Daily Archives: March 20, 2013

Venus Enters Aries (March 21, 2013)


Your Love has come back…to you!

Aphrodite enters Aries and a new cycle
begins in your expe­ri­ence of liv­ing with beau­ty, in your liv­ing by love. For
over three weeks while Venus moved through Pisces, you touched the sub­lime in
your world and in one another…you dis­solved those bound­aries between I and
Thou and felt, even for a moment, your one­ness with your­self, your beloved and
the worlds around and beyond you too…

But now you return to the source, you
must come back and begin again, to restore your­self and drink from your well,
that ever-renew­ing, bound­less foun­tain-source of self-affirm­ing Love…For the
force that holds the whole of this Uni­verse as One, that very same force flows
from with­in this Divine Cen­ter that is found in your own true heart.

Before you can ever hope to appreciate
any­thing as it tru­ly is, or most
cer­tain­ly love any­one as they tru­ly deserve to be loved, you must first have
expe­ri­enced this…You must learn to expe­ri­ence the Love of
yourself…Unconditionally. For this is the way of it, what­ev­er or whomev­er you
meet out there is a reflec­tion of what you have under­stood and accept­ed about
your own true self…

You are learn­ing, slow­ly but surely,
that it all comes down to this, to your know­ing accep­tance that you are a
won­drous spark of the Divine and your val­ue is beyond any mea­sure­ment (because
you will unfold from with­in your­self for­ev­er the Divin­i­ty that is there), and
the Love you have is as bound­less as the Uni­verse you call home (because the
Divine that is with­in you is the very abid­ing pres­ence found in every Force and
Par­ti­cle of Creation…for there is but One Self).

Cel­e­brate this renew­al of your Way of
Beau­ty, your Way of Love…

That sur­round­ed by Beau­ty you turn and see
as in a mir­ror the Beau­ty of your Soul…

That embraced by your Beloved you now
see in their eyes that same Eter­nal Light, the unbound­ed love of the Divine that
abides in your heart as well…

Begin in Beau­ty, Live in Love…

Venus, the Light-Bearer…bringing you