Daily Archives: April 27, 2013

Sun Opposition Saturn (April 28, 2013)



need to pause today, to con­sid­er how far you have come…and how far away still
lies your heart’s desire…

You have reached anoth­er turn­ing in
this year…On one side shines your source of all, the Sun, who is your Avatar
of Pure Being and what in truth rep­re­sents your Infi­nite Poten­tial wait­ing to
Become. Upon the oth­er side stands Sat­urn who is nev­er clos­er than now, your Bound­ed-Band­ed Avatar of
Real­i­ty, who rules your req­ui­site forms of Self-Realization…and your painful
but nec­es­sary Self-Lim­i­ta­tions too.

It is time to bow your head to this
mys­tery, this the chal­lenge of your Self-Becoming…For it is on you and you
alone to learn this if you are to ful­fill your des­tiny. You must accept and
under­stand how and how well you have fold­ed and formed your Infi­nite potential
into these par­tic­u­lar ves­sels of your Reality…You need to cast a glance backwards
today and see from where you came in these past six months, (or per­haps six or
six­ty years…or maybe more).

Look back and consider…Did you
choose well, did you form by and with Love, have you begun to Under­stand? For
when Sat­urn and Sun face one anoth­er, and you stand there in-between you need
know this, that it is a time of reck­on­ing, an account­ing will be made…Yet it
is most impor­tant that you accept and learn from what was well but more from
what was less well done by you…

Enjoy your fruits of Suc­cess, for
every step that you advance on the path will bring you that much clos­er to the
Peace of Mind, Soul and Spir­it that you have always dreamed of…But you must
tru­ly trea­sure these oth­er fruits, these pre­cious seeds that you deem a
Fail­ure. For in your Cen­ter you must remain Free and Present, not bound
by regrets. Instead, you must look beyond mere judg­ments, to see through and
under­stand how it is that you grow…

Though Suc­cess is Sweet, the lessons
of life and your Self-Becom­ing are only learned by and through these other
fruits, those errors and mis­takes you made…Your fail­ures are the true
Foun­tain Source for your even­tu­al Self-Mastery…You can only learn by trial
and error, you forge your Wis­dom by your Heart and through Humil­i­ty, and it is
only this that will lead to your Greater Understanding.

By learn­ing to choose what is
bet­ter, by learn­ing to be bet­ter, you ful­fill your Des­tiny and earn your next
step in your ever-unfold­ing jour­ney of Self-Ful­fill­ment. Your des­tiny is to
unfold that Lumi­nous Spark of the Divine that lies with­in you, and each step in
that unfold­ment requires that you lim­it your­self in order to fulfill

It is time to stand at the Cross­ing Point…

Between the Dark­ness and the Light.

It is time to reflect upon your past, it is time to reimag­ine your Future.…

You stand ever in the Eter­nal that is Now…

Mak­ing your Destiny…

Bound­less, Bounded…

For­ev­er Free.