Monthly Archives: April 2013

Mars Enters Taurus (April 20, 2013)


Your Sen­tinel of Self has reached his
Far-Away…He is your Fear­less Friend and Coura­geous Com­pan­ion, who lifts and
guides you in your out­ward yearn­ings, and through him your aims have been stretched
beyond what came before. Mars, the Avatar of your Aspir­ing Nature, your
Burn­ing-Bright of tomor­rows yet unborn, has forged and formed anew your Dreams
and Desires of what you are yet to be…and as you jour­neyed togeth­er in Aries, your heart leapt as you caught a fleet­ing glance of your greater destiny…

But now, as your Seek­ing Self begins his
Jour­ney of Return, you will feel a mighty shift of Ener­gy and Intent, for Mars with
you is cross­ing into a more Sub­stan­tial Realm. For the past 40 days you have
blazed a trail in the Fires of Aries, (which is in fact Mars own true Home)…But
it is only the first of the Twelve Kingdoms…and though with what you begin is
most Desired and Nec­es­sary to what will even­tu­al­ly Be…It is not enough for
you to only Dream and dwell upon your Desires, not when you walk upon this
Bright Blue Orb…No, it is not near­ly enough if you seek to Become what you
are meant to be…

So it is, in these 40 that fol­low, that
you and your Stal­wart Stew­ard will turn your Visions into Sub­stan­tial steps of your
becoming…Now you must begin to make Real what were wish­es and dreams…Now
you will Walk in this most Earthy of Realms, and you will seek and strive, and you
will grow, and you will learn…For it is in these Gar­dens of Tau­rus that you will
become the Cre­ator who is Cre­at­ing, the Self-Becom­ing Won­der-Mak­er of a Greater Reality.

Now you will bring your Inspirations…

Now you will take your Dreams…

And like the Pot­ter, Painter, Dancer and

With For­ti­tude and Purpose…

By Love and through Beauty…

You will sing and you will dance…

In your Greater Reality.

Sun Enters Taurus (April 19, 2013)


You have tak­en those first steps, into
your Field of Dreams, releas­ing your Spir­it and let­ting it soar into this brand
New Year…Like all begin­nings, you drew upon your faith to fuel your Striving-Seeking,
find­ing your Inspi­ra­tion in visions of a bet­ter world and a bet­ter you. You leapt
into that Vir­gin Field of Space that is your Becom­ing, your one true pur­pose to
know your­self and to make your Pres­ence known…

Tonight, as your bright shin­ing Chariot
of Fire yields to his Lumi­nous Com­pan­ion, as Day gives way to the Mis­tress of Mysteries
and the Night, your next Por­tal will open and you will turn to alto­geth­er new
Oppor­tu­ni­ties and Chal­lenges that lie just beyond, in the next realm of your
self-unfold­ment that lies before you.

The Sea­sons of Spir­it are turn­ing again,
deep­er now and stead­ier than before, res­olute and pur­pose­ful, for now is the
Song that springs from the Earth, it is from the Heart of Cre­ation, from the
Source of All to you.

Twelve Sta­tions make up your year, four Portals
are of your begin­nings, and there are four of end­ings too…and in between
there are these Four who hold their cor­ners true. Tau­rus is the first of these,
who res­olute­ly stands for the Truth of Beau­ty, who abides in the Source of
Uncon­di­tion­al Love.

You are a Cre­ator, a spir­it endowed with
the mea­sure of all measures…for your High­er Self is a Spark of the Divine…it
is Eter­nal, ever-unfold­ing and the source of the Self-Becom­ing Won­der that you

For the next thir­ty days you will sing
your Cre­ation Song, you will draw down Forces from the Realms of Inspiration
and weave them into many Forms upon your Loom of Spir­i­tu­al Gold. You will
make your­self as you make your world, as you slow­ly but sure­ly learn to Cre­ate as you are made, with Beau­ty and Love. 

You reveal to all as unto your­self that Divin­i­ty is the
Foun­tain-Source of you…

You are the Dancer danc­ing, to your Self-Illu­mined and won­drous tune…

From Beau­ty With­in, and Sur­round­ed in Love…

You are the Mak­er of Wonders.

