Monthly Archives: May 2013

Mars Enters Gemini (May 31, 2013)


to keep things a lit­tle in bal­ance, as Mer­cury dives into those Waters of
Can­cer, guid­ing you towards your Foun­tain-Source of Feel­ings, Mars jumps over
the prover­bial can­dle­stick into that most Airy World of Gemini!

So, for the next 44 days you are going on a thrilling ride, you are moti­vat­ed and mov­ing, as you charge ahead with this spike in your
Enthu­si­asms, Activ­i­ties and Drives…You are to expe­ri­ence a quick­en­ing or
resur­gence in your desire and need for dis­tract­ing diver­si­ties and multiple
stimulations…Forget about doing one thing at a time…this is your time to
run and jump while jug­gling sev­er­al dif­fer­ent tasks at the same time…Yes, you
are all excit­ed now, you are Nim­ble, and you are Quick…okay, let’s see you
jump over that Candlestick!

Where­as Mars in Tau­rus brought your Desires into a more
Sub­stan­tial Focus, to a more Val­ued and Mea­sured pace of Tangible
Manifestation…Mars in Gem­i­ni inspires you to release your­self into the
delight­ful Vir­tu­osi­ties of Mind and Body Coor­di­na­tion, to dis­play your élan and
agili­ty, to go as fast as you can go, to piv­ot, jump and tumble…and then do
it again!

Yet as much as you feel this thrill of ener­gy cours­ing through
you, your nerves fir­ing and mus­cles jump­ing, remem­ber that there is a higher
pur­pose to this Infu­sion of Inspiration…For Mars in Gem­i­ni is here to remind
you that the Key to the King­dom, to the ful­fill­ment of your Dreams and Desires,
requires that you strive to be an Adept, that you Under­stand that the Pathway
to Attain your goals will only be found through being Alert, Adapt­able and

you are on Earth to learn, and so you will be pre­sent­ed with many challenges
and choic­es. You will devel­op your best solu­tions to the prob­lems of life that
you encounter…but because the world and you are ever-chang­ing, these elegant
or some­times less than ele­gant answers to the chal­lenges of your world will
over time “go out of phase” or fail…You will encounter the
seem­ing­ly ordi­nary prob­lem, apply your solution…and, nothing…it does not
work. Well, you must have for­got­ten or missed a step, so you try again…And again, nada…That
is when the prover­bial “light bulb” is sup­posed to come on in your
head…And you real­ize, things are not as they were or seem, and you need to do
that quick step and get crack­ing at devel­op­ing a bet­ter approach and find a new
solu­tion to your problem…Yes, that’s right…it is time to show your Intelligence!

with Mars in Gem­i­ni, you had bet­ter pay atten­tion because this is what you are
going to face again and again now…The World is chang­ing, and so are you!…Yes, things are def­i­nite­ly bend­ing beyond the ordi­nary and expectable, and you real­ly need this Gem­i­ni Gift of Intel­li­gence in Action…

show your Adeptness…Stay Alert, Be Adapt­able and be thankful…

For the Wis­dom of the Stars will always guide you…

Their Signs and Por­tents are there to be read…

With those who have eyes to see, and ears to hear.

For it is this, this Song and Dance of Spirit…

That will keep you upon the Path.

Aware, Alert…and filled with Wonder.

Now, Jump!

Mercury Enters Cancer (May 31, 2013)


ready to set­tle in to a long, long sojourn with your Intu­itive or “Feel­ing
Mind”, because Mer­cury is not going to stay here for the usu­al two or
three weeks…oh no, he is mak­ing him­self home in Can­cer until August 8th! That
is Ten Weeks! Wow!

That is a very long time for your mind to be splash­ing, swimming
and div­ing through those Waters of Mem­o­ry, Car­ing and Home…So get ready, curl
up with your feel­ings, and set­tle into this Heal­ing Jour­ney, for you are going
to the roots of you, you are going to your Cen­ter, for it is in Can­cer that you
return to the begin­ning, to the Foun­tain-Source of your life…Your Mind and
Heart will turn to what binds you to your core…to fam­i­ly, to belong­ing to a
peo­ple, to being one of the ones of the One…

