Monthly Archives: March 2013

Mars Enters Aries (March 11–12, 2013)


In the First Circle
beyond your world, he march­es ’round ever stand­ing guard, he watch­es over your
borderlands…He is pro­tec­tor, defend­er, the one who will not yield…He is the
Prince of Self-Realization…and now he returns to his most famil­iar, the Realm
of Aries wel­comes home its very own.

For the next 40 days,
Mars moves through a most spe­cial place for him and you. He has not been here
for almost two years, for that is how long he takes to dance through those
Man­sions of Life, the Wheel of Won­der known as the Zodiac.

Mars rules your
Desires, Aims and Aspirations…for once you have dis­cerned what you need or
want, it is Mars who takes up the call, it is Mars who gets you there. Mars is
back in Fire now, and you thrill with Resur­gent Idealism…You burn that much
brighter with bound­less Enthusiasms…and you move with greater longings,
urgency and a new­found Vigor.

Where­as in the past
weeks you felt the need to pause, to hold, to restrain your­self and turn your
actions inward, to be strong enough to make your right­ful Sac­ri­fice of Self…Now
you feel the urge to move out­ward again, to push ahead, to charge head­long into
your self-real­iz­ing striv­ings of Mind, Life and Love…you need, you must…and you
leap into the fray.

Yet, as is true with
any shift of ener­gies, but espe­cial­ly with this Mars in Aries move, there is a
need for Greater Understanding…You feel this mighty resur­gence of Ener­gy and
Dri­ve now, but such forces and forms need prop­er Moti­va­tion, steady Guidance
and Focused Purpose…For as with any use of great pow­er there comes great Respon­si­bil­i­ty too.

So let you Spirit
soar with renewed Enthu­si­asms, feel those Fires of Desire that burn so bright­ly now…but remem­ber to be Patient with your­self and
with one anoth­er too.

Be guid­ed by your
“Burn­ing Brights”, your won­drous­ly Ide­al­is­tic Dreams…but remember
that you are on Earth and that you do not want the pur­suit of the Per­fect to
become the obsta­cle to what is tru­ly Good and Beau­ti­ful too.

Aim for what you know
to be your Truth, go for your Heart’s Desire…but remem­ber that your way is
but one melody in this Cho­rus of Cre­ation, and though you will play your part, you
must allow oth­ers to find their way too.

Rejoice and raise your Ban­ner, the Self Awakening…

Spir­i­tu­al Fires are mov­ing now…

It is time, it is time…

It is time to sing your Song of Songs!

New Moon in Pisces (March 11, 2013)


One last kiss before the year is done,
one more meet­ing of Dear Luna and Mighty Sol…Their dance of Light and Shadows
plays across your Opales­cent Orb, caress­ing, inform­ing, guiding…inspiring you
as you walk upon this won­drous path­way of Light…They meet one more time, to
begin again…one more time, before you begin again…

All New Moons are begin­nings, but the final
New Moon of the Astro­log­i­cal Year car­ries a very spe­cial mean­ing and significance
for you…For this is the time each year that you bring in your Spiritual
Har­vest, this your time for Reck­on­ing and Reward.

It is a time of clo­sure, for
seek­ing the mean­ing behind the forms, for bring­ing all these myr­i­ad threads of
your life just lived togeth­er, to see what you have made, to look upon what you
faced and formed in the year just past…

You look upon this mir­ror of your life, to see what type of Mag­ic Cloak of Life you wear, it is the out­er form, the Veil of Man­i­fes­ta­tion you made and moved in, of many shapes and count­less colors…It
is time to see what you have made of your­self in life this year, and to consider
what lies ahead…

Though every New Moon is a Alpha moment,
a fresh infu­sion of Spir­i­tu­al Hope and Mean­ing, the New Moon of Pisces is an
Omega moment too…For as it is said, “As it was in The Begin­ning, so
shall it be in The End”…Star Stuff you are, and to the Stars you will
return, it is your des­tiny. The Source of All, the Pow­er of Cre­ation, is also
with you, but you must learn to use it Wise­ly, Carefully…Lovingly.

So it is time once more to bow your head
and ask for For­give­ness, Guid­ance and Inspiration.

For­give your­self for the errors of this
past year…you can only learn through the mis­steps and cor­rec­tions that you
make, For­give Yourself…and Grow.

Lis­ten in the Silence, your High­er Self, always there to lead you to a bet­ter way and place…Believe and Know, You will nev­er walk alone.

Look up, and gaze with Won­der and Joy,
for you are a Star in an Ocean of Light and Love…Let your Heart be filled by the Won­der of Creation.

You are the Alpha, and you are the Omega…

You are the Light.

Who must ever fol­low the Ancient Injunction…

Walk on…Look up…

Be the Light.

Mercury Conjunct Sun (March 4, 2013)


Nine days in…pensive, introspective,
reflective…seeking, search­ing, wondering…

Nine days you have been turn­ing back
upon your­self, try­ing to catch a reflec­tion of your­self in your mir­rored Mind-ways.
Your high­er mind, your High­er Self all the while attempt­ing to lift you free of
your old attachments…

You are nev­er alone and help is offered
as you try to pierce these shad­owed forms that are the echoes from your past,
that can and do hold you in thrall…they are your fears (who like you wish to
live on), but can­not, they will not…unless you give in, again…

But now you are here to choose…there
is an answer is offered. For Mer­cury has come back, he pass­es over and aligns
with the Sun, whose burn­ing, bright light can dis­pel these shad­ows and reveal a
bet­ter way of Belief, a truer path of Dreaming…and a clear­er more lucid Mind flashes
free from shad­ows and fear.…

Today, an answer, your answer is offered
up…and in the still­ness and silence, in the tem­ple of your High­er Self you
can see with greater clar­i­ty your way ahead…

It is not time yet to Act, but it is
time to Believe…

A seed has been plant­ed, but you must
wait a lit­tle longer…

This New Under­stand­ing must be cared for
ten­der­ly, lovingly…

And a New day will dawn.

For now, be still, be grateful…

For now, just let it be.