Monthly Archives: April 2013

Mercury Enters Taurus (May 1, 2013)


It has only been 18 days while Mer­cury dashed through the
sign of Aries, and although he is mov­ing into that much more stead­ied, focused
and won­der-filled sen­su­al realm of Tau­rus, he is still pick­ing up speed and
will only be here for 14 days before div­ing into that fris­son of fractal,
dis­tract­ing diver­si­ties found in Gemini…So, you bet­ter take advan­tage of this
respite for your body, mind and spirit…you need and deserve this!

pas­sage of Mer­cury in Aries was a bap­tism by Fire, of Ide­alisms and Enthusiasms
that inspired your thoughts and added urgency to your communications…But
because you have yet to mas­ter this much ener­gy as well as you will, the result
is often­times con­ducive to, shall we say, more or less errors of excess and/or
reck­less­ness. Thoughts can fly so fast (and the words and actions that then
fol­low) that you cer­tain­ly could have found your­self wish­ing for some way to
take part or all of it back…

But the Law of the Uni­verse is Fair but Final,
once you Cre­ate some­thing, for good or ill, whether they be thoughts, feelings,
words or works, you own it…and it will come back to you, and you must make
your amends…But this is how you learn, to face and under­stand Cause and
Effect…so that over-time you will acquire the Greater Aware­ness and so become

So, take a deep breath, hold
it, and now release and relax…it is time to put your Mind and Spir­it upon a
more sta­ble and tan­gi­ble foot­ing, it is lit­er­al­ly time to get Earthy…Now you
need to take a more gen­tle, easy-going approach to what you think and how you
con­vey it…For this is Mer­cury in Tau­rus and you need to tamp down those
pas­sion­ate ideals and shin­ing visions…you need to take your mind into a more
real, prac­ti­cal and sus­tain­able space.

Fan­cy slo­gans and fiery speech­es are
all well and good, but now you need to reas­sure, pro­tect and pre­serve what is
valu­able, beau­ti­ful and good…

Now you need to fol­low the Code of the Caretakers,
for one anoth­er and for your world…

You must abide in the Way of We are all
Relat­ed, and be guid­ed by the injunc­tion, “First, do no harm”.

And then affirm and repeat the great invocation…

Now our Minds are One!”

Mars Opposition Saturn (April 30-May 1, 2013)


now this one is hard…as it must and should be…

Where­as the Sun/Saturn oppo­si­tion you just expe­ri­enced is about
your Infi­nite Poten­tial becom­ing real­ized into the next Self-Deter­min­ing, (yet
ulti­mate­ly lim­it­ing and so must be tran­scend­ed) Form, this Mars/Saturn
oppo­si­tion is about the Aims and Actions you uti­lize to Guide and Wield your
efforts in order to actu­al­ly bring into being your New Reality.

Why is it hard­er? Because you are liv­ing in this most material
world…and you will con­stant­ly have to over­come resis­tance to make your way.
One source of this dif­fi­cul­ty, the one that is obvi­ous to you, will be from around yourself
cer­tain­ly, in the very nature of the phys­i­cal world and from your social
cir­cum­stances too…Unlike your “oth­er realms”, like those you dwell
in when you let go of your phys­i­cal form, as when you sleep, this realm of
Earth is the hard­est for you to make your “Will Be Done”…But you
are here to learn and so you must if you are to ful­fill your des­tiny of being a
Mas­ter of the Craft, a Dream­ing World-Mak­er Creator.

And so you must learn to adjust your Aims and Actions when you run
into these obsta­cles, delays and rever­sals “out there”. If you cannot
get to “there from here”, you need to do two things: 1) Reconsider
the Goal and see if it is still true and right for you. Per­haps a slight shift
can ease your way and open up new pos­si­bil­i­ties that you would not have
imag­ined with the old inten­tions guid­ing you (and that was per­haps the whole rea­son as to why you were delayed or blocked, the Uni­verse was not in your way, you
were!), or 2) If the goal is true or has been re-set the sec­ond mat­ter to
con­sid­er of course is the “How”. You may need to adjust the way you
are attempt­ing to accom­plish the steps to your goal, for either the world has
changed or most cer­tain­ly you have, and the “old ways” are out of
sync with the ever-unfold­ing New Real­i­ty you are part of now.

But even more tru­ly, deeply and reas­sur­ing­ly (which is surprising
to some), the oth­er “Source” of your delay or imped­i­ment may arise
whol­ly from with­in your­self (even as much as it may seem to come from the world
around you)…You will need to take this delay, resis­tance or block in your
progress “out there” and recon­sid­er your jour­ney from the
Inside…You will need to con­sid­er again who you real­ly are, where you are
com­ing from and so know more tru­ly what and how you need to become That out

More than like­ly the prob­lem that is appear­ing as some external
force of resis­tance is the mir­ror of some form of block­age that has its origin
from with­in your own not yet ful­ly real­ized and inte­grat­ed pow­ers of
Self-Becom­ing. You will need to step back and con­sid­er again the two-fold
nature of your journey…There is your Goal and there is The Way…and you must
come to under­stand that they are Insep­a­ra­ble if you are to be the Self-Becoming
won­der that you are.

