Venus Square Neptune (May 13, 2013)


Things are not what they seem…and depending
upon how you under­stand what the Uni­verse is ask­ing of you, you are either going
to end up feel­ing a bit con­fused (and per­haps even deceived) or filled with a
renewed sense of wonder.

is danc­ing through Gem­i­ni now, and your sen­si­bil­i­ties thrill to the delights of
explor­ing the Deli­cious Diver­si­ties of your world. You need to par­take in the
many nuanced reflec­tions of Aes­thet­ic and Social Sen­si­bil­i­ties that you find mirrored
with­in your­self and seek as well in those who accom­pa­ny you. For now, you
are in this Gem­i­ni Way of Seek­ing, Eval­u­at­ing and Under­stand­ing your World, and
so every form and expe­ri­ence with­in it will appear to you as some multi-faceted
Jew­el, sparkling with many Vari­a­tions on what­ev­er Sub­ject, Theme or Experience
you are par­tic­i­pat­ing in. You find that you need and wish to look through the many
Win­dows of Life with a child­like Delight in Dis­cov­ery, with your Eyes Wide and filled
with Wonderment.

How­ev­er, you may find that these many-mirrored
ways become a lit­tle more than con­fus­ing, and you may in fact stum­ble into
realms of decep­tion and self-decep­tion when Nep­tune weighs in today. Though
par­tak­ing in these vari­eties of val­ue, beau­ty and cul­ture are most nec­es­sary to
your devel­op­ment, both as a deep­en­ing and broad­en­ing of your own rela­tion­ship to
your expe­ri­ence of Love, you may fall into con­fu­sion or error as Nep­tune pushes
those facets of your appar­ent Uni­verse into the Frac­tals of the greater Multi-Verse.

For it is one thing to under­stand and appreciate
the var­ied nuances of val­ue with­in your world, but as you trav­el beyond the
ordi­nary, you may assume over much that the oth­er before you shares your point
of view. Those facets that joined with some agree­ment and under­stand­ing become
bent, twist­ed and dis­solve as you fall into the error of mis­read­ing another’s
inten­tion or pro­ject­ing too much of your view upon them…or it is they who
have fall­en, pro­ject­ing their view, their wish or fear upon you. From whichever
side, the chances for mis­un­der­stand­ing, delu­sion and decep­tion are that much

But the Uni­verse is not seek­ing to lead
you astray, it is ever abet­ting and encour­ag­ing your growth which requires that
you leave behind the less­er and move into your Greater Aware­ness. At each step
you take you come to the next Cer­tain­ty, the next lev­el of Truth that will and
must hold for a time (but hope­ful­ly, over time, you will come to understand
that it is all rel­a­tive, so that you grow in Wis­dom and Humil­i­ty equally).

Always remem­ber, Cer­tain­ty is very
over-rat­ed. When you are cer­tain you will pro­ceed to relate to the oth­er with
no adapt­abil­i­ty or true empa­thy, and those mis­cues and errors will grow and
swell and could even­tu­al­ly undo what might have been.

Nep­tune here offers you a chance, to see
that things are not so cer­tain, not so def­i­nite and you must open your range of
per­cep­tions and expec­ta­tions if you are to con­sid­er mat­ters in a more nuanced
light. For a time this can bring about doubts and con­fu­sion, as you seek to
find your way in this new world of danc­ing Light and Shadows…

Your con­fu­sion is a most nec­es­sary price
you must pay, again and again, in order to let go of the less­er understanding
in order show you the way into the Greater…

For those who are cer­tain, they have their
self-made shad­ows firm­ly set…

They see but through a glass that is of
Dark­ness and Doubt.

But when you tru­ly open your­self with
Won­der and Acceptance…

When you ques­tion, and seek and strive
to move beyond…

Those Shad­ows begin to soft­en, and a New
World stands in the Light.

You see the Greater Truth of all in One
and One in All…

There Hope and True Love ever prevail…

At the Cross­ing Point between the
Dark­ness and the Light.

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