Of course the rea­son as to why Mer­cury is resid­ing in Can­cer for
so long is that he will turn ret­ro­grade on June 26, and then turn direct on
July 20 and so he will abide in these Waters of Ori­gin for quite some time, and
in the process take you even deep­er to those cat­a­combs of your past…so you
must real­ly need this…this reminder of where you come from, this deep­er truth
as to how you know, and this truer way to share it too…

For as much as Mer­cury in Gem­i­ni remind­ed you of your most
won­der­ful instru­ment of under­stand­ing, that self-reflective,
con­trast­ing-refract­ing and won­drous­ly curi­ous fac­ul­ty you know as
Intelligence…Mercury in Can­cer is here to remind you that you are more than a
mind, that you secure your­self to what was and is and what will be through Feelings,
and it is through this weav­ing-way of Feel­ing-Thoughts or Thoughtful-Feelings
that you can tru­ly come togeth­er with one another…

thoughts alone can and often will divide you from one anoth­er. Your Rainbow
Bridge of Under­stand­ing, of heart­felt con­nect­ed­ness is absent when you only reside
in that Tow­er made of Pure Thought…and that with­out this mod­u­la­tion of
Feel­ing, where­in is found your com­pas­sion, sym­pa­thy and caring…well, without
that you are real­ly not human at all…

it is your Feel­ings that bring you into your Com­mon Ground, that Space that is
shared by one and all…For you are part of some­thing greater, you and all of Creation
come from one Divine Source. You and every­one you have ever known, know and
will meet some­day, you are all relat­ed to one anoth­er, and you all partake,
find your feel­ings and share in this expe­ri­ence of being ulti­mate­ly of this One Fam­i­ly. That you
are one in your Ori­gin, each a beau­ti­ful, unique spark of this One Divine Flame…You are all related
and at the core of your expe­ri­ence is this join­ing with one anoth­er, that you par­take in this com­mon feel­ing of the experience
of your jour­ney of self-becoming…of car­ing for, nur­tur­ing and sup­port­ing one
anoth­er as you become so much more…

share in your Over-Com­ings or Tri­umphs, you com­fort one anoth­er in your moments
of Defeats or Despair…Because, because you have been there too, and so you
have Com­pas­sion and Sympathy…You feel their joy, you share in their sadness
and you hope togeth­er for a bet­ter day, Together…For what they feel you have
felt and feel too, and so you can help
one anoth­er to find the way beyond the pain and shad­ows, to find and con­nect to
your Home and so Know and Believe in the Light Everlasting…You can Think and
Feel, Together…and so accept, let go and grow into the Greater Understanding.

is how you Feel and Think…

is how you Thought­ful­ly Feel…

Car­ing, Nur­tur­ing and Help­ing one another.

Remem­ber­ing and Hon­or­ing each and every Spark…

you Feel and you Know that every oth­er is tru­ly part of One­self too…

Bridge is Formed, the Illu­sion of Sep­a­ra­tion thrown down…

Minds and Hearts are One…

mov­ing closer…

the Ever­last­ing Light.

Venus Conjunct Jupiter (May 28, 2013)


And now part 3 of your “Pas de
Trois”, as Venus catch­es up and aligns with Jupiter too…and this one,
well this is tru­ly “a bless­ing” for you…It is most certainly
beau­ti­ful for it is formed by the Con­junc­tion of what Astrologers call the Two Benefics,
Venus is the Less­er and Jupiter the Greater Benefic…and so today’s align­ment is
known by those who have found the path as “The Bless­ing Way”…Today
these two renew their cycle with one anoth­er, they offer their gifts to you and help you to find your way…

Venus is the Avatar of your experience
of Val­ue and Beau­ty, for the one True and Ulti­mate Mea­sure of your Divin­i­ty is what
you know as Love…Venus is your Avatar of Love and helps you to find your way
to the One Truth, to your Uncon­di­tion­al Love of your Self, who is in fact your
Beloved and is your source of Love within…And this Love that abides within
the Heart of you is the only path that will in equal mea­sure per­mit you to
Share and Receive your Love for one anoth­er too…for you can only Receive
what you are able to Give.

