Daily Archives: April 13, 2013

Mercury Enters Aries (April 13, 2013)


has been a long, long time coming…your mind has been on quite a jour­ney since
ear­ly Feb­ru­ary, trip­ping through a dream­ing-time, you won­drous­ly wandered
through many man­sions in your mind, like an “Alice through the
Look­ing-Glass”. You were inspired and sought to stretch your
under­stand­ing, to get your head and heart to more lucid­ly encom­pass what is
known as The Greater Reality.

And if you were able, even somewhat,
to lift the cur­tain of appear­ances, what you dis­cov­ered is not some certainty
as to this “Uni­verse” you call home, no not at all…You encountered
some­thing much more pro­found and unknow­able by mere intel­lect alone as you came
face to face with what wise ones call the Great Mys­tery, the Veil of Isis.…for
only with Great Humil­i­ty might you dis­cern this ever-present, self-unfolding
won­der of Spirit…you caught a glimpse in your Heart-Eye and beheld the
real­i­ty of your “Mul­ti-Verse”…

Yes it has been most mar­velous and
con­fus­ing, deeply moved even as you and your life may have remained relatively
still…you lis­tened for the Songs of Spir­it, you heard the Voice of the
Silence, and in Rev­er­ence and Awe you bowed your head…that’s right dear
friend, you have been on an extend­ed trip in the land known as Pisces…

So pre­pare your­self for a most
dra­mat­ic jolt and shift in your Per­cep­tions and Thoughts, for you are turn­ing a
cor­ner and there is Fire sweep­ing through your Mind! Her­mes is leav­ing those
watery depths of Pisces and sweep­ing into the Enthu­si­asms, Eager­ness and
Excite­ments of Aries…

There is no wait­ing for Aries, no
time to pause and consider…The Vision or Dream or Inspi­ra­tion arrives, and
you must act, Now! You leap into action, bold­ly going where angels would indeed
fear to tread…

Yes, that is why you must pause to
con­sid­er how to use this won­drous gift of new found ener­gy and
confidence…Truly, your Ide­al­ism and Enthu­si­asm are won­der­ful and inspir­ing and
oh so nec­es­sary to this next step in your Self-Unfoldment…but All Ener­gy must
be wield­ed with Under­stand­ing, (this is in fact one of the most important
lessons you must learn in each and every Sign, how to Mas­ter and Wield each one
of these won­drous gifts with Wis­dom, Grace and Love).…

So here with Mer­cury in Aries, if
you do not pause to con­sid­er, “Why must I do this, How am I to do this,
and to What end will this lead?” If instead you allow this rush of force
to stoke your Impa­tience, you may stum­ble as your Self-Asser­tion slips into
Aggres­sion, your Con­fi­dence falls into Arro­gance and you will end up on a path
of reck­less dis­re­gard which will lead to you to many, many regrets…

The ener­gy is there, to be used by
you Wise­ly or No…

So be Eager
yet Patient…

Lis­ten to one another.

Enthused yet Humble…

from one another.

Bold yet Gentle…

one another.