Daily Archives: May 23, 2013

Full Moon Eclipse in Sagittarius (May 24–25, 2013)


This is anoth­er of the eclipses that I
wrote of in my Gen­er­al 2013 Fore­cast:

Moon Eclipse in Sagit­tar­ius (May 24–25)

sec­ond of three Lunar Eclipses moves the top­ic from Taurus/Scorpio to
Gemini/Sagittarius. Here is a map of where the Eclipse will be vis­i­ble
. It
will be seen in North and South Amer­i­ca and South­west Europe and Western

Lunar Eclipse con­cerns the rela­tion­ship between your low­er mind and your higher
mind, between your induc­tive and deduc­tive ways of com­pre­hend­ing your world.
The Sun in Gem­i­ni has been extolling the virtues of your Induc­tive Mind, and
the Full Moon would nor­mal­ly be able to offer a bal­anc­ing point of view of
Deduc­tive Reasoning. 

But the Earth­’s shad­ow is get­ting in the way, so something
in your present assump­tions, some­thing in regards to your Truths, Beliefs or
Prin­ci­ples is obscur­ing the mes­sage. It is time to chal­lenge your­self and
ques­tion your assump­tions so that you might become less blind­ed by your
self-cast shadows.

may look, but you will not notice any­thing dif­fer­ent about this Full Moon that
is Eclipsed today…and that is because the Moon will bare­ly enter the Penumbra
of the Earth­’s shad­ow, and to the unaid­ed eye there will be no discernible
shad­ow­ing what­so­ev­er. The Veil is there, but you can­not see it, and so the
mes­sage of the Full Moon will appear to be clear and true, but things are not
what they seem, (of course, they sel­dom are). More­over the Moon is very close
to you now, at what is called its “Perigee” or clos­est point to
Earth, so her influ­ence upon var­i­ous mat­ters, (phys­i­cal, emo­tion­al and
intu­itive) are that much stronger.

the Sagit­tar­i­an Full Moon would pro­vide a wel­come and nec­es­sary coun­ter­point to
the Sun’s pas­sage through Gem­i­ni. Every sign needs and ben­e­fits from the
Illu­mi­na­tion pro­vid­ed by con­tem­plat­ing and inte­grat­ing the sensibilities,
sen­si­tiv­i­ties and strengths of its oppo­site sign. So much so that if you really
wish to ful­fill your Aries Indi­vid­u­al­i­ty for exam­ple, you must under­stand and
accept the Truth of Libra too…Or for the Capri­corns, you can only find your
way to the Moun­tain­top if you equal­ly under­stand and secure your Life in those
Foun­da­tion­al Waters that Can­cer pro­vides. Each sign needs this bal­anc­ing and
inte­gra­tion, and at each Full Moon we should see and cel­e­brate this wonderful
inter­play of Spir­i­tu­al Ener­gies and Forms…

here at the Eclipse of the Sagit­tar­i­an Moon the Earth­’s shad­ow is somewhat
obscur­ing this mes­sage of the inte­gral rela­tion­ship of Gem­i­ni with Sagittarius.
For it is from Sagit­tar­ius that Gem­i­ni obtains the very Frame­work of
Under­stand­ing that per­mits the per­cep­tion, gath­er­ing, col­lat­ing, categorizing
and relat­ing of the data points and “facts” of the world you walk
through. Gem­i­ni seeks to gath­er and assim­i­late expe­ri­ence, but to do so requires
some frame­work of under­stand­ing, some form of align­ing the var­i­ous sens­es to
bring in these inputs, to find the order and mean­ing veiled in the Chaos.

So it is from these Prin­ci­ples, Assump­tions and Points
of View of Sagit­tar­ius that you cre­ate the win­dow on the world for your Gemini
Inquis­i­tive­ness and Curios­i­ty to play in…And if you alter this Par­a­digm, if you
Change your Point of View, then these very “Facts” will change for
you too!

here the hope for Illu­mi­na­tion of your Assump­tions, and the under­stand­ing that
it could pro­vide regard­ing the Rel­a­tiv­i­ty of your Facts, this Rev­e­la­tion may be
hid­den from you by this Shad­ow­ing of the Moon. What can you do? Well, as
always, remem­ber the Ancient Teach­ings and for­ev­er seek to stay upon the Middle
Path, the Noble Way of being nei­ther whol­ly Induc­tive or Deduc­tive in your
Under­stand­ing of your Reality.

