Daily Archives: May 17, 2013

Mercury Square Neptune (May 18, 2013)


Feel­ing a bit fuzzy or distracted…Maybe
you mis­re­mem­bered some­thing, or you lost or mis­placed some­thing (or someone!)…Your
mind wan­dered off or you did not pay atten­tion to what was being said, or where
you were going…And so you have inad­ver­tent­ly crossed over into that twilight
realm, of swirling mists, of twin­kling lights and danc­ing shad­ows, and you
real­ize that you are real­ly “not in Kansas anymore”…

Well, that’s just fine because your
Con­scious­ness need­ed this…You always need this real­ly, for it is this kind of
expe­ri­ence that is most nec­es­sary for your Spi­ral Jour­ney of Light, as this is
how you grow into your Greater Awareness…You grow because you encounter this
chal­lenge to your Per­cep­tions, Assump­tions and Cer­tain­ties and begin to realize
that maybe there is more here than you have imagined.

Because when you stum­ble into these
errors or con­fu­sion, you become turned around and about, and you have to lift
your­self up and con­sid­er anoth­er way of per­ceiv­ing, con­ceiv­ing and know­ing you
and your world…Over time you will come to know and accept that your journey
of Con­scious­ness is a cycle of mov­ing cease­less­ly from Cer­tain­ty, to Doubt, to
Confusion…and it is then that you turn with a new-found Openness…and this in turn gives birth to
your New Awareness…But of course, you again become “Cer­tain” about that…until…

It is the Great Lord Nep­tune who is ever
there and will make and remind you of this today. For you will only grow by
let­ting go, and you only let go when the hold­ing on to what is non­sense is
clear­ly the one thing you are cer­tain you can no longer do!

And so Nep­tune, who you might wish to hold
at fault for bring­ing this con­fu­sion into your life, is equal­ly and actu­al­ly the
Avatar who offers you this way through to the Light of a Greater Understanding.
For only when you acknowl­edge that your for­mer under­stand­ing was full of
Illu­sions can you open your Mind (and Heart) to the Clear-See­ing, Compassionate
Light of Illu­mi­na­tion that is the Truth of Neptune.

For it is this which Nep­tune offers you, it is the Foun­tain Source of your Faith and Imag­i­na­tion that springs from what holds
the entire­ty of Cre­ation and you togeth­er as One…the One Abid­ing and Bind­ing Light, the Forces and Forms of the Divine that you call Love.

Do not be trou­bled if you are

For it is a sign that you are aware and

Let­ting go of your shack­les of Cer­tain­ty, you question.

Let your­self move into a Liv­ing Faith
of Open­ness and Love…

Seek­ing and so find­ing a more Expansive,
Inclu­sive and Hum­ble Way.

For this is Wis­dom, this is your path…

This is the Wis­dom of Love.