Daily Archives: April 18, 2013

Sun Enters Taurus (April 19, 2013)


You have tak­en those first steps, into
your Field of Dreams, releas­ing your Spir­it and let­ting it soar into this brand
New Year…Like all begin­nings, you drew upon your faith to fuel your Striving-Seeking,
find­ing your Inspi­ra­tion in visions of a bet­ter world and a bet­ter you. You leapt
into that Vir­gin Field of Space that is your Becom­ing, your one true pur­pose to
know your­self and to make your Pres­ence known…

Tonight, as your bright shin­ing Chariot
of Fire yields to his Lumi­nous Com­pan­ion, as Day gives way to the Mis­tress of Mysteries
and the Night, your next Por­tal will open and you will turn to alto­geth­er new
Oppor­tu­ni­ties and Chal­lenges that lie just beyond, in the next realm of your
self-unfold­ment that lies before you.

The Sea­sons of Spir­it are turn­ing again,
deep­er now and stead­ier than before, res­olute and pur­pose­ful, for now is the
Song that springs from the Earth, it is from the Heart of Cre­ation, from the
Source of All to you.

Twelve Sta­tions make up your year, four Portals
are of your begin­nings, and there are four of end­ings too…and in between
there are these Four who hold their cor­ners true. Tau­rus is the first of these,
who res­olute­ly stands for the Truth of Beau­ty, who abides in the Source of
Uncon­di­tion­al Love.

You are a Cre­ator, a spir­it endowed with
the mea­sure of all measures…for your High­er Self is a Spark of the Divine…it
is Eter­nal, ever-unfold­ing and the source of the Self-Becom­ing Won­der that you

For the next thir­ty days you will sing
your Cre­ation Song, you will draw down Forces from the Realms of Inspiration
and weave them into many Forms upon your Loom of Spir­i­tu­al Gold. You will
make your­self as you make your world, as you slow­ly but sure­ly learn to Cre­ate as you are made, with Beau­ty and Love. 

You reveal to all as unto your­self that Divin­i­ty is the
Foun­tain-Source of you…

You are the Dancer danc­ing, to your Self-Illu­mined and won­drous tune…

From Beau­ty With­in, and Sur­round­ed in Love…

You are the Mak­er of Wonders.

You, the Builder of Worlds.

You are the Cre­ator singing and dancing…

In this your Cre­ation Song.