Jupiter is the Lord of Truth and Wisdom,
who leads you out beyond the famil­iar, to encour­age and sup­port you as you strive to reach that far dis­tant shore of Understanding…For your one most
insis­tent and inspired Seed of Truth is held by the Divine with­in you, it is the Core of you because you are a Spark of that Divine. This Spir­i­tu­al Seed means that you are
here for One Pur­pose, to ful­fill your Des­tiny as a child of the One Spir­it, and that means you are here “To Grow”…

And as you move from with­in out­wards in
your jour­ney to Under­stand your Self and your World, to become what you are
des­tined to be, it is Jupiter who stead­fast­ly sup­ports you, to pro­vide and remind
you of the One True Path…That you are to con­duct your­self with Hon­or, Truth
and Benev­o­lent Gen­eros­i­ty. For it is from these Prin­ci­ples and Truths of
Jupiter that you project your­self into the world around you, it forms The Way
in which you relate to your world and to all with whom you journey.

So these Benef­ic Two, Venus form­ing your
Love, Jupiter form­ing your Char­ac­ter, they will ever work togeth­er to help you
find your way to Love and Truth, to stay upon that Nar­row Path, The Noble Way…The
Way of Spirit.

For you must be Lov­ing to be Loved, you
must be Gen­er­ous to be Favored. Today you see these two as one, and they reveal
this sacred truth, that Love brings Love, Good­ness brings Grace. 

In the more ordi­nary inter­pre­ta­tions of Astrol­o­gy, the Union of Venus and Jupiter means
“Good Luck”. But for those who Know and Under­stand, they bow their
heads and give thanks to this reminder shin­ing above…That you will make your world
as you live it
…So be Lov­ing and be Gen­er­ous and those Stars will smile with you as
you do your part to Lift and Light the Way…and Those Regents of Spir­it will Shine the brighter for you as well.

For the soul still seek­ing, Phi­los­o­phy means
“The Love of Wisdom”…

For the Seek­er who has found the Path…

Phi­los­o­phy is revealed to be “The
Wis­dom of Love”.

May you Walk in Beau­ty, May you Walk in

May you always Walk in “The Blessing

Mercury Conjunct Jupiter (May 27, 2013)


is part 2 of your “Pas de Trois” of Mer­cury, Venus and Jupiter, and
so hope­ful­ly your beau­ti­ful sun­set has turned into twi­light and you are able to
see these “two as one”(though of course they will still appear as
sep­a­rate points of light for you). You can click on the image above to see this
Dance unfold, but if you can go out­side and see it, well that is how it should
be. And this par­tic­u­lar align­ment is quite spe­cial, for it con­cerns how you
know what you know…

Mer­cury is the Avatar of your Inquis­i­tive, Induc­tive and
Curios­i­ty-Infused Mind…Whereas Jupiter is the Avatar of your Theorizing,
Deduc­tive and Rea­son­ing-Infused Mind. Both actu­al­ly need and depend upon one
anoth­er, for each informs and sup­ports the oth­er. Today they come togeth­er, to
begin again their year­ly jour­ney, where­in they will bob and weave and influence
one anoth­er and you…Each has and must make its right­ful con­tri­bu­tion to your
jour­ney of under­stand­ing, for you must go in and go out, you must dance the
with them, as you Weave your under­stand­ing by means of this Warp and Weft of
your Mind…for it is from both that you form an ever-unfold­ing understanding
of your­self and your world.

How­ev­er, because of Cul­tur­al and Dis­po­si­tion­al Pref­er­ences, the
Unfold­ment of var­i­ous Spir­i­tu­al or Philo­soph­i­cal Under­stand­ings led to one or
the oth­er approach as being more esteemed or dis­missed for a time, and each
side claimed the supe­ri­or­i­ty or cor­rect­ness of “their way of
knowing”…But what is tru­ly true, is that one with­out the oth­er is really
not possible…Yes, as in most dual­i­ties, the truth lies in the mys­tery of
their Union.

Each gave rise to two approach­es to your Knowing…Idealism versus
Objec­tivism, or of Spir­it ver­sus Mat­ter. Tak­en to it most extreme expression,
the Absolute Ide­al­ists would claim that all of this Phys­i­cal World is a Maya,
an Illu­sion and that only Ener­gy, Thought or Mind is Real. The Absolute
Mate­ri­al­ists would hold that every­thing is found­ed upon and aris­es from Matter,
that your Thoughts or Ideas are mere­ly chem­i­cal-elec­tro inter­ac­tions, that
noth­ing is real if it is not also ulti­mate­ly seen as hav­ing tangible
prop­er­ties, per­haps by being found­ed upon some absolute par­ti­cle of creation
(which they keep search­ing for), prob­ing ever deep­er into the cos­mos of the
sub-atom­ic world.

