Venus Opposition Saturn (April 22, 2013)


I know it hurts…but that is the way of it sometimes…

You are an
Immor­tal in a mor­tal frame, a Spir­it in this very mate­r­i­al world…for you only
can grow in this part of your jour­ney because you took this path, that you made this sac­ri­fice, to “fall” into mat­ter so that you might lift it up, and your­self too…You
will only grow as you stum­ble and “fall”, to make mis­takes and learn, again and again, for this is the Way, this is how you learn to become a ful­ly Con­scious Creator…this is the only
way you can learn to Wise­ly, Lov­ing­ly and Freely align your­self so as to
fol­low the one True Path of Light…

It is in the Hurt, it is from the Pain and through this Pas­sage of Suf­fer­ing that you
learn to turn away from error and mis­un­der­stand­ing, to turn towards what is
bet­ter, truer and everlasting…You find your way to see through this shell you
thought was Real­i­ty, to see beyond these forms and Veils of Mat­ter and to Clear-See
through to Spir­it, back to Your Self, back to The Way that is anchored in
your Heart.

It is never
easy and usu­al­ly painful for most when Venus encoun­ters a “hard”
aspect to Sat­urn. For Venus rules your expe­ri­ence of Val­ue, your appreciation
of Beau­ty, it rules the val­ue of you which springs from your Heart…and this
is in fact both your Source and Sal­va­tion, your Gold­en Thread that
con­nects you to one and all…it is this, your spark of the Divine, your Beloved, which you
know and cel­e­brate as Love.

Sat­urn rules
Real­i­ty, it forms and informs those vehi­cles of self-real­iza­tion that provide
you with your sub­stance of man­i­fes­ta­tion with­in these Worlds of Matter…and yet
it is through these very forms of self-deter­mi­na­tion that you expe­ri­ence the self-deceiv­ing and painful­ly self-cir­cum­scribed lim­its of your Divine Nature…

What on the
one hand forms your self-ful­fill­ment even­tu­al­ly and equal­ly becomes an
unen­durable self-lim­i­ta­tion for you as well…and so, as you con­tin­ue your
spi­ral jour­ney of the Self-Becom­ing, you will have to continuously
break from these chains of mat­ter, much like a snake shed­ding its skin, as you
seek to move into ever more per­fect forms of your Ever-Becom­ing, in this Wondrous
Jour­ney of your Immor­tal Essence danc­ing through these Mor­tal Forms.

Venus oppos­es Sat­urn you have reached a moment of con­fronta­tion, between your
Ide­al of Beau­ty and the Real­i­ty of your life, between your Val­ue of yourself
and your out­ward form, between your Love and your fear of being
Unloved. You will either be unkind to your­self, or to anoth­er, because you are hurt, because you have lost the way to your love of you…

And in this hour of tri­al, in this time of Fear, of Judg­ment and
Mis­un­der­stand­ing you must remem­ber what is True and Real, of how this expe­ri­ence of Lack is all part of the Illu­sion that is Matter…that your Mor­tal Frame hides
your Uncon­di­tion­al­ly Lov­ing, Immor­tal Spir­it, as it does for your Beloved who stands before you too. 

You need to look beyond and beneath these Veils of Mat­ter and remem­ber what draws you to one anoth­er, what tru­ly forms your Expe­ri­ence of one another…that you and they are a Spark of the Divine and your true Essence is Love…and
it is this Greater Real­i­ty which will draw you to one anoth­er again and again, it will keep you with one anoth­er always…and all you need do is face your fear with Love, for that Fear can only hold you enthralled and entan­gled in these Veils of Mat­ter if you for­get who and what you are…

For your True Self is eter­nal and these forms of embodiment
are nec­es­sary but will often veil the Beau­ty that you are…but if you Believe, if you have Faith then you will remem­ber and you will see through to what is True…

in your Mag­ic Mir­ror of Love that sees beyond these worlds of form…

the Lumi­nous Pres­ence who is you, the Love that you are…

turn to your beloved, you will see…

Both of you Veiled, meet­ing in these Worlds of Matter…

All you need, is to Remember…

Who you are, what is behind and lies beyond…

That you
walk togeth­er, mov­ing through these forms and veils…

Lov­ing, Lumi­nous Radi­ant Beings…

Immor­tal Spir­its in Mor­tal Frames…

Mov­ing towards your Greater Destiny.

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