Great Journey of Spirit has come around to this most sacred way, this most holy
place…for this is where innocence was lost…and your redemption was
born…This is the Portal to your Greater Awareness…
Every Sign speaks to your Journey of Spirit, of the
Self-Unfoldment of your powers and abilities, as you pass through many
dimensions, with many energies and through many forms in this great Spiral
Journey of Light. But something quite remarkable and integral to your journey
back to the stars happened (and happens) here in the mystery that is Gemini.
This is the moment, in the past and in those far distant-futures, but always
and forever in your ever-present Now, this is that moment that is forever and
ever that you became/become Self-Aware.
Whether in the “myths” of Prometheus, Lucifer, Loki,
Kali, Quetzalcoatl and countless and forgotten others, the story is told as to
how the Non Self-Aware Beings, in our case Humans, receive the gift from those
“whose great honor and sacrifice is to do what was also done unto
them”, they descend so as to pass on “The Light”, bestowing upon
the still Sleeping Ones this Fire or Light of Self-Awareness.
This is “the Fall” from the so-called “Blessed
State” of the Self that is Undifferentiated (the Pure State of “I
Am”), of Being one with the One, who by becoming Self-Aware are thereby
cast out of the Garden of Eden (of Blissful Ignorance) and into that Wilderness
of Wandering through these Worlds of Duality…
By becoming a Being awakened to “I am That”, now
distinct and feeling this wondrous and yet painful separation, being aware of
this, they take up the journey of Self-Conscious Beings who now strive to
Understand these Energies and Forms of Reality in Matter, and so by their
Self-Making/Self-Realizations they Forge their Pathway of Light back to the
One…They return as Prodigal Sons and Daughters, bringing back to the One
these Gifts of the Experience of Self-Realization…
This is the Portal, that leads to the Greater Awareness, the path
is through Duality, to be caught between Self and Other, Darkness and Light,
Being and Non-Being as you, The Pilgrim, seeks ever to understand from whence
did I come, for what reason am I here…and where and what am I to become?
is The Journey…That you left from the One as Un-Self Conscious Sparks of the
Divine, winging your way through Time and Space, through Dimensions, Energies,
Worlds and Forms…
countless eons your journey was experienced but remained without Self-Knowing,
until this Portal and the Gift Bestowed…
the rest of your journey you will seek to return..
To find
the way to heal these divisions of Self and Other…
which so much confusion, error and pain arise.
To find
your way beyond the Illusion…
Where each and every appear as separate from
one another…
to the One, back in the Living Truth.
all are ones of the One…
Wisdom, Love and Strength…
Abide Forever and Ever…
Within you, Between you and Throughout Creation.
For you are the Prodigal Pilgrims, the Sons and Daughters…
Finding your way Home.