Daily Archives: May 14, 2013

Mercury Enters Gemini (May 15, 2013)


Her­mes, the Fleet-Foot­ed mes­sen­ger, who
flies between those Star­ry Realms above and your Earth­ly plane below, returns to
his home sign of Gem­i­ni. Yet he is already begin­ning to slow down as he arcs
his way around the Sun and approach­es the next ret­ro­grade in late June. He is
still mov­ing at his top speed right now, which means he will only be in Gemini
for just over two weeks…So you had bet­ter take advan­tage of all this
delight­ful­ly engag­ing Airy Ener­gy while it lasts! (Take note of this, because Mercury
is going ret­ro­grade at the end of June, and he will swim, back and forth, in and out, through
those Waters of Can­cer for over two months!)

The realm of Air is where Her­mes shines,
for your grow­ing Self-Aware­ness is found­ed upon those Mer­cu­r­ial Pow­ers which
have endowed you with the abil­i­ty to pon­der and ques­tion, to com­pare and
con­trast, to observe and rea­son as you seek to know your world and yourself
through an ever-expand­ing means of Perception-Understanding.

For the next two weeks, you should do
your utmost to let your mind rejoice in its pli­a­bil­i­ty, inge­nu­ity and comically
con­trar­i­an nature. It is most nec­es­sary to your growth that you
question…Everything. Chal­lenge your­self and oth­ers to step out­side their
com­fort zones and look at your assump­tions and self-made “facts”,
which as often as they may pro­vide frame­works will inevitably veil you from a more
com­plete understanding.

These nec­es­sary par­a­digms, like steps upon a spi­ral stair­way, reveal much to
you for a time, but they equal­ly forge and hold you enthralled, cre­at­ing the very shad­ows, those
dif­fer­ences and dilem­mas that you must free your­self from in order to become.
Like a Spi­ral Flame of Light, you rise from lev­el to lev­el, from the ordi­nary to
an ever more inclu­sive and extra­or­di­nary per­spec­tive. You will dis­cov­er as you
let go and grow, that many intractable prob­lems melt away by you shift­ing your
Per­spec­tives-Assump­tions as you appre­hend new approach­es and solutions.

Remem­ber, your Jour­ney of Self-Becoming
is found­ed upon a most Holy Trin­i­ty, the Three Prin­ci­ple Attrib­ut­es of Spirit
that are a Cen­tered Will, Uncon­di­tion­al Love and a Free Mind. The Spir­it within
you, your Spark of the Divine, is the source of your Self-Aware­ness, and it is
ever seek­ing to inspire, guide and help you to real­ize your Des­tiny, which is
to grow through and yet ulti­mate­ly tran­scend your more lim­it­ed under­stand­ing as
you climb the Path of Light and approach the Greater Aware­ness of Cos­mic Consciousness.

Rejoice in Her­mes, who has come to lead
you through the Por­tal to his Realm…

He, who is named, but is not known, by
many names…Trickster, Coy­ote, Fool and Clown.

He shows you the Way to Wis­dom, through
Humil­i­ty and Laughter.

You Dance a Spi­ral Dance of

Your Jour­ney of Shad­ows lead­ing you into the

Lift­ing you Home­ward to the Stars.