Daily Archives: April 9, 2013

New Moon in Aries (April 10, 2013)


She slips between you
and your Star…kissed by the Sun, the Moon receives her req­ui­site spir­i­tu­al Gift
of Inspi­ra­tion which she in turn offers to you…For this is her pur­pose, to be
your Muse, your stead­fast guardian who reflects and so buffers those burning
bright Solar Rays of pure Spir­i­tu­al Fire…she does this for you always, and
most espe­cial­ly as you enter into yet anoth­er Month of Moons.

Your jour­ney is formed
by many inter­sect­ing cycles of these Great Lords sweep­ing through the heavens,
artic­u­lat­ing, blend­ing and form­ing the forces which shape this lit­tle cor­ner of
space for you…and in the end it is she, dear Luna, who stands watch above as
she gath­ers, mod­u­lates and pass­es on these awe­some forces for you.

No cycle is more primal
nor more deeply felt by you than this Luna­tion Cycle, from New Moon to Full
Moon and back again, which from month to month, and year after year articulates
the Spir­i­tu­al rhythm of activ­i­ty and mean­ing for your Self Becoming…

The first moment in any
cycle was always held and revered as the most spe­cial and sacred, for it is said
that with­in this seed­ing moment the entire­ty of what is with­in and what will become
is held, as if wait­ing with bait­ed breath to begin its jour­ney of man­i­fes­ta­tion, and so it is that with­in the Alpha ker­nel there lies the promise of those har­vest­ed fruits
of the Omega…

And that from this Omega fruit, from the very seeds that it
con­tains with­in its Sacred Heart, it is from this that the next greater expres­sion of Spir­it that is Becom­ing will emerge as the Alphas of a new­er, high­er beginning…and
so on, and so on…For as it was in the begin­ning, so shall it be, for­ev­er and ever.

As you begin this
your New Year of the Self-Becom­ing, your next great year of Awak­en­ing to your Greater
Aware­ness, you should pause at this Thresh­old of Mean­ing, you should bow your
head and humbly offer your grat­i­tude for these gifts from on high…You need to
be still and qui­et and lis­ten with your heart to this most impor­tant message
from your Sun and Moon here at their First Lunation.

And in the silence and
dark­ness, in that still, qui­et cor­ner that is with­in, you will feel a stirring
in your soul, a leap­ing of your heart…You will feel the pres­ence of this
awe­some mes­sage of Spir­i­tu­al Grace and Truth…that you may Begin Again, always…For
with­in you is your Alpha Seed of Self that is the Ever Becoming…and your most
impor­tant and tru­ly only pur­pose is to quite sim­ply know and then be your Self!

For in each and every
dawn, in each and every moment in the day, there resides the one eter­nal and
ever-present pres­ence that is your Pure Poten­tial, where the past meets the future, and you will find it there in the ever abid­ing Now.

That is where you need
to be, remain­ing always…

Ever present in this
moment of your pure Cre­ative Fulcrum…

Where you will redeem
your past and forge your bet­ter tomorrows…

Because you are,
because you will…

Be the Alpha and the

remain­ing in the Now.