But just as today you see these two plan­ets join­ing together
“as one”, the Ancient Teach­ings have always rest­ed upon the Noble
Mid­dle Way, the inte­gral approach that might be best termed an Objective
Ide­al­ism. Spir­it and Mat­ter are mere­ly mir­rors to one anoth­er of the whole that
is Cre­ation, Mat­ter is Spir­it Mate­ri­al­ized as Spir­it is Mat­ter Etherealized…For
Tru­ly, the Uni­verse you exist in, all its won­drous and var­ied forms and
man­i­fes­ta­tions, it is Real for you as you per­ceive it…it is Real and yet it
is also a Maya or Illu­sion­ary too…

Now Maya has come to mean for many that this exter­nal world is not
real, that is all an Illu­sion. But this is not what Maya meant or means…Maya
comes from the San­skrit “ma”, which means to mea­sure, to form into
some­thing lim­it­ed. Maya means that you try to mea­sure and under­stand your
world, using your Induc­tive and Deduc­tive Pow­ers, but being imper­fect you form
in your thoughts a fic­tion, a fab­ri­ca­tion or illu­sion that is of your making
and that you hold onto this for the world that IS…But Cre­ation, The Divine is
not this, it is only this for you at this time…

But the Out­er Real­i­ty does in fact Exist (just as it exists within
you and through­out count­less Dimen­sions with­in and without)…The Divine IS,
but it will always be much more than you can per­ceive or deduce, of
course…But as you strive, as you grow into your Humil­i­ty and Wis­dom by
form­ing a deep­er con­nec­tion with Divine that is with­in your­self (which is the
very rea­son as to why you can come to know this Uni­verse, because you are of
this Divin­i­ty too), you can lift some more of this Veil and approach that much
clos­er to what is THAT, the Greater Real­i­ty, you can approach and bow your head
to the All-Encom­pass­ing and Compassionate…

And yet even still you will be, for­ev­er and ever you will be in a
Maya, for all in this Cre­ation are in the Mahamaya or the Greater Maya…which

What is beyond this Cre­ation is the Divine which is not Manifested.
All that is, is in this Cre­ation, and it came from and is an Ema­na­tion of THAT
which is beyond, and that is Tru­ly Unknow­able and Unspeakable…Nameless. This
Cre­ation you are in is Real for you who are of it, but it is a Maya when
com­pared with the Un-Name­able, the Inef­fa­ble and Unlim­it­ed Non-Being from which
this very Cre­ation sprang…and to which it and you will one day return…

Your Jour­ney of Know­ing and Being stretch­es back and forward
through such an Immense and Immea­sur­able Arc of Time and Space, and yet you
have with­in your­self this Divine Imma­nent Gift of Mind to Per­ceive, Conceive
and Com­pre­hend your Jour­ney and Des­tiny, and this is tru­ly a won­der in itself!

But at each stage of your jour­ney, in each step you make up that
Lad­der of Light which is your Under­stand­ing, you must for­ev­er know that you are
still and will always be as a child, filled with Won­der, Sensing-Feeling
some­thing that is Greater, and then when you final­ly reach even to this next Greater
Realm, you will find yet again that there is still some­thing beyond…and so
you must walk on…

This is the Jour­ney that you are on, that the more you understand,
the more Wise and so Hum­ble you will become, because you real­ize how much
fur­ther there is yet before you…You may look to the Great Ones for
Inspi­ra­tion, for they have walked the path that is ahead of you, and you will
believe and hope that they have reached that All-encom­pass­ing, Complete
Under­stand­ing of the Mystery…and they will smile and turn their heads and bow
to THAT, for it is The Mys­tery that is before them too…The Jour­ney of
Spir­it is and will ever be, for them as for you…

So, Today is for begin­ning again.…

To Com­mence the next cycle in your Jour­ney of Understanding…

Of Deduc­tion and Induc­tion, Of Spir­it and Matter…

Of draw­ing Down and Look­ing Up to the Won­ders that Sur­round you…

To see that The Mys­tery is All Around you, but inside of you Too!

And that is why…

The Key to your Journey…

Is to Know Yourself…

so your Uni­verse Too!

