Venus Conjunct Mars (April 6–7, 2013)


has been almost two years since you last felt this way…for that is how long
it takes for Venus to race around and catch up to Mars…Today they begin a new
cycle in the Sto­ry of Love and Desire in your world.

For these two are the com­pan­ions to
your Earth, shep­herd­ing her, guid­ing her…standing watch over her. They are
por­tals towards what is with­in you and what lies beyond…they pro­vide you with
the mean­ings and mes­sages of what is most per­son­al to you.

Venus, the Guardian of your Inner
Life, rules Val­ue, Beau­ty and Love. For at the very core of you (as at the core
of every Par­ti­cle and Force in Cre­ation) is the undy­ing, eter­nal lamp of Spirit
which you know and feel as Love. It is through Venus that your Jour­ney to Self
ever seeks to remind you that your true Nature is Love that is Unbound­ed and
Unconditional…and your Jour­ney is so that you might learn to become what you are…and to learn that what you have is to be enjoyed with one another.

Mars, the Guardian of your Outer
Life, rules Action, Desire and Aspi­ra­tion. For at the very core of you (as at
the core of every Par­ti­cle and Force in Cre­ation) is the ever-present,
ever-seek­ing Spark of the Divine whose one Desire is to become, to unceasingly
unfold and bring into being or Man­i­fes­ta­tion what you call your Self. All that
you see and touch and smell and feel and taste, and all that you can­not yet
perceive…All of it IS because at the Core of Spir­it there resides this
insis­tent, self-unfold­ing power…

in the begin­ning of any cycle, includ­ing the Great Cos­mic Cycle of Being and Non-Being, there is and
will always be one necessity…Spirit Desires to BE, and so it was, is and
shall be…Look up, look out and see the majesty that sur­rounds you in these Heav­ens above…Spirit Is, it Desires to Be…Let there be Light!

Now these two, your stalwart
stew­ards, now they come togeth­er to inspire you yet again, to remind you that
it all begins with your Love and your Desire…it all comes from what you hold in your Heart
and what you Seek in the world around you. In the end, these two are the
same, for what you are is what you seek…I am That, I Am.

You are here to become more fully
the Love that you are…

You are here to seek for this Love in
these worlds that sur­round you…

You are here to embrace
the Greater Reality…

That you and your Journey
are one…

To Love, To Desire.

To Be.

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