Venus Enters Taurus (April 15, 2013)


Slow­er, steadier…yes that is more to
your lik­ing, and much more to Hers…Yes, Venus/Aphrodite has come home again
and for the next three weeks your Love of Beau­ty and the Beau­ty of Love needs
to be Tangible…Sensual…and oh so very Real.

Those ardent feel­ings, those eager and fervent
promis­es, those bold dec­la­ra­tions of Aries will give way now to this most
Earthy Realm that is Tau­rus. While you were in that Aries sojourn, you and Venus wan­dered there, you
were inspired by the Beau­ty with­in and with­out, and you could see in your mind’s eye those
won­drous dreams of a bet­ter world to be, to catch a shin­ing, fleet­ing glimpse of your Beau­ti­ful Garden…

But now that is not near­ly enough, no not enough at all. In Tau­rus you
must touch and smell, taste and hear, and see the Beau­ty of you and your world…You walk in Beau­ty, bare­foot in the Gar­den of Delights…You need to dig your hands into the rich,
warm­ing soil…you must breathe deeply the won­drous aro­mas of life resurgent…you look up and feel the promise of the Sun ris­ing upon a brand new day, and then receive that part­ing kiss of
glo­ry as he sets, and all is Good…

In every way, through every sense you will seek the path­way that
affirms that indeed it is done in Beau­ty, that Beau­ty sur­rounds you…that you are Beauty.

And then, when you turn towards one another…

When you gaze upon the Lumi­nous Beau­ty that is before you…

It is not enough, no not near­ly enough, to tell your
beloved how you feel…

For Venus needs more from you now.

When you say those mag­ic words…“I
love you”,

You must caress them too! 

Wel­come, wel­come home Venus…

To Beau­ty, To Love!

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