Mars Enters Taurus (April 20, 2013)


Your Sen­tinel of Self has reached his
Far-Away…He is your Fear­less Friend and Coura­geous Com­pan­ion, who lifts and
guides you in your out­ward yearn­ings, and through him your aims have been stretched
beyond what came before. Mars, the Avatar of your Aspir­ing Nature, your
Burn­ing-Bright of tomor­rows yet unborn, has forged and formed anew your Dreams
and Desires of what you are yet to be…and as you jour­neyed togeth­er in Aries, your heart leapt as you caught a fleet­ing glance of your greater destiny…

But now, as your Seek­ing Self begins his
Jour­ney of Return, you will feel a mighty shift of Ener­gy and Intent, for Mars with
you is cross­ing into a more Sub­stan­tial Realm. For the past 40 days you have
blazed a trail in the Fires of Aries, (which is in fact Mars own true Home)…But
it is only the first of the Twelve Kingdoms…and though with what you begin is
most Desired and Nec­es­sary to what will even­tu­al­ly Be…It is not enough for
you to only Dream and dwell upon your Desires, not when you walk upon this
Bright Blue Orb…No, it is not near­ly enough if you seek to Become what you
are meant to be…

So it is, in these 40 that fol­low, that
you and your Stal­wart Stew­ard will turn your Visions into Sub­stan­tial steps of your
becoming…Now you must begin to make Real what were wish­es and dreams…Now
you will Walk in this most Earthy of Realms, and you will seek and strive, and you
will grow, and you will learn…For it is in these Gar­dens of Tau­rus that you will
become the Cre­ator who is Cre­at­ing, the Self-Becom­ing Won­der-Mak­er of a Greater Reality.

Now you will bring your Inspirations…

Now you will take your Dreams…

And like the Pot­ter, Painter, Dancer and

With For­ti­tude and Purpose…

By Love and through Beauty…

You will sing and you will dance…

In your Greater Reality.

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