Daily Archives: May 6, 2013

Mercury Conjunct Mars (May 7, 2013)



There is no delay, there is no
time to pause and reflect, no time to talk it over (and per­haps to
re-consider)…and there­in lies your error, for this is the problem…this is
your les­son now (and always).

When Mer­cury the Messenger
aligns with Mars the Pas­sion­ate, well let’s just say that your mind or mouth
can get ahead of your bet­ter inten­tions. The excite­ment or urgency (or anger
and frus­tra­tion) will bub­ble forth and over­pow­er your mind and dis­rupt your
com­mu­ni­ca­tions and lead to errors in judg­ment and/or the break­down of social
sen­si­bil­i­ties and graces…

So you need to dou­ble-down on
your cir­cum­spec­tion today…Though you will feel some­what over­whelmed by this
insis­tent and urgent ener­gy, push­ing you to let it out, you must instead
restrain those men­tal enthu­si­asms (as well as bite your lip and hold your
tongue), and turn this ener­gy back in on itself. You can instead use this
won­der­ful infu­sion to con­sid­er the nature of your expe­ri­ence of Thought and
Desire, of how you weave your way in that per­son­al dance of Mind and Action.

For that is what this
align­ment is for, and that is what all of these align­ments can bring to you,
for they are tru­ly the Sym­bol­ic Lessons of Life, sweep­ing across the
heavens…and you must encounter and mas­ter them all as part of your Spiritual
Journey…For this very rea­son, there are no “bad” aspects (or planets),
it is real­ly how you learn about, and come to be a Mas­ter of, the ener­gies that
are tru­ly with­in and sur­round you too. 

The ener­gies
of this par­tic­u­lar aspect, if your under­stand­ing and will are lack­ing, may
induce thought­less think­ing, rushed deci­sions and intem­per­ate speech, and that
is not the “fault” of either Mars or Mer­cury. It is that you have not
yet achieved enough self-mas­tery, so the ener­gies over­whelm your more normal
and accept­able behav­ior. Either you heed­less­ly have less regard and
con­sid­er­a­tion than you would for the oth­er before you, or you expe­ri­ence their
over-whelm­ing ener­gies or demands upon you. 

than forc­ing your point of view upon the oth­er, rec­og­nize that you must always
approach one anoth­er with humil­i­ty and open­ness, for you “do not know what
you do not know”, and it is quite like­ly that by engag­ing with them in a
more con­sid­er­ate dis­cus­sion you will find your own mind and thoughts achieving
a greater nuance and depth. And, if it is the oth­er who is engaged in a rather
insis­tent and one-sided debate, then let them exhaust them­selves of this energy
before you attempt to bring the mat­ter back to a more rea­son­able lev­el of
mutu­al give and take. 

need to always strive to become more aware of these ener­gies that flow from and
around you, to learn more about them and so har­ness them to a more
con­struc­tive, mean­ing­ful and self-affirm­ing expe­ri­ence. As always, the lesson
for you, as for all who seek to become tru­ly Wise, Lov­ing and Free, is to walk
the Noble Mid­dle Path, which can only be found by those who abide in, yet ever
strive for, greater and greater Self-Under­stand­ing and Self-Control.

in this way, the align­ment of Mer­cury and Mars her­alds the begin­ning of your
next cycle of Thought and Action, of your Men­tal Body impart­ing new Meanings
and Mes­sages to be car­ried forth and exe­cut­ed by your Desire Body. And it is
equal­ly a Quick­en­ing for your Mind, as you will receive a new infu­sion of
Enthu­si­asm and Ener­gy by which your Thoughts may be inspired to reach to even greater
heights and depths with­in your soul, as well as spark a new Cycle of out­ward sub­stan­ti­a­tion of your Thought-in-Forms too.

Mean­ing and Ener­gies of this meet­ing of your Mind and Desire reside in that
most Val­ued, Sen­su­al and Sub­stan­tial realm of Tau­rus. You are offered by their
join­ing a won­der­ful chance to bring into being what you have imag­ined, wished
and longed for…to move that much clos­er to Cre­at­ing, Pre­serv­ing and Abiding
in a world of Beau­ty, Love and Understanding. 

May you
pause at this time and listen…with your Heart.

May you
begin anew to cre­ate a bet­ter world…by your Love.

And May
you come to abide in a state of Grace and Beauty…with one another.

May it be so.