Mars Opposition Saturn (April 30-May 1, 2013)


now this one is hard…as it must and should be…

Where­as the Sun/Saturn oppo­si­tion you just expe­ri­enced is about
your Infi­nite Poten­tial becom­ing real­ized into the next Self-Deter­min­ing, (yet
ulti­mate­ly lim­it­ing and so must be tran­scend­ed) Form, this Mars/Saturn
oppo­si­tion is about the Aims and Actions you uti­lize to Guide and Wield your
efforts in order to actu­al­ly bring into being your New Reality.

Why is it hard­er? Because you are liv­ing in this most material
world…and you will con­stant­ly have to over­come resis­tance to make your way.
One source of this dif­fi­cul­ty, the one that is obvi­ous to you, will be from around yourself
cer­tain­ly, in the very nature of the phys­i­cal world and from your social
cir­cum­stances too…Unlike your “oth­er realms”, like those you dwell
in when you let go of your phys­i­cal form, as when you sleep, this realm of
Earth is the hard­est for you to make your “Will Be Done”…But you
are here to learn and so you must if you are to ful­fill your des­tiny of being a
Mas­ter of the Craft, a Dream­ing World-Mak­er Creator.

And so you must learn to adjust your Aims and Actions when you run
into these obsta­cles, delays and rever­sals “out there”. If you cannot
get to “there from here”, you need to do two things: 1) Reconsider
the Goal and see if it is still true and right for you. Per­haps a slight shift
can ease your way and open up new pos­si­bil­i­ties that you would not have
imag­ined with the old inten­tions guid­ing you (and that was per­haps the whole rea­son as to why you were delayed or blocked, the Uni­verse was not in your way, you
were!), or 2) If the goal is true or has been re-set the sec­ond mat­ter to
con­sid­er of course is the “How”. You may need to adjust the way you
are attempt­ing to accom­plish the steps to your goal, for either the world has
changed or most cer­tain­ly you have, and the “old ways” are out of
sync with the ever-unfold­ing New Real­i­ty you are part of now.

But even more tru­ly, deeply and reas­sur­ing­ly (which is surprising
to some), the oth­er “Source” of your delay or imped­i­ment may arise
whol­ly from with­in your­self (even as much as it may seem to come from the world
around you)…You will need to take this delay, resis­tance or block in your
progress “out there” and recon­sid­er your jour­ney from the
Inside…You will need to con­sid­er again who you real­ly are, where you are
com­ing from and so know more tru­ly what and how you need to become That out

More than like­ly the prob­lem that is appear­ing as some external
force of resis­tance is the mir­ror of some form of block­age that has its origin
from with­in your own not yet ful­ly real­ized and inte­grat­ed pow­ers of
Self-Becom­ing. You will need to step back and con­sid­er again the two-fold
nature of your journey…There is your Goal and there is The Way…and you must
come to under­stand that they are Insep­a­ra­ble if you are to be the Self-Becoming
won­der that you are.

So when
you encounter this chal­lenge to your path ahead you must con­sid­er again, who am
I, what am I here for and where am I going (at least in this par­tic­u­lar life,
what is my pur­pose)? With­out a clear vision of this, then of course you will
stum­ble and fall into error “out there”, chas­ing what is not right or
true for you…and so you will come to see that these annoy­ing delays,
obsta­cles and imped­i­ments that seem­ing­ly stop you are there because that
vision, goal or dream you are chas­ing is not for you! The Uni­verse is rather forcefully
yet help­ful­ly say­ing to you, Stop being untrue to yourself!

so must it also fol­low as regards your means to this dream or goal. It is not
enough that you suc­ceed and win the prize because there is no Escape from
Divine Law and the Bal­ance Made by the Will of the One and the Many in these
worlds…The Law Of Kar­ma is per­fect, fair and unre­lent­ing. If you employ the
wrong meth­ods and means, if your Actions are not guid­ed and formed by Right
Inten­tion that is aligned and true to your Nature and Pur­pose, you will only
reap a bit­ter reward of “Suc­cess with­out Spirit”…Your prize will be a bright
shin­ing object with noth­ing inside, leav­ing only bit­ter fruits and regrets as
your painful legacy…and so you must begin again…and you will, and you will become.

Lord of Forms and Real­i­ty (Sat­urn) now meets your Avatar of Desire and
Aspi­ra­tions (Mars)…

there are lessons to be learned again.

you have a Greater Des­tiny than you can yet imagine…

you can­not BE until you have learned to be the EVER-BECOMING.

you can­not be this until you know, tru­ly know…

Won­der that you are.

child who came from a Star…

to be a Star…

a Glo­ri­ous Com­pa­ny of Stars!

the key, The Way?

to make your way through your Heart that is True

and your Mind that is Free…and

always and forever…

Let Thy Will be Done!

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