The Way to Wis­dom is also the Way of Humility
which requires that you dance between Induc­tion and Deduc­tion, refin­ing and
adjust­ing your assump­tions and data points, and then adjusting
again…Constantly…For what is True and Real at a par­tic­u­lar Lev­el of
Con­scious­ness or Under­stand­ing will become super­seded and revealed as being
incom­plete at your next Greater Understanding…

only Path is the Way of Humil­i­ty and Open­ness, of Know­ing that the more you Know
the more you real­ize how lit­tle you tru­ly Under­stand, as ever Wider and Deeper
Vis­tas are opened before you at each stage of this, your Jour­ney of Rev­e­la­tion Unbounded…

only Truth for you the Pil­grim of Light, Love and Will is to fol­low the Great

each Plateau of Perception…

As you pause at this new High­er Plane of Understanding…

need do but one thing…

Remem­ber that you are here to grow…

And so you must…


Mercury Conjunct Venus (May 24, 2013)


of the Stars — “Pas de Trois” of Mer­cury, Venus and Jupiter

this should be some show! If you are for­tu­nate, you should be able to look to
the west at sun­set over the next few days and expe­ri­ence a Triple Treat! From
where the Sun has just set you should look up from the hori­zon and you will see
lined up three “Stars”, which are in fact the Plan­ets Mer­cury and
Venus close togeth­er and then slight­ly above them Jupiter form­ing a Triple
Con­junc­tion! The Sun in New York will set around 8:10 pm EDT and around 7:50 pm
in Los Ange­les, so as twi­light wanes and night begins you should be able to see
these bright­ly shin­ing three..

click on the image above to see a GIF ani­ma­tion of their beau­ti­ful dance with
one another.

over the next week, you can watch their dance unfold every evening as after
Mer­cury aligns with Venus on May 24, then Mer­cury will align with Jupiter on
May 27 and final­ly Venus catch­es up and aligns with Jupiter on May 28, after
which they will begin to slow­ly sep­a­rate from one anoth­er. In fact Jupiter will
slow­ly van­ish from this “Pas de Trois” alto­geth­er as the Sun
“catch­es up” to Jupiter who is then enveloped or “lost” in
the glo­ry of the Sun.

first of the three, Mer­cury Con­junct Venus, brings togeth­er the Avatars of your
Mind and your Heart. This is tru­ly a most won­der­ful time to reflect and share
your thoughts with your beloved, to enjoy your most inti­mate appre­ci­a­tions for
life and for one anoth­er. With both Mer­cury and Venus in Gem­i­ni, you will find
your delight in exten­sion and vari­ety, in the many facets and refract­ed, nuanced
plea­sures of Val­ue, Beau­ty and Love. Gem­i­ni being an Airy Sign of the Mind,
mod­u­lates your Love and Pas­sion for Life to flow through your Conversations,
Texts and Mes­sag­ing, weav­ing your way of Love and Beau­ty through your Writ­ings and Word-Plays…

This is when you can see Life and Beau­ty through the
mul­ti­plic­i­ties of your world, cel­e­brat­ing the delight­ful vari­eties of shapes
and col­ors, of scents, sounds and touch…The Ordi­nary or Rou­tine just will not
do…it is in Dis­cov­ery, Chance, Inter­play and the plea­sures found in the Joy
of your Minds reach­ing out to touch the Larg­er World and One Another…

Yes, it is
here with the Sylphs of Air that you can Sing and Dance and cel­e­brate the Beau­ty With­in and Around you too!

Though you will and must ever “Walk in Beauty”…

This is a Day to Sing of Beauty…

This is a Day to Speak in Beauty…

This a Day to tell your Beloved…

You are…Beautiful!