So when
you encounter this chal­lenge to your path ahead you must con­sid­er again, who am
I, what am I here for and where am I going (at least in this par­tic­u­lar life,
what is my pur­pose)? With­out a clear vision of this, then of course you will
stum­ble and fall into error “out there”, chas­ing what is not right or
true for you…and so you will come to see that these annoy­ing delays,
obsta­cles and imped­i­ments that seem­ing­ly stop you are there because that
vision, goal or dream you are chas­ing is not for you! The Uni­verse is rather forcefully
yet help­ful­ly say­ing to you, Stop being untrue to yourself!

so must it also fol­low as regards your means to this dream or goal. It is not
enough that you suc­ceed and win the prize because there is no Escape from
Divine Law and the Bal­ance Made by the Will of the One and the Many in these
worlds…The Law Of Kar­ma is per­fect, fair and unre­lent­ing. If you employ the
wrong meth­ods and means, if your Actions are not guid­ed and formed by Right
Inten­tion that is aligned and true to your Nature and Pur­pose, you will only
reap a bit­ter reward of “Suc­cess with­out Spirit”…Your prize will be a bright
shin­ing object with noth­ing inside, leav­ing only bit­ter fruits and regrets as
your painful legacy…and so you must begin again…and you will, and you will become.

Lord of Forms and Real­i­ty (Sat­urn) now meets your Avatar of Desire and
Aspi­ra­tions (Mars)…

there are lessons to be learned again.

you have a Greater Des­tiny than you can yet imagine…

you can­not BE until you have learned to be the EVER-BECOMING.

you can­not be this until you know, tru­ly know…

Won­der that you are.

child who came from a Star…

to be a Star…

a Glo­ri­ous Com­pa­ny of Stars!

the key, The Way?

to make your way through your Heart that is True

and your Mind that is Free…and

always and forever…

Let Thy Will be Done!

Sun Opposition Saturn (April 28, 2013)



need to pause today, to con­sid­er how far you have come…and how far away still
lies your heart’s desire…

You have reached anoth­er turn­ing in
this year…On one side shines your source of all, the Sun, who is your Avatar
of Pure Being and what in truth rep­re­sents your Infi­nite Poten­tial wait­ing to
Become. Upon the oth­er side stands Sat­urn who is nev­er clos­er than now, your Bound­ed-Band­ed Avatar of
Real­i­ty, who rules your req­ui­site forms of Self-Realization…and your painful
but nec­es­sary Self-Lim­i­ta­tions too.

It is time to bow your head to this
mys­tery, this the chal­lenge of your Self-Becoming…For it is on you and you
alone to learn this if you are to ful­fill your des­tiny. You must accept and
under­stand how and how well you have fold­ed and formed your Infi­nite potential
into these par­tic­u­lar ves­sels of your Reality…You need to cast a glance backwards
today and see from where you came in these past six months, (or per­haps six or
six­ty years…or maybe more).

Look back and consider…Did you
choose well, did you form by and with Love, have you begun to Under­stand? For
when Sat­urn and Sun face one anoth­er, and you stand there in-between you need
know this, that it is a time of reck­on­ing, an account­ing will be made…Yet it
is most impor­tant that you accept and learn from what was well but more from
what was less well done by you…

Enjoy your fruits of Suc­cess, for
every step that you advance on the path will bring you that much clos­er to the
Peace of Mind, Soul and Spir­it that you have always dreamed of…But you must
tru­ly trea­sure these oth­er fruits, these pre­cious seeds that you deem a
Fail­ure. For in your Cen­ter you must remain Free and Present, not bound
by regrets. Instead, you must look beyond mere judg­ments, to see through and
under­stand how it is that you grow…

Though Suc­cess is Sweet, the lessons
of life and your Self-Becom­ing are only learned by and through these other
fruits, those errors and mis­takes you made…Your fail­ures are the true
Foun­tain Source for your even­tu­al Self-Mastery…You can only learn by trial
and error, you forge your Wis­dom by your Heart and through Humil­i­ty, and it is
only this that will lead to your Greater Understanding.

