Mercury Conjunct Sun (May 11, 2013)


Her­mes has reached his Superior
Con­junc­tion with the Sun, and so you too have reached anoth­er culmination/revelation
in your Jour­ney of Mind. This align­ment is when Mer­cury has come around to the
“Far Side” of the Sun rel­a­tive to you, and so it is more like a
“Full Moon” for Mer­cury and your Mind. When Mer­cury ret­ro­grades and
comes back across the Sun in the Infe­ri­or Con­junc­tion, well that align­ment is
like a “New Moon” for your Mind. Three times in a year, this Mer­cury cycle
of Seed­ing and Reap­ing will repeat for you.

Your Jour­ney of Self-Unfold­ment is like
a Spi­ral Dance, which swirls around in intri­cate, inter­sect­ing cycles Formed
and Guid­ed by all these Lords of Time and Space, most vivid­ly evi­denced by the
cycle of the Sun and Moon, but also with Mer­cury and Venus, Mars, Jupiter and
out to Plu­to too. For they repeat­ed­ly meet up and align with one anoth­er in a
series of Har­mon­ic Align­ments based on the divi­sion of the 360 degrees of the
Cir­cle of Life called the Zodi­ac. From Con­junc­tion (or “New Moon”),
to Wax­ing First Quar­ter, to Wax­ing Trine to Oppo­si­tion (or “Full
Moon”) and then back in reverse order to a new Con­junc­tion, each phase
car­ries Ener­gies and Mean­ings to guide your Jour­ney on Earth.

The last Begin­ning or New Moon for your
Mind was in ear­ly March, which is when a fresh offer­ing of new Thought-Forms
were seed­ed into your world dur­ing Mer­cury’s last retrograde…Today, is when
you are asked to step back and see what you have under­stood, formed and
real­ized in your jour­ney of Con­scious­ness. The Seed of this present cycle came
from Pisces, and your Har­vest today is in Taurus.

How­ev­er, remem­ber, as it is like a
“Full Moon” for Mer­cury, it real­ly is about your under­stand­ing the
inte­gral rela­tion­ship of Tau­rus with its oppo­site Scor­pio, and you need to see
how this Aware­ness is the ful­fill­ment of that Seed­ing of Mean­ing that began in

That Seed­ing of Pisces springs from your
heart of hearts, and encour­ages you to believe in your Pow­ers of Imagination,
Dream­ing and Faith. That through your most pre­cious gift of Intu­ition, perhaps
as you were mov­ing beyond nor­mal men­tal bound­aries in a day­dream, or upon
awak­en­ing from your night’s rest after hav­ing been graced by a whis­per from
your High­er Self, you found your­self with a renewed sense of the way in which
to approach an old prob­lem, or found inspi­ra­tion to pur­sue some alto­geth­er new endeavor…Whatever
and whichev­er, a new way of Know­ing began to take shape in your mind’s eye.

Today you need stand back and see what
these Ten Weeks have made man­i­fest, to see how well your new approach has
allowed you to resolve the prob­lem you faced, or how well your new idea has
become estab­lished with­in the frame­work of your life.

The ves­sel of your under­stand­ing will be
found and formed by this rela­tion­ship of Tau­rus and Scor­pio, by the Sun and
Mer­cury togeth­er while you abide upon Earth. You see illu­mined the Dream and
Idea of Val­ue made Real and Sub­stan­tial today, brought down from your Mind and come
to life in this boun­ti­ful Tau­rus World of Forms. But you equal­ly must turn and see
the Truth from Scor­pio too, that what­ev­er fin­er form you have made is only for
a time, whether for a day, a month or a hun­dred years, because the Divine Flame
of Spir­it must con­tin­ue the Jour­ney of Becom­ing and so the World will change
and so shall you.

The sto­ry and les­son is there to remind you who you are…

For­ev­er and always, you must grow and become…

To con­tin­ue to Form your­self, and so your
world, into ever more per­fect forms…

But to always remem­ber that you are
Free, and that you are not the form…

You are the Form-Mak­er, a Cre­ator in

The Dream­er weav­ing Light into Forms and Worlds…

And you have only just begun.

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