Mercury Enters Taurus (May 1, 2013)


It has only been 18 days while Mer­cury dashed through the
sign of Aries, and although he is mov­ing into that much more stead­ied, focused
and won­der-filled sen­su­al realm of Tau­rus, he is still pick­ing up speed and
will only be here for 14 days before div­ing into that fris­son of fractal,
dis­tract­ing diver­si­ties found in Gemini…So, you bet­ter take advan­tage of this
respite for your body, mind and spirit…you need and deserve this!

pas­sage of Mer­cury in Aries was a bap­tism by Fire, of Ide­alisms and Enthusiasms
that inspired your thoughts and added urgency to your communications…But
because you have yet to mas­ter this much ener­gy as well as you will, the result
is often­times con­ducive to, shall we say, more or less errors of excess and/or
reck­less­ness. Thoughts can fly so fast (and the words and actions that then
fol­low) that you cer­tain­ly could have found your­self wish­ing for some way to
take part or all of it back…

But the Law of the Uni­verse is Fair but Final,
once you Cre­ate some­thing, for good or ill, whether they be thoughts, feelings,
words or works, you own it…and it will come back to you, and you must make
your amends…But this is how you learn, to face and under­stand Cause and
Effect…so that over-time you will acquire the Greater Aware­ness and so become

So, take a deep breath, hold
it, and now release and relax…it is time to put your Mind and Spir­it upon a
more sta­ble and tan­gi­ble foot­ing, it is lit­er­al­ly time to get Earthy…Now you
need to take a more gen­tle, easy-going approach to what you think and how you
con­vey it…For this is Mer­cury in Tau­rus and you need to tamp down those
pas­sion­ate ideals and shin­ing visions…you need to take your mind into a more
real, prac­ti­cal and sus­tain­able space.

Fan­cy slo­gans and fiery speech­es are
all well and good, but now you need to reas­sure, pro­tect and pre­serve what is
valu­able, beau­ti­ful and good…

Now you need to fol­low the Code of the Caretakers,
for one anoth­er and for your world…

You must abide in the Way of We are all
Relat­ed, and be guid­ed by the injunc­tion, “First, do no harm”.

And then affirm and repeat the great invocation…

Now our Minds are One!”

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