Daily Archives: March 30, 2013

Venus Square Pluto & Sun Square Pluto (March 31, 2013)


The Winds of Spir­it con­tin­ue to blow and this time you will be
Squar­ing the Cir­cle, reflec­tive­ly shap­ing your Uran­ian Three­some from
Thursday…The Great Align­ment of this decade is brought to bear in this most
per­son­al of ways as Plu­to prof­fers his mighty Will, he serves you in your
nev­er-end­ing jour­ney of the Self Becom­ing, to elic­it a greater quick­en­ing of
your expe­ri­ence of Love and Self.

Dou­ble Gift begins as dear Aphrodite is drawn into Plu­to’s realm, for it is
Plu­to along with his two Shin­ing Sen­tinels that form the Three Pil­lars at the
foun­da­tions of your world, the Tri­une Root of Spir­it. These Foun­da­tions Three
are the Gifts of The Spir­it brought to you by the out­er­most plan­ets: A Free
Mind (Uranus), Uncon­di­tion­al Love (Nep­tune) and a Cen­tered Will (Plu­to).

pow­er is unessen­tial to this task, for you to become the Cre­ator that you are
(and are yet to be), but Plu­to, the Lord of Will and Sacred Space, is one of
the most chal­leng­ing to be sure. There is no greater les­son than this, to learn
how to mas­ter and wield your Sacred Will so as to form your own essen­tial sacred
space, while always and for­ev­er pre­serv­ing and pro­tect­ing the sacred spaces of
all oth­ers too…So impor­tant is this gift that it is includ­ed in all the
Sacred Teach­ings found through­out the ages…Thou shalt not Tres­pass upon one

your Beau­ty and Love, is now fac­ing the chal­lenge of Bound­ary and Will that
Plu­to must bestow. For as much as you must come to under­stand that your true
Val­ue is the Spark of the Divine with­in you, that your eter­nal and boundless
Love is the Mea­sure­less Mea­sure with­in, the Pearl of Great Price…It is
equal­ly true that you must Lov­ing­ly hold this spark with­in a Sacred Space that
is your very own, for it is by Form­ing and Abid­ing in this Right­eous Cen­ter of
Lov­ing Space that your Inner Flame may become steady and sure.

you fail to form this Secure Spir­i­tu­al Space of You, then oth­er Will­ing Beings
may force them­selves upon you, have their way with you, and for a time you will
lose your way upon your path, your one True Path of The Self Unfold­ing. Or, if
you through some mis­be­got­ten, fear-based abuse of your pow­er of will attempt to
force your val­ue upon anoth­er, or attempt to force them to some twist­ed form of
bondage (not love) to your­self, then again you will lose your way as well. The
under­world is not the Hell you think it to be, for you make your own heav­en and
hell here on Earth today, and for your future too. You may fall if you fail,
into the “pit” of Plu­to, into that so called Under­world of Shadows
and Fear…and only Under­stand­ing, Love and Will can set you free.

the mes­sage of Plu­to is awe­some and clear, You must pro­tect and pre­serve your
Sacred Space as much as you must respect and hon­or every oth­er Sacred Space you
encounter in your jour­ney. For you must Love one anoth­er as you Love
yourself…and you will come to know that this is true because at the core of
every par­ti­cle resides that same One Self, and so every sin­gle par­ti­cle of
cre­ation, every sin­gle being in Cre­ation resides in their own Sacred Space too!

squar­ing Venus will ask of you to turn this awe­some pow­er back on your­self, to
become stronger as a Cen­ter of Spir­i­tu­al Will and Love with­in, and equal­ly and
at the same time, and always with Love, you must turn this pow­er out­ward to
pro­tect those who are weak­er as you seek to cor­rect the mis­us­es of will
wher­ev­er you can…for none will be tru­ly free while anoth­er suf­fers still.

atten­tion will then turn, he turns and brings to bear his focused intention
upon that most Roy­al Play­er in your Com­pa­ny of Stars, the Avatar of Self you
know as Light Bringer, The Day­mak­er and you and he must face this les­son of
Sacred Space and Will too.

At the very core of you is this Spark of the Divine, just as at
the heart of your Sun burns this very same Lim­it­less Light…The source of this
burn­ing bright is your expe­ri­ence of what makes you “you”, it is the
watch­er watch­ing over the out­er you, it is that pres­ence “on high”
who is your unbro­ken link to the bound­less won­der that encom­pass­es all of
Cre­ation, that which is name­less, unknow­able and unfath­omable, the all knowing
All, the Immor­tal Self.

even here the lessons of Will must be mas­tered and won. For from this Seat of
your Self the as yet by you unimag­ined and awe­some uni­ver­sal pow­ers that form
and hold this Uni­verse spill forth, the very pow­ers of Cre­ation awaiting
release form the very core of every sacred cen­ter. These pow­ers must be
gath­ered and they must be har­nessed, so that direct­ed by your High­er Mind,
inspired by your Lov­ing Heart and then focused by your Stead­ied Will the one, true
and noble path of growth, good­ness and grace may prevail. 

Plu­to leans in upon you now, bends
upon the Sun your Avatar and upon your own self too and reminds you that your
sacred cen­ter is there to help and guide you, to lift you up and inspire you…

you are not your High­er Self alone, you like all of Cre­ation are a Hierarchical
Being and it is for this Human side of you, the One that is Becom­ing, that is
day by day, life by life striv­ing to learn and abide these lessons of Will and
Sacred Space, it is for this human part of you that this les­son is
bestowed…for it is only then, after many tri­als and tribu­la­tions, only when
you have passed through these cru­cibles of Sacred Will, only when you have by
your own efforts lift­ed your human self up will you and your beloved reach
the Promised Land.

You must turn your pow­er back upon your­self, your
Divine Pow­er must be focused and reflect­ed back upon your­self so that you may
achieve Self-Con­trol, for that is the only con­trol that is Spir­i­tu­al, true and Lasting…the only bat­tle for the Spir­i­tu­al War­rior ever lies within. 

It is not for any oth­er to mold you or make you, nor are you to make anoth­er, even for the best of rea­sons, nev­er are you to make anoth­er into some­thing. For to do so would be to break their will and only delay their even­tu­al re-birth and redemp­tion. Instead, find your way to your own cen­tered space and be as an exam­ple and give your lov­ing sup­port to oth­ers when it is asked for, always. 

Find­ing absolute ful­fill­ment and free­dom through Self-Mas­tery, nei­ther imposed
upon nor impos­ing your will upon anoth­er, you will reach the calm cen­ter that
lies with­in, and abide there with the watch­er who is wait­ing to wel­come you

This is the test and promise of Plu­to and the Sun. That you will only become what you are meant to be when you grow into this Self-Mas­tery, when you learn to rec­og­nize, accept and take up your awe­some respon­si­bil­i­ty as the Cre­ator of your own Destiny. 

May the Winds of the Spir­it blow away your fears…

May the Flame with­in you Burn ever brighter…

May you and your Beloved find one anoth­er, and

Take that next step into the Promised Land.