By learn­ing to choose what is
bet­ter, by learn­ing to be bet­ter, you ful­fill your Des­tiny and earn your next
step in your ever-unfold­ing jour­ney of Self-Ful­fill­ment. Your des­tiny is to
unfold that Lumi­nous Spark of the Divine that lies with­in you, and each step in
that unfold­ment requires that you lim­it your­self in order to fulfill

It is time to stand at the Cross­ing Point…

Between the Dark­ness and the Light.

It is time to reflect upon your past, it is time to reimag­ine your Future.…

You stand ever in the Eter­nal that is Now…

Mak­ing your Destiny…

Bound­less, Bounded…

For­ev­er Free.

Full Moon Eclipse in Scorpio- The Buddha (April 25, 2013)


This is the first Eclipse of the year
and here is what I wrote in my 2013 Gen­er­al Forecast:

Full Moon
Eclipse in Scor­pio (April 25)

The five
eclipses of the year begin with the Bud­dha Moon! The ancient teach­ings say that
Bud­dha was born on, achieved enlight­en­ment under and left his phys­i­cal body on
the Full Moon in the month of Tau­rus. This Full Moon is about under­stand­ing the
dynam­ic rela­tion­ship you must expe­ri­ence regard­ing the ques­tion of Val­ue. For
in your very being you expe­ri­ence this truth, that you are an immor­tal in a
mor­tal frame. Val­ues are “eter­nal” (or time­less), yet their physical
man­i­fes­ta­tion is only for a time. The key teach­ing of the Bud­dha con­cerned this
way of under­stand­ing the jour­ney you must take as a spark of the Divine…that
you must learn the way, in fact become the way of Non-Attachment. 

Here is a
map of where the Eclipse will be
vis­i­ble. It will be passing
over Europe, Africa and Asia mostly.

Held to be
one of the most spe­cial and sacred Full Moons of the year, this Bud­dha Moon,
cel­e­brat­ed in the Wesak Fes­ti­val, is so named because The Ancient Teachings
hold that Sid­dhārtha Gau­ta­ma, who became the Awak­ened or Enlight­ened One, was
born, tran­scend­ed and also left his phys­i­cal form dur­ing the Full Moon in the
time of Tau­rus. I wrote about the Spir­i­tu­al Sig­nif­i­cance of the Bud­dha Full
Moon in my 2012 post­ing which you may read here.

Each Full
Moon sig­ni­fies a rev­e­la­tion for you, for what was released as a seed at the New Moon
has now reached its cul­mi­na­tion or Flow­er­ing at the Full. The essence or
poten­tial con­tained with­in the seed, cre­at­ed when the Sun and Moon formed their
Con­junc­tion, has become ful­ly appar­ent and Man­i­fest­ed in the Fruit or harvest
offered to you as the Sun and Moon reach the cli­max of their cycle every month.

The seed
plant­ed in the Tau­rus New Moon will always seek to remind you of your essential
nature, of your true Val­ue as a Spark of the Divine…that you are Spirit
mov­ing through many worlds, through many forms and activ­i­ties in order to
ful­fill your one true purpose…which is To Grow…to Become a Self-Conscious
Divin­i­ty who Joy­ous­ly dances through the Ener­gies and Forms of Creation.

Yet one of
the great errors you will have to con­front as you move through all your forms
of man­i­fes­ta­tion is Attach­ment to these forms and so the for­get­ting of who and
what you real­ly are…and so instead of Joy, your true nature, you experience
the pain of loss and long­ing, you look back with regrets and ahead with fears…you
end up in a con­di­tion of Suf­fer­ing. You “for­get” that there is only
the Eter­nal Now in which you shall abide for­ev­er and always…

The Mes­sage
of the Scor­pio Full Moon is the core of the Heart Doc­trine as laid forth by the
Buddha…It is that the key to your Self, to the Truth of Who and What you are,
is found and secured by fol­low­ing the Noble Path, the Mid­dle Way, and you can
do this by stay­ing true to that Self who moves through but is not attached to
these forms.

You can do
this by Know­ing Your­self as a Spark of the Mind of the Divine, by Lov­ing Your­self as
a Spark of the Love of the Divine, and by Hold­ing Your­self as a Spark of the Will of
the Divine…That in your True and ever abid­ing “I” which lies at the
core of you, there is that Self which is “Absolute-Existence-Knowledge-Bliss”…and
when you Align your life with this aware­ness you can and will begin to fol­low the one true path of Spir­it, the path of a Free Being, which is the Path of Light
and Love where­in you will abide in a true State of Grace formed by Non-Attachment…A Free Mind, Uncon­di­tion­al Love and a Cen­tered Will.

There is a prayer that is offered up at such moments to cel­e­brate these “Gifts of the Spir­it”, yet is also a most valu­able mes­sage to think upon each and every day…It is called The Great Invocation:



From the point of light within
the Mind of God

Let Light stream forth into our

Let LIGHT descend on Earth.