You, the Builder of Worlds.

You are the Cre­ator singing and dancing…

In this your Cre­ation Song.

Sun Conjuncts Mars (April 17, 2013)


has been over two years, that’s how long your Ver­mil­lion Sen­tinel takes to make
his rounds. Mars blazes The Way, he is your com­pan­ion in arms, faithfully
patrolling this last perime­ter between you and Space, safe­guard­ing the
bor­der­lands of your pre­cious Blue World, the home you call Earth. 

Yes, it was over two years ago that
you began a new cycle of the Self Assert­ing, for that is the last time your
Star and Mars aligned with one anoth­er, to com­mence a new cycle of Self-Realization.
Today they meet again, and the Sun bestows the next nec­es­sary Bless­ing and
Guid­ance for your Jour­ney of Becoming.

For the Sun is your pure potential,
it is your “Future in Wait­ing” that forms and informs all the
real­ties you make for your­self in these worlds. Your one true pur­pose is To Grow, to bring your­self to that next fin­er real­iza­tion in these realms through
which you make man­i­fest your ever-unfold­ing potential.

Mars ever serves the Sun, for he is
the Proud Bear­er of your Inten­tions, Desires and Aspirations…and so he takes
you out­ward into your Self-becom­ing, with Fer­vent Beliefs and Focused Actions.…He
is your Prince of Pur­pose, guid­ed by your Inten­tions and Atti­tudes, as you make
your way into the world.

Today you need pause as the Sun
meets Mars and a New Cycle of Action and Activ­i­ty will begin. You will write a
new chap­ter in your jour­ney of Self-Real­iza­tion and it is in this moment, it is
with­in this most spe­cial Seed­ing Time that holds with­in it the Promise of your
Future, of what will be, of what you will become.

It is nec­es­sary for you to stop, to
be with­out Motion or Direc­tion or Inten­tion today…and in this space of
rev­er­ent Qui­etude, in the emp­ty, still­ness of your sacred space…it is there
that you must wait for your Solar Gift of Plen­i­tude. The Gift of the Sun
will be from where he moves now, from Aries, where­in it is said the Sun is
Exalt­ed, and also where Mars is made to

is an aus­pi­cious moment indeed…A New Begin­ning is tru­ly at hand…and the Key
to it all lies with­in you, with your Under­stand­ing and your Atti­tude. For
what­ev­er Inspi­ra­tion you are to receive, it is for you and you alone, and that
is between you and your high­er self. 

what you may do with it, what it may or may not become, that is on you. Because
it all depends upon your Con­scious­ness, it rests upon your lev­el of Under­stand­ing. You cre­ate what will be by the way in which you redeem your past
as you imag­ine your future…and you do this well or not by the man­ner in which
you meet this most fleet­ing of moments with Right Inten­tion, Right Atti­tude and
Right Conduct…

Because what will be and what will become is formed by how you
stand in this Sacred Space, in this Ful­crum of Becoming…and this Space of
Free­dom and Redemp­tion is found in that ever-unfold­ing instance of time you
call “The Now”.

So pause at this beginning…

Take a deep breath and consider,

Is my Inten­tion True…

Is my Atti­tude Loving…

Is my Con­duct Honorable?

Then, let it begin, let it become…

Yes, it is here…

Your New Day has dawned.

Venus Enters Taurus (April 15, 2013)


Slow­er, steadier…yes that is more to
your lik­ing, and much more to Hers…Yes, Venus/Aphrodite has come home again
and for the next three weeks your Love of Beau­ty and the Beau­ty of Love needs
to be Tangible…Sensual…and oh so very Real.

