Daily Archives: May 4, 2013

Mercury Opposition Saturn (May 5, 2013)


informs Matter…Matter binds Mind…Mind evolves Matter…The Spi­ral Dance

The cycle of your Mind and Real­i­ty have reached their yearly
reckoning…Six months ago you began a new cycle of bring­ing your thoughts into
what you always hope to be bet­ter forms of Self-Realization…In that realm
known as Man­as, your Spir­it through your Mind ever seeks to move, mold and
re-make the Mate­r­i­al World you call Real­i­ty. From the Ancient Wis­dom comes this
know­ing, that on one lev­el of under­stand­ing the Entire­ty of Cre­ation is just
var­i­ous States of Mind or of Con­scious­ness, that the Uni­verse is in fact the
Mind of the One.

Now you will see what you have wrought, how well and wise a Master
of Mind and Forms you have become…Now you will see your Thoughts in Matter,
see how much you have formed your Mind into Mat­ter, see how Well your Matter
reveals your Mind’s Intent…but also feel how Much your Mind is now Bound by
this Mat­ter you made too.

Much like the gen­er­al Invo­lu­tion of Spir­it into the Material
Worlds and the Evo­lu­tion of Spir­it out of Mat­ter (and so the Lift­ing of Matter
up too), your Mind must also descend into these phys­i­cal realms to realize
itself upon this plane. It does this both to grow for itself as well as to
par­tic­i­pate in the Great Work…For there is but One Life, and all Beings of
the One strive con­tin­u­ous­ly to lift them­selves up, and by so doing lift all other
forces and forms of man­i­fes­ta­tion, on and up to high­er and high­er planes of

You exist in an exquis­ite­ly intri­cate Hier­ar­chy of Forces and
Forms, from the Sub-Atom­ic to Galac­tic, and also and more pro­found­ly both
Inward­ly and Out­ward­ly through count­less Dimen­sions as well, and at the core of
each and every instance of these innu­mer­able Forces and Forms there resides a
Con­scious­ness-Cen­ter that is on its own end­less jour­ney of Self-Unfold­ing, of Self-Becoming…and yet at the same time each such cen­ter resides in the
Greater Con­scious­ness of the One, whose Cen­ter is Every­where and whose
Cir­cum­fer­ence is Nowhere.

In your present Human Form you expe­ri­ence this most clear­ly (yet
also most painful­ly) in your expe­ri­ence of Mind or Thought. For, “as you
Think so shall you Become”…At this stage of your Self-Becom­ing, there is
no more crit­i­cal nor dif­fi­cult “diet” for you to be on than a
“Men­tal Diet”. It is quite sim­ple to apply your­self to eat more or
less, to move more or less…but to con­trol your Mind? To nev­er, ever let your
Mind “wan­der” or be “dis­tract­ed”, or most impor­tant­ly to
nev­er let your­self dwell in “neg­a­tive” thoughts…Now that is Hard!
Very Hard Indeed…But it is most essen­tial and it is “The Work” you
must com­plete in order to “grad­u­ate” from this Earth-Bound Plane.

For most, the only option at this point in your jour­ney is to
strive for bal­ance or neu­tral­i­ty. When­ev­er a dis­turb­ing or neg­a­tive thought or
feel­ing is either direct­ed at you, or aris­es from with­in your­self, you need to
imme­di­ate­ly coun­ter­bal­ance it with a pos­i­tive thought-feel­ing so as to
reestab­lish your path towards the goal of a Free Mind…A mind that is
Obser­vant but not Judg­ing, that is Nim­ble but not Dis­tract­ed, that is
Solic­i­tous yet not Controlling…

For your Goal is to Lift your Mind so that it is Free, to raise your
Mid­dle Self and Low­er Mind and become more like Your High­er Self, To Become the
Watch­er who is Ever-Watch­ing, Ever-Learn­ing, Ever-Aspir­ing to be Freer and so
to fol­low the One True path that leads you equal­ly, for in Truth they are One,
to Wis­dom and Humility.

Today you face your Cre­ation, the thoughts you Held and Wielded
(Mer­cury) went from your­self to inform this Mate­r­i­al Realm, they flowed into
Forms and so made your present Real­i­ty (Saturn)…and you must face this

To the extent that you were able to think well and so act freely
and lov­ing­ly, then to that same extent will you find delight and satisfaction
in what you have craft­ed. But to the extent that you were held in thrall by doubts
and fear, then to that same extent will you feel your­self weighed down by these
self-forged chains of your negativity…

But there is always hope, always. For
your High­er Self and many oth­ers watch over, guide and inspire you to try yet
again…to draw that much clos­er to them and your des­tiny, to fol­low the path that they
too fol­lowed and make your way to where you will reside with a Mind that is Free,
a Heart that is Pure and a Will that is Centered…and so you will.

your future is ever-unfold­ing by your own hands, heart and mind. 

all that is around you, you made this…long, long ago. And it is done and you
must accept what you have wrought so far… 

what is to be, what is to come will to a very great extent be formed by How and
What you think of today, and tomor­row and for the next mil­len­nia too…

Well, Act Wisely…

always, always

Go with Love.