And you will accept, and you will draw closer…

the Greater Understanding…

Wis­dom, To Love…To the Divine.

Look­ing with­in, Reaching

the Light.

Walk on.

Sun Square Neptune (May 26, 2013)


it was Venus (May 13), then it was Mer­cury (May 18) and now it is the Sun’s
turn to be “Glam­oured” by the Lord of Dreams and Visions…Neptune is
shift­ing the focus to your Self…

Nep­tune Elic­its a Greater Love from Venus, who is the Avatar of your Val­ue of
Your­self, Your Love…and Nep­tune Bestows a Wider Under­stand­ing upon Mercury,
who is the Avatar of your Mind, Your Consciousness…Now Nep­tune will bring to
bear these Won­drous Pow­ers of Illu­mi­na­tion to your Sun, the Avatar of Your
Self, Your Indi­vid­u­al­i­ty or Spark of the Divine.

just as with your Love and your Mind, this process is often not what it
seems…For how could it be oth­er­wise? To Unfold and Become requires the
let­ting go and tran­scend­ing of what was Nor­mal and Expectable…To move to the
next Lev­el requires some­thing Extra-Ordi­nary, and you must Under­stand, Accept
and let go of this World of Shad­ows if you are to move clos­er to the Light…As
Always, you must let go of the Less­er if you wish to Rise into the Greater…which
is in fact your Destiny…

more often than not you are com­fort­able and attached to your less­er Experience/Expression
of Ener­gies and Forms…You think you know what and who you are…and you will
not find so appeal­ing this “gift” of a promise of some­thing Greater,
because it requires that you move into the Unknown, into that which disturbs
and threat­ens your com­forts and complacency…Growth is Chal­leng­ing, but it is, after all and ulti­mate­ly, Inevitable…

Only ques­tion is: Are you Ready to take up the Bur­dens and Joys of a quicker
Ascent now…Or do you wish to remain in the Shad­ows of Delu­sion and Fantasy
longer than “Necessary”…Do you wish to pull the cov­ers over
your­self, to remain in your world of Pre­tens­es and Pre­sump­tions, to remain in
a Con­scious­ness that has revealed itself to be Illusionary? 

For this is Why
Nep­tune is here, The Lord Nep­tune wields this Awe­some Pow­er of
Illumination/Illusion, and you will find your­self encoun­ter­ing your supposedly
True, Stead­fast and Endur­ing “Real­i­ty” as full of errors…and you
will be caught by a less than wel­come sur­prise, for Low and Behold, your Reality
is not what you had known or assumed it to be.

You will and must pass through this expe­ri­ence, Again and Again in
your Spi­ral Jour­ney of Light…You must Walk the Way of the Seek­er, who is the
Self-Becoming…You must walk down and through, again and again, that most
nec­es­sary Pas­sage­way of Humil­i­ty, which is the only Way to Wisdom…For this is
how you Progress and Become, and it is this which will lead you to Your Greater
Understanding…and it this Gift from Nep­tune, to take you through that
Mys­ti­cal Pas­sage­way, which will Free you from Illu­sion, and that Way is known
to you as Confusion!

Whether from with­in your­self as you feel a grow­ing sense that
things are not quite what they seemed…or out­ward­ly, as you encounter an
expe­ri­ence that appears out of focus and unfa­mil­iar, you find that your world
of mean­ing and order, those famil­iar Ener­gies and Forms no longer align, that
things are out of phase or place…and you real­ize that what was expectable has
become most cer­tain­ly Not! 

Cer­tain­ty is Bro­ken as you Enter this Sacred Space of Doubt and Confusion…and
this is your Sal­va­tion. For when your Faith made you Cer­tain, it was then that
you did not See or Understand…

But now with your New-Found Eyes of Won­der and
Ques­tion­ing, you can move into that Liv­ing Faith of Seeking…of Greater
Inclu­sive­ness, of Deep­er Humility…towards the Ever-Unfold­ing, Ever-Upreaching

That is who You Tru­ly Are!

You are the Self-Becom­ing, now Freer Spir­it who is reach­ing and
draw­ing clos­er to the Greater Understanding…

And so you smile, and you accept…and walk on…

Ever on, draw­ing closer…

High­er, towards the Light…

Path, clear­er to you now…

Humil­i­ty, Accep­tance…Under­stand­ing

It is The Way…

It is You.