Daily Archives: May 25, 2013

Sun Square Neptune (May 26, 2013)


it was Venus (May 13), then it was Mer­cury (May 18) and now it is the Sun’s
turn to be “Glam­oured” by the Lord of Dreams and Visions…Neptune is
shift­ing the focus to your Self…

Nep­tune Elic­its a Greater Love from Venus, who is the Avatar of your Val­ue of
Your­self, Your Love…and Nep­tune Bestows a Wider Under­stand­ing upon Mercury,
who is the Avatar of your Mind, Your Consciousness…Now Nep­tune will bring to
bear these Won­drous Pow­ers of Illu­mi­na­tion to your Sun, the Avatar of Your
Self, Your Indi­vid­u­al­i­ty or Spark of the Divine.

just as with your Love and your Mind, this process is often not what it
seems…For how could it be oth­er­wise? To Unfold and Become requires the
let­ting go and tran­scend­ing of what was Nor­mal and Expectable…To move to the
next Lev­el requires some­thing Extra-Ordi­nary, and you must Under­stand, Accept
and let go of this World of Shad­ows if you are to move clos­er to the Light…As
Always, you must let go of the Less­er if you wish to Rise into the Greater…which
is in fact your Destiny…

more often than not you are com­fort­able and attached to your less­er Experience/Expression
of Ener­gies and Forms…You think you know what and who you are…and you will
not find so appeal­ing this “gift” of a promise of some­thing Greater,
because it requires that you move into the Unknown, into that which disturbs
and threat­ens your com­forts and complacency…Growth is Chal­leng­ing, but it is, after all and ulti­mate­ly, Inevitable…

Only ques­tion is: Are you Ready to take up the Bur­dens and Joys of a quicker
Ascent now…Or do you wish to remain in the Shad­ows of Delu­sion and Fantasy
longer than “Necessary”…Do you wish to pull the cov­ers over
your­self, to remain in your world of Pre­tens­es and Pre­sump­tions, to remain in
a Con­scious­ness that has revealed itself to be Illusionary? 

For this is Why
Nep­tune is here, The Lord Nep­tune wields this Awe­some Pow­er of
Illumination/Illusion, and you will find your­self encoun­ter­ing your supposedly
True, Stead­fast and Endur­ing “Real­i­ty” as full of errors…and you
will be caught by a less than wel­come sur­prise, for Low and Behold, your Reality
is not what you had known or assumed it to be.

You will and must pass through this expe­ri­ence, Again and Again in
your Spi­ral Jour­ney of Light…You must Walk the Way of the Seek­er, who is the
Self-Becoming…You must walk down and through, again and again, that most
nec­es­sary Pas­sage­way of Humil­i­ty, which is the only Way to Wisdom…For this is
how you Progress and Become, and it is this which will lead you to Your Greater
Understanding…and it this Gift from Nep­tune, to take you through that
Mys­ti­cal Pas­sage­way, which will Free you from Illu­sion, and that Way is known
to you as Confusion!

Whether from with­in your­self as you feel a grow­ing sense that
things are not quite what they seemed…or out­ward­ly, as you encounter an
expe­ri­ence that appears out of focus and unfa­mil­iar, you find that your world
of mean­ing and order, those famil­iar Ener­gies and Forms no longer align, that
things are out of phase or place…and you real­ize that what was expectable has
become most cer­tain­ly Not! 

Cer­tain­ty is Bro­ken as you Enter this Sacred Space of Doubt and Confusion…and
this is your Sal­va­tion. For when your Faith made you Cer­tain, it was then that
you did not See or Understand…

But now with your New-Found Eyes of Won­der and
Ques­tion­ing, you can move into that Liv­ing Faith of Seeking…of Greater
Inclu­sive­ness, of Deep­er Humility…towards the Ever-Unfold­ing, Ever-Upreaching

That is who You Tru­ly Are!

You are the Self-Becom­ing, now Freer Spir­it who is reach­ing and
draw­ing clos­er to the Greater Understanding…

And so you smile, and you accept…and walk on…

Ever on, draw­ing closer…

High­er, towards the Light…

Path, clear­er to you now…

Humil­i­ty, Accep­tance…Under­stand­ing

It is The Way…

It is You.