Daily Archives: March 10, 2013

New Moon in Pisces (March 11, 2013)


One last kiss before the year is done,
one more meet­ing of Dear Luna and Mighty Sol…Their dance of Light and Shadows
plays across your Opales­cent Orb, caress­ing, inform­ing, guiding…inspiring you
as you walk upon this won­drous path­way of Light…They meet one more time, to
begin again…one more time, before you begin again…

All New Moons are begin­nings, but the final
New Moon of the Astro­log­i­cal Year car­ries a very spe­cial mean­ing and significance
for you…For this is the time each year that you bring in your Spiritual
Har­vest, this your time for Reck­on­ing and Reward.

It is a time of clo­sure, for
seek­ing the mean­ing behind the forms, for bring­ing all these myr­i­ad threads of
your life just lived togeth­er, to see what you have made, to look upon what you
faced and formed in the year just past…

You look upon this mir­ror of your life, to see what type of Mag­ic Cloak of Life you wear, it is the out­er form, the Veil of Man­i­fes­ta­tion you made and moved in, of many shapes and count­less colors…It
is time to see what you have made of your­self in life this year, and to consider
what lies ahead…

Though every New Moon is a Alpha moment,
a fresh infu­sion of Spir­i­tu­al Hope and Mean­ing, the New Moon of Pisces is an
Omega moment too…For as it is said, “As it was in The Begin­ning, so
shall it be in The End”…Star Stuff you are, and to the Stars you will
return, it is your des­tiny. The Source of All, the Pow­er of Cre­ation, is also
with you, but you must learn to use it Wise­ly, Carefully…Lovingly.

So it is time once more to bow your head
and ask for For­give­ness, Guid­ance and Inspiration.

For­give your­self for the errors of this
past year…you can only learn through the mis­steps and cor­rec­tions that you
make, For­give Yourself…and Grow.

Lis­ten in the Silence, your High­er Self, always there to lead you to a bet­ter way and place…Believe and Know, You will nev­er walk alone.

Look up, and gaze with Won­der and Joy,
for you are a Star in an Ocean of Light and Love…Let your Heart be filled by the Won­der of Creation.

You are the Alpha, and you are the Omega…

You are the Light.

Who must ever fol­low the Ancient Injunction…

Walk on…Look up…

Be the Light.