Those ardent feel­ings, those eager and fervent
promis­es, those bold dec­la­ra­tions of Aries will give way now to this most
Earthy Realm that is Tau­rus. While you were in that Aries sojourn, you and Venus wan­dered there, you
were inspired by the Beau­ty with­in and with­out, and you could see in your mind’s eye those
won­drous dreams of a bet­ter world to be, to catch a shin­ing, fleet­ing glimpse of your Beau­ti­ful Garden…

But now that is not near­ly enough, no not enough at all. In Tau­rus you
must touch and smell, taste and hear, and see the Beau­ty of you and your world…You walk in Beau­ty, bare­foot in the Gar­den of Delights…You need to dig your hands into the rich,
warm­ing soil…you must breathe deeply the won­drous aro­mas of life resurgent…you look up and feel the promise of the Sun ris­ing upon a brand new day, and then receive that part­ing kiss of
glo­ry as he sets, and all is Good…

In every way, through every sense you will seek the path­way that
affirms that indeed it is done in Beau­ty, that Beau­ty sur­rounds you…that you are Beauty.

And then, when you turn towards one another…

When you gaze upon the Lumi­nous Beau­ty that is before you…

It is not enough, no not near­ly enough, to tell your
beloved how you feel…

For Venus needs more from you now.

When you say those mag­ic words…“I
love you”,

You must caress them too! 

Wel­come, wel­come home Venus…

To Beau­ty, To Love!

Mercury Enters Aries (April 13, 2013)


has been a long, long time coming…your mind has been on quite a jour­ney since
ear­ly Feb­ru­ary, trip­ping through a dream­ing-time, you won­drous­ly wandered
through many man­sions in your mind, like an “Alice through the
Look­ing-Glass”. You were inspired and sought to stretch your
under­stand­ing, to get your head and heart to more lucid­ly encom­pass what is
known as The Greater Reality.

And if you were able, even somewhat,
to lift the cur­tain of appear­ances, what you dis­cov­ered is not some certainty
as to this “Uni­verse” you call home, no not at all…You encountered
some­thing much more pro­found and unknow­able by mere intel­lect alone as you came
face to face with what wise ones call the Great Mys­tery, the Veil of Isis.…for
only with Great Humil­i­ty might you dis­cern this ever-present, self-unfolding
won­der of Spirit…you caught a glimpse in your Heart-Eye and beheld the
real­i­ty of your “Mul­ti-Verse”…

Yes it has been most mar­velous and
con­fus­ing, deeply moved even as you and your life may have remained relatively
still…you lis­tened for the Songs of Spir­it, you heard the Voice of the
Silence, and in Rev­er­ence and Awe you bowed your head…that’s right dear
friend, you have been on an extend­ed trip in the land known as Pisces…

So pre­pare your­self for a most
dra­mat­ic jolt and shift in your Per­cep­tions and Thoughts, for you are turn­ing a
cor­ner and there is Fire sweep­ing through your Mind! Her­mes is leav­ing those
watery depths of Pisces and sweep­ing into the Enthu­si­asms, Eager­ness and
Excite­ments of Aries…

There is no wait­ing for Aries, no
time to pause and consider…The Vision or Dream or Inspi­ra­tion arrives, and
you must act, Now! You leap into action, bold­ly going where angels would indeed
fear to tread…

Yes, that is why you must pause to
con­sid­er how to use this won­drous gift of new found ener­gy and
confidence…Truly, your Ide­al­ism and Enthu­si­asm are won­der­ful and inspir­ing and
oh so nec­es­sary to this next step in your Self-Unfoldment…but All Ener­gy must
be wield­ed with Under­stand­ing, (this is in fact one of the most important
lessons you must learn in each and every Sign, how to Mas­ter and Wield each one
of these won­drous gifts with Wis­dom, Grace and Love).…

So here with Mer­cury in Aries, if
you do not pause to con­sid­er, “Why must I do this, How am I to do this,
and to What end will this lead?” If instead you allow this rush of force
to stoke your Impa­tience, you may stum­ble as your Self-Asser­tion slips into
Aggres­sion, your Con­fi­dence falls into Arro­gance and you will end up on a path
of reck­less dis­re­gard which will lead to you to many, many regrets…

The ener­gy is there, to be used by
you Wise­ly or No…

So be Eager
yet Patient…

Lis­ten to one another.

Enthused yet Humble…

from one another.

Bold yet Gentle…

one another.