed cer­tain­ties that blind­ed you. You
must be con­fused before you can let go and grow into your next Greater
Awareness…It has always been so, for this is how you have always journeyed
upon this Spi­ral Stair­way of Con­scious­ness that leads you clos­er and clos­er, ever onward towards that realm beyond shad­ows, into the ever­last­ing Eternal

Open your Mind and your Heart to the
won­ders of your Universe…

For now you will hear more clear­ly the Song that is

Mes­sages and Mes­sen­gers are com­ing, but
they trav­el on path­ways of Sub­tle­ty and Grace, and you must Believe if you wish
to See and Hear…

It is your time to Won­der, your time to

It is your Dream­ing Time…

In your Creation.

Astrology Show Live on Wednesday February 6, 1 pm EST / 10 am PST


Join me live on Wednes­day Feb­ru­ary 6 at 1 pm EST/10 am PST
when I talk with Jaden Ster­ling on
his show, the Wealth and Wis­dom Radio
. We will be dis­cussing what’s ahead for 2013 as we seek to under­stand the
Ener­gies of Evo­lu­tion as revealed by the Dance of the Planets. 

You are warm­ly invit­ed to call in and ask ques­tions. If you
can­not join us live you can always use the same link below to lis­ten to the show
after­wards. Here is the link that will take you to the web­cast show on BlogTalk
Radio on Wednesday: