Mercury Turns Direct (March 17, 2013)


Had enough…of mis­cues, mis­steps and those
wheels spin­ning round and round??

Then you should be singing a different
tune start­ing today as your good friend, the Mer­ry Prankster, bet­ter known as
Mer­cury the Mes­sen­ger of the Gods, revers­es course and brings your three week
back­wards jour­ney, that mag­i­cal mys­tery tour of your inner depths, your grand
tour of Mys­ter­ies, Won­ders and Won­der­ing has fin­ished (for now).

It is always meant to be of ser­vice to
you, these ret­ro­grade circuits…they offer a chance to go back and provide
you with an oppor­tu­ni­ty to repair and renew your heart, mind and spirit…but
it can be just plain annoy­ing when every­thing, you know, just every­thing seems
to go off the rails.

So Hail and Farewell Prankster, who pointed
out and poked those glar­ing holes in your pre­ten­sions to being oh so wise…you
need­ed that, to be remind­ed that the extent of your Wis­dom will always be
mea­sured and defined by the depths of your Humility.

So take up the reins of your life
again…it is time to pre­pare for new projects, new endeav­ors and the becoming
that you will always be, you the self-unfold­ing cre­ative won­der that you are. 

You have gone with­in, you have reflect­ed, corrected
and reset…Freer from fear, from doubts and anx­i­eties, you car­ry a Greater Under­stand­ing now…and so you are ready.

You will go for­ward into this brand new

You the self-unfold­ing, self-reflective
won­der of your world…

It is time to Dream, it is time to

It is time to be, time to become…

To be the Dreamer-Maker…

It is your time.

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