From the point of love with­in the
Heart of God

Let Love stream forth into our

May LOVE increase on Earth.

From the cen­ter where the Will of
God is known

Let pur­pose guide our wills

The PURPOSE which the masters
know and serve.

From the cen­ter which we call

Let the Plan of Love and Light
work out

And may it seal the door

where evil dwells.

Let Light
and Love and Pow­er restore the Plan on Earth.


Venus Opposition Saturn (April 22, 2013)


I know it hurts…but that is the way of it sometimes…

You are an
Immor­tal in a mor­tal frame, a Spir­it in this very mate­r­i­al world…for you only
can grow in this part of your jour­ney because you took this path, that you made this sac­ri­fice, to “fall” into mat­ter so that you might lift it up, and your­self too…You
will only grow as you stum­ble and “fall”, to make mis­takes and learn, again and again, for this is the Way, this is how you learn to become a ful­ly Con­scious Creator…this is the only
way you can learn to Wise­ly, Lov­ing­ly and Freely align your­self so as to
fol­low the one True Path of Light…

It is in the Hurt, it is from the Pain and through this Pas­sage of Suf­fer­ing that you
learn to turn away from error and mis­un­der­stand­ing, to turn towards what is
bet­ter, truer and everlasting…You find your way to see through this shell you
thought was Real­i­ty, to see beyond these forms and Veils of Mat­ter and to Clear-See
through to Spir­it, back to Your Self, back to The Way that is anchored in
your Heart.

It is never
easy and usu­al­ly painful for most when Venus encoun­ters a “hard”
aspect to Sat­urn. For Venus rules your expe­ri­ence of Val­ue, your appreciation
of Beau­ty, it rules the val­ue of you which springs from your Heart…and this
is in fact both your Source and Sal­va­tion, your Gold­en Thread that
con­nects you to one and all…it is this, your spark of the Divine, your Beloved, which you
know and cel­e­brate as Love.

Sat­urn rules
Real­i­ty, it forms and informs those vehi­cles of self-real­iza­tion that provide
you with your sub­stance of man­i­fes­ta­tion with­in these Worlds of Matter…and yet
it is through these very forms of self-deter­mi­na­tion that you expe­ri­ence the self-deceiv­ing and painful­ly self-cir­cum­scribed lim­its of your Divine Nature…

What on the
one hand forms your self-ful­fill­ment even­tu­al­ly and equal­ly becomes an
unen­durable self-lim­i­ta­tion for you as well…and so, as you con­tin­ue your
spi­ral jour­ney of the Self-Becom­ing, you will have to continuously
break from these chains of mat­ter, much like a snake shed­ding its skin, as you
seek to move into ever more per­fect forms of your Ever-Becom­ing, in this Wondrous
Jour­ney of your Immor­tal Essence danc­ing through these Mor­tal Forms.

Venus oppos­es Sat­urn you have reached a moment of con­fronta­tion, between your
Ide­al of Beau­ty and the Real­i­ty of your life, between your Val­ue of yourself
and your out­ward form, between your Love and your fear of being
Unloved. You will either be unkind to your­self, or to anoth­er, because you are hurt, because you have lost the way to your love of you…

And in this hour of tri­al, in this time of Fear, of Judg­ment and
Mis­un­der­stand­ing you must remem­ber what is True and Real, of how this expe­ri­ence of Lack is all part of the Illu­sion that is Matter…that your Mor­tal Frame hides
your Uncon­di­tion­al­ly Lov­ing, Immor­tal Spir­it, as it does for your Beloved who stands before you too. 

You need to look beyond and beneath these Veils of Mat­ter and remem­ber what draws you to one anoth­er, what tru­ly forms your Expe­ri­ence of one another…that you and they are a Spark of the Divine and your true Essence is Love…and
it is this Greater Real­i­ty which will draw you to one anoth­er again and again, it will keep you with one anoth­er always…and all you need do is face your fear with Love, for that Fear can only hold you enthralled and entan­gled in these Veils of Mat­ter if you for­get who and what you are…

For your True Self is eter­nal and these forms of embodiment
are nec­es­sary but will often veil the Beau­ty that you are…but if you Believe, if you have Faith then you will remem­ber and you will see through to what is True…

in your Mag­ic Mir­ror of Love that sees beyond these worlds of form…

the Lumi­nous Pres­ence who is you, the Love that you are…

turn to your beloved, you will see…

Both of you Veiled, meet­ing in these Worlds of Matter…

All you need, is to Remember…

Who you are, what is behind and lies beyond…

That you
walk togeth­er, mov­ing through these forms and veils…

Lov­ing, Lumi­nous Radi­ant Beings…

Immor­tal Spir­its in Mor­tal Frames…

Mov­ing towards your Greater Destiny.