Venus Conjunct Sun & Venus Conjunct Uranus & Sun Conjunct Uranus (March 28, 2013)


Trip­li­ci Coniunctio!

Today you will expe­ri­ence a triple play
cours­ing through your life, three of your star­ry com­pan­ions are align­ing with
one another…First, Venus will align with the Sun, then Venus will conjunct
Uranus, and final­ly the Sun will make the same align­ment to Uranus…You cannot
see this because of the Sun’s Glo­ry, but you will most cer­tain­ly feel this
beau­ti­ful dance of Spirit!

Venus “con­juncts” the Sun in
one of two ways. Last year you enjoyed the pas­sage of Venus over the face of
the Sun, for at that time she was between the Earth and the Sun. This time she
is on the “far side” of the Sun, and though this is called a
“con­junc­tion”, I would argue that it is more like a Venus Full Moon
for you!

Venus and the Sun are in Aries now,
while you on Earth move through Libra, and here­in lies the mes­sage of what this
align­ment means for you. This Solar Infu­sion of Aries spir­it in Venus is
nec­es­sary and good, it serves to rein­force the fun­da­men­tal prin­ci­ple that your
expe­ri­ence of Val­ue and Beau­ty must begin with you, for with­out abid­ing and unconditional
self-love there can be no tru­ly healthy rela­tion­ship with any­thing or any­one else.

Yet this Venus “full moon” is
bal­anced by its coun­ter­point truth that resides in Libra, that with­out a
mean­ing­ful rela­tion­ship to the beloved, to one and to many oth­ers, to the
uni­verse in fact, with­out this…well, what point would your exis­tence have? You
find and secure the val­ue with­in your­self in order to seek and find it around
you and in one anoth­er too…You are here to real­ize that, as in all of Spirit
and Mat­ter (for they are also but mir­rors of one anoth­er too), all are part of the
One Self and that One Self is present in us all.

Part two of your dance brings Venus over
Uranus and there is elec­tric­i­ty danc­ing through the Fire of Aries now! Uranus
brings his mes­sage of Indi­vid­u­a­tion to your expe­ri­ence of Val­ue, Beau­ty and

Too often, aris­ing out of the doubts and
fears that echo from your past, you may slip into error regard­ing your true
nature…that you are, though it is as yet unrec­og­nized by you, that you are a
foun­tain-source of won­der, of immea­sur­able, ever-unfold­ing val­ue and love
with­in your­self. You may, out of fear and doubt, seek to hold or bind val­ue to
your­self, hold some­thing or some­one to your­self and so pro­tect and preserve
what you have, only to end up, of course, los­ing it, them or your­self, at least
for a while…You fall into error as you again for­get that the one great constant
of this Uni­verse, and the one great source of Hope too, is Growth and Change.

Uranus is here to remind you about your
expe­ri­ence of Love, that the core prin­ci­ple of your jour­ney is to devel­op true
uncon­di­tion­al recog­ni­tion, cel­e­bra­tion and sup­port for the spir­i­tu­al jour­ney of
your beloved. When you are able to love anoth­er as your­self tru­ly, then you can
forge a space of self-real­iza­tion that is tru­ly free, free for one anoth­er because
it is found­ed upon uncon­di­tion­al love…and it is in this spe­cial space that
you can in fact find your way to your truer self…that you can be more of who
you are with one anoth­er than you ever could out­side of this relationship…for
it is that very lov­ing recog­ni­tion of the spe­cial unique­ness of the beloved’s
spir­it that cre­ates the con­di­tions to help the greater release of their spirit
with and through yours too.

Final­ly, The Sun, the source of Self
aligns with Uranus, the pow­er of Indi­vid­u­al­i­ty. To what­ev­er extent you have
made choic­es that have bound you to con­di­tions which were not or are no longer
true for you…these will now become beyond bearing.

Being in this phys­i­cal world, you must
take your pure poten­tial and pour your­self into many forms and vehi­cles. These
forms, while pro­vid­ing you with your expe­ri­ence of self-real­iza­tion, are by
their very nature also lim­it­ing too. It is nec­es­sary this lim­i­ta­tion, and often
for you at the time quite welcomed…But over time, these roles and
rela­tion­ships, these forms of man­i­fes­ta­tion in fam­i­ly and in work, with friends
and with loved ones can become very lim­it­ing. Why? Because you and the Universe
are con­tin­u­al­ly unfold­ing and becom­ing so much more…and the forms must evolve
too or your spir­it will suffer…

This is such at time, it is a time of
Quickening…a time to break free and reset the forms of your self-fulfillment.
But True Free­dom can­not be imposed by you upon anoth­er, nor can it seized from
one and giv­en to another…The key to the Spir­i­tu­al Self-Ful­fill­ment and
Free­dom is not about divid­ing the “Pie of Self-Ful­fill­ment” differently…it
is about Grow­ing our Space of Self-Real­iza­tion together…That is your Goal
today, as it should be each and every day!

Thrice blessed you are today, three
times the bells of Spir­it will ring out…

To Love thy­self so as to love one

To Love the oth­er as oneself…

To be Free, to be oneself…

May it be, may you become…